An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
What do you mean who cares? This is a community of gamers who enjoy this as a passion and would like to relive the SNES.
"Who cares"
If you sell the snes, you get the helmet and gun FOR FREE!
Yeah, same. I didn't care much about NES classic either, but SNES is the GOAT.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
Honest question, not intending to offend, but why are people with 2 orders justifying their multiple orders as 'I bought one for my brother/cousin/friend/coworker/ misc acquaintance'? This whole process is so screwed now that people feel the need to validate that they aren't scalping an extra unit? I don't see why anyone would be raising an eyebrow at 2 units, or even 3. Hell, with how this situation appears headed it's pretty smart to buy an extra as a backup, whether you keep it or give to someone else. Someone going out and buying 10/20/30 units.....well yeah. I think the intent is fairly obvious there.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
People in here are (rightfully) miffed at not being able to preorder a SNES classic. 2-3 preorder people are probably just wanting to reiterate (myself included) that they're not wanting to scalp...probably because everybody has been on edge since this damn thing was announced.
Honest question, not intending to offend, but why are people with 2 orders justifying their multiple orders as 'I bought one for my brother/cousin/friend/coworker/ misc acquaintance'? This whole process is so screwed now that people feel the need to validate that they aren't scalping an extra unit? I don't see why anyone would be raising an eyebrow at 2 units, or even 3. Hell, with how this situation appears headed it's pretty smart to buy an extra as a backup, whether you keep it or give to someone else. Someone going out and buying 10/20/30 units.....well yeah. I think the intent is fairly obvious there.
Agreed with that sentiment. But there are lots of people in this thread currently empty handed and understandably frustrated. So to come on here and be like 'I got more than I need,' when others have none might aggravate frustrations. Also, scalpers are a huge problem and there are loads of them just trying to turn an extra buck and take advantage of a situation that's already shitty for lots of people. They're one of the biggest reasons for so many people not getting one, so there's lots of sensitivity there.
There are posters in here who've openly admitted to buying to scalp. So some of us just want to distance ourselves from that sort while we discuss our situations as this Wal-Mart multi-order-cancelation crusade sweeps through.
No Viewtiful Joe, or Killer 7.... utter shame.Gamecube classic:
Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Soulcalibur 2
Super Monkey Ball
Luigi's Mansion
F-Zero GX
Tales of Symphonia
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Animal Crossing
Double Dash
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Even half on that on one box would be fantastic. Far superior to a 64 one.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
No Viewtiful Joe, or Killer 7.... utter shame.
Gamecube classic:
Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Soulcalibur 2
Super Monkey Ball
Luigi's Mansion
F-Zero GX
Tales of Symphonia
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Animal Crossing
Double Dash
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Even half on that on one box would be fantastic. Far superior to a 64 one.
Gamecube classic:
Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Soulcalibur 2
Super Monkey Ball
Luigi's Mansion
F-Zero GX
Tales of Symphonia
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Animal Crossing
Double Dash
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Even half on that on one box would be fantastic. Far superior to a 64 one.
Yep. Was born in 89 so I should be prime N64 nostalgia age but I've always felt that, with the exception of a few games, the N64 era hadn't aged well at all.
GameCube classic might be good but most of its best games are already on the Wii U in some form or another.
I find the controller situation is what most makes a N64 Classic unlikely. That monstrous ergonomic nightmare... and 4 of them per console? They'd have to make so many for such a limited run. Just can't see that happening.
An N64 Classic would be an easy skip for me.
Gamecube classic:
Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Metroid Prime
Soulcalibur 2
Super Monkey Ball
Luigi's Mansion
F-Zero GX
Tales of Symphonia
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Animal Crossing
Double Dash
Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader
Even half on that on one box would be fantastic. Far superior to a 64 one.
The preorder from Amazon Italy has been up for a couple hours. Must not be as high of demand over there.
Wonder if they ship to US....
I would still like one, just for the fact that I (very fucking stupidly) let go of my N64 forever ago, and would like to have the physical console again like I do with the NES classic and soon SNES classic (without spending an arm and leg on the games). But with that said, it definitely makes the N64 classic a harder sell if Nintendo can't get the glorious RARE games on it, that make up for half of my "most wanted" N64 games. Assuming modding exists for it, sure you can probably get them on there, but out of the box that is a much harder sell without those games being there. Not to mention, i'm sure the shit show will continue to just get you hands on one of them. Not sure I want to go through the fiasco the SNES preorder was again for the N64, as much as I would like one...its no SNES.
Those who ordered at Walmart with cancellations & paid with PayPal, have you received payment back to your PayPal, yet?
You wanna buy a megaman helmet??? Interested??? Halloween is coming up.
Still no cancellations from Walmart...
The waaaaaaiting is the hardest paaart.
I just hope it's one order and not both.
Expect to only get 1 from Walmart. This was the link they provided me in the cancellation email,
Pre-orders are up again at
GameCube Classic
Because people are misdirecting their anger at the wrong people. It's ridiculous people feel the need to clarify why they bought numerous ones and why anyone is upset at them for it. Be mad at nintendo. It's entirely their fault for putting people in this situation. Being angry at others for taking advantage of it is fucking stupid. That's not how the free market works.Honest question, not intending to offend, but why are people with 2 orders justifying their multiple orders as 'I bought one for my brother/cousin/friend/coworker/ misc acquaintance'? This whole process is so screwed now that people feel the need to validate that they aren't scalping an extra unit? I don't see why anyone would be raising an eyebrow at 2 units, or even 3. Hell, with how this situation appears headed it's pretty smart to buy an extra as a backup, whether you keep it or give to someone else. Someone going out and buying 10/20/30 units.....well yeah. I think the intent is fairly obvious there.