Hitting up the flea market again tomorrow, bringing a buddy and taking detailed pics for future inventory.
Should be fun!
Good luck to you sir
Hitting up the flea market again tomorrow, bringing a buddy and taking detailed pics for future inventory.
Should be fun!
A CIB TMNT IV just went for $222 on ebay. The box wasn't even perfect.
What in the world...
A CIB TMNT IV just went for $222 on ebay. The box wasn't even perfect.
What in the world...
Hey guys,
I have an opportunity to pick up Earthbound and Ogre Battle for $160, package deal only. Should I bite? Carts only, btw
Sad but true.Welcome to the madness. Repros fetching hundreds of dollars, loose carts at $100+. Just be happy you are only interested in SNES/SFC games. You don't even want to know what the rare Neo Geo AES games go for these days.
Any yes, I am Bar81 and I am part of the problem (when it comes to complete mint games).
Anyone know a good place to order manuals from? Its pretty hit or miss on ebay. Not really big on boxed SNES games (wont turn em down at a good price, but not actively seeking them) but i've always liked reading the manuals.
I'd like to know about that as well. I'm interested in the Neo Geo culture, but from as far as possible as it's just too expensive. A Neo Geo collecting thread from someone in the know would be neat.wait, did AES games go up? i thought they were always about that expensive...
wait, did AES games go up? i thought they were always about that expensive...i'm so gonna buy this mega pack plus or whatever for the gold x later on
Hey guys,
I have an opportunity to pick up Earthbound and Ogre Battle for $160, package deal only. Should I bite? Carts only, btw
And four reproductions I bought just recently:
Where did you get your reproductions from?
Right place, meet right time:
I had Yoshi's Island back when it came out, but I, in a genuinely moronic move, sold it to get the GBA version when I heard that version had some extra levels. Nobody seemed to make much of a fuss about the music being completely fucked, or the graphics taking a hit, or the new levels kinda sucking. Fuck that. Took 8 goddamn years for me to remedy that mistake.
Got at least one other Sufami game headed my way, though really nothing that interesting.
Welcome to the madness. Repros fetching hundreds of dollars, loose carts at $100+. Just be happy you are only interested in SNES/SFC games. You don't even want to know what the rare Neo Geo AES games go for these days.
Any yes, I am Bar81 and I am part of the problem (when it comes to complete mint games).
This turned up yesterday....
No yellowing what so ever and seem to have a better picture than my US NTSC console!
But goddamn the cords on the official Super Famicom pads are short
Neo Geo is about the only thing I don't collect, but I've been eyeing consoles on ebay over the last few months...
Any hidden gems that I missed?
Any hidden gems that I missed?
That Gyromite might have the Famicom converter in it. If you could verify it was a five-screw and weighed it in your hand vs a regular NES game and noticed it was heavier, I would have bought it.
Cybernator is a great game if you don't have it yet.
Good buys!
Goof Troop.
The description says it's a reproduction cart.A prototype copy of Mr. Gimmick..Doesn't sound legit to me.
The description says it's a reproduction cart.
Gah!! I dunno how i missed that! $100 for a repro cart? Are repros usually that expensive?
Terrible. Who would've have thought that mankind will try to exploit the uninformed. For shame.
So I'm kinda thinking about picking up Run Saber. How is it?
I dunno. I guess I'm trying to find some of the more obscure SNES actioners that I didn't play the first time around. For example, I picked up Hagane a couple years ago and never even opened the box. I'd like more games to do that with.
i was just thinking about this one myself, feels like a fun strider clone of sorts and it's only about $30 loose, not too bad. wait you never played hagane? and you want more games not to play? that's crazy-talk!
Yardsales are my place to be I have bought games of many different old consoles for like 25 cent that would go on ebay for upwards of $20 most of the time the Flea Markets in my area the vendors know how much things are worth.
So I'm kinda thinking about picking up Run Saber. How is it?
I dunno. I guess I'm trying to find some of the more obscure SNES actioners that I didn't play the first time around. For example, I picked up Hagane a couple years ago and never even opened the box. I'd like more games to do that with.
Before I list them anywhere else, would anyone here be interested in a US copy of Captain Commando (it has a tear on the top of the label) or Secret of Evermore?
Both are cart only. I bought Evermore new like 10+ years ago, but it's never been played. Unfortunately the box & manual have disappeared into the ether.Is Evermore cart only?
That's kind of a high price for Gradius III, isn't it? The SNES port is bad and suffers from way too much slowdown. I'd recommend the PS2 or hell, even the PSP versions over the SNES one.
Is it? I know it's worse than the arcade version, but I didn't know it was generally considered a bad port overall.
Is it? I know it's worse than the arcade version, but I didn't know it was generally considered a bad port overall.