Here's my current collection with my latest purchase, Secret of Evermore, added to it.
I won Secret of Evermore on eBay for around £20 which is £10-so cheaper than what it usually goes for. I also bought Toys and Super Troll Islands a few months ago for cheap from a British pawn chain called Cash Converters. The rest of the collection is from my youth when me and my older brother shared our SNES together. There are two other games I'm currently after, Terranigma and Mega Man X3.
I used to buy and trade a lot of used games when I was younger, which is why Alien 3 has sticker residue on its corner and Mega Man X has a P written on it. Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 had an 18 sticker on it which I stupidly took off when I didn't know better. I used to have the first two Donkey Kong Country games, I probably traded those in around that time too.