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SNES Classic Preorder Shitshow Discussion (Please Read Rules in OP)


If it ends up being legit I'm going to be so damn happy. What are the fucking odds that I wake up in the middle of the night to find I missed out on the Best Buy pre-order, get majorly disappointed, and then 1 hour later I get on the Amazon one.

This exact thing happened to me. I fell asleep super early, like 7 PM, woke up randomly 45 minutes after the Best Buy listing had ended. Was disappointed. Tried to go back to sleep but said fuck it and stayed up and caught the Amazon listing. Win!
So now I have a Best Buy order (mine), an Amazon US order (my friend, unless he manages to get his own order in or my Best Buy gets cancelled), and Amazon UK (assuming it doesn't get cancelled and my US orders don't as well, I'll probably cancel this unless I can afford to get one for the hell of it).

Feeling good.


Neo Member
I keep refreshing the link and it alternates between been sold out to being available.

hmmm now it seems to stay sold out


More than a member.
Preordered 4 but dont intend to sell. I just wanted to be sure to have at leaSt 2.
One for me one for my gf if I receive them all I will sell at no profit or I'll return 2 of them.

Got one on amazon.de at 105, one from Fnac at 95 one from amazon fr at 95 and another one from -I need to check I forgot- at 85.

Stayed at one order max per site so I should get all four.
Ok, so I just woke up and see this thread and figure its just more (pre) preorder banter......to find that people have preorderd!!!!!!???? Was I under a rock and this was announced to go live last night/early this morning or something????


This exact thing happened to me. I fell asleep super early, like 7 PM, woke up randomly 45 minutes after the Best Buy listing had ended. Was disappointed. Tried to go back to sleep but said fuck it and stayed up and caught the Amazon listing. Win!

I fell asleep randomly on my sofa right before their listing went up and missed it. Then woke up cause my wife was still on the sofa and wanted to play overwatch, so glad we played till 4:45am est so I could get this Amazon preorder in.
Ok, so I just woke up and see this thread and figure its just more (pre) preorder banter......to find that people have preorderd!!!!!!???? Was I under a rock and this was announced to go live last night/early this morning or something????

Basically. Best Buy put it up for pre-order super late, and Amazon just had a link that seems legit (still questionable) and that also just went out of stock. Hell I've been awake and coming in and out of these threads and I still missed it.


Ok, so I just woke up and see this thread and figure its just more (pre) preorder banter......to find that people have preorderd!!!!!!???? Was I under a rock and this was announced to go live last night/early this morning or something????

Best Buy went up around 3, and was gone in 20 minutes. Amazon went up like 20 minutes ago and now it's gone. Bear in mind that the amazon listing is not the one they had up for months now, it's a new one with a weird name, but it's aparently the real deal. But regardless, it's gone now too.
Ok, so I just woke up and see this thread and figure its just more (pre) preorder banter......to find that people have preorderd!!!!!!???? Was I under a rock and this was announced to go live last night/early this morning or something????

No, but we knew it was going to be up any day now. Best Buy had it up first, then official trailers for JP, US, and UK hit youtube, and then Amazon dropped the stealth bomb.


Not fast at all considering there was no limit on how many one can order, and the news spread fast.

There's that too, they really hadn't thought to put a limit on it after the NES Classic fiasco and other items they've sold that were limited to 1 household? This would be THE item to do that with, unless they had a huge inventory, but judging from how fast it died that's not likely the case.

Then again the NES Classic sold out in a couple minutes on Amazon with an announcement prior, so ten times that amount of time isn't so bad ;)



There's this weird listing on amazon. Anyone know whats up with it? Seems like a 3rd party scam but says sold by amazon? Very confusing for us would be preorder hunters.

Thanks for sharing the weird listing with us!

If everything works out, you'll have helped out a bunch of folks here who might not have otherwise been able to get one.

Here's hoping they don't shrink everybody down to 1 if they preordered more than 1, but when that junior posted his 50ish total units ordered, I hope that Amazon just reduces theirs to 1 per order. I'd gladly settle for 1, but I did place two orders of 1 unit each in case they'd cancel any order with over 1.

Now we wait and see how our orders shake out leading up to launch.....


There's that too, they really hadn't thought to put a limit on it after the NES Classic fiasco and other items they've sold that were limited to 1 household? This would be THE item to do that with, unless they had a huge inventory, but judging from how fast it died that's not likely the case.

Then again the NES Classic sold out in a couple minutes on Amazon with an announcement prior, so ten times that amount of time isn't so bad ;)

I'm pretty sure the only reason this didn't sell out in record time is because most people didn't know if it was legitimate.
I have to say, working this 3-11pm shift has worked wonders for ordering SNES Classics. I was able to be awake for all three preorder opportunities (if the failed Walmart one even counts).


So, I noticed from the videos that this only has HDMI out. Any way of playing this on an old ass crt?

Not sure why you would want to do that. The games on the SNES Classic can't be played full screen, so if you put them on a CRT, the actual game screen is going to look tiny.


The post history for this account is something else.
Basically. Best Buy put it up for pre-order super late, and Amazon just had a link that seems legit (still questionable) and that also just went out of stock. Hell I've been awake and coming in and out of these threads and I still missed it.

Best Buy went up around 3, and was gone in 20 minutes. Amazon went up like 20 minutes ago and now it's gone. Bear in mind that the amazon listing is not the one they had up for months now, it's a new one with a weird name, but it's aparently the real deal. But regardless, it's gone now too.

No, but we knew it was going to be up any day now. Best Buy had it up first, then official trailers for JP, US, and UK hit youtube, and then Amazon dropped the stealth bomb.

Sigh.... I can't even be bothered. Congrats to those who managed to snag one.
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