Do you have one for NES/Famicom?
You can probably tell from the list at the top that no, I don't. I don't have any in progress either, other than the 32X (which I posted several years back on some other sites, but never posted here; it's a short list though, of course... I have like half of the games for the system, but that doesn't add up to much.

). I was thinking of doing the Genesis next, unless I actually updated the 32X one a bit, added a few more games, and posted that.
As for the NES though... I have quite a few NES games (comparable to my SNES, N64, etc. collection in size), but haven't played that system nearly as much as the SNES or Genesis (or N64, for sure), so I don't know if I could do quite as good of a job... I'm sure I'll do one for it eventually though.
Well, either that or, since I got an Atari 7800 earlier this month, an "lttp" thread for the 2600 + 7800, like I did for the O2 but probably without so many pictures.