So, King of Demons. It's become one of my favorite JP exclusives, which is tough to believe when I know all of its faults. For a 1995 game, the graphics could be better, and the music is often of an excessively high pitch. There are cheap deaths, unbalanced bosses, and what is sure to be lots of missing content. The eye fight->plant boss transition is quite jarring. Honestly, the 5-6 ratings seem to be justified, yet I keep on playing it.
I think I know why: when I play it, it's the game I
want it to be, not the game it actually is. I love the backgrounds, the bell chime that plays on the world map, and the few times when the game is genuinely creepy. The "good" ending is a bit of a turnaround as well, but I know there's so much more that could've been done with this game. I'd love to remake it someday, so perhaps I will.
-Title intro with human Bayer.
-Add more (skippable) story content in between stages. Add another stage to give purpose to the random medusa and eyeball bosses (plant boss placement makes sense).
-Tweak Abel's controls for 8-way combat, and add some verticality to stages for compensation.
-New Game+ with playable Iria (human and demon). Show the events from her point of view.
-A "best" ending to get Maria back. I was surprised you didn't get one for playing through it as human Abel, rejecting the demonic powers. Seriously, not only do you get Maria's sentient soul at the beginning, but you can also get it back twice more in other stages. What happened to it?
Obviously, it left a mark if it has me thinking this much about it

A wonderful title that any SNES fan should try out (doubly so if you enjoyed Demon's Crest).
A question though: is the ending at all changed for beating it on hard mode? I only just discovered it, and I can't find a definite "yes" or "no" anywhere. Even the LP guy who covered the differences gave up near the end. It's definitely a challenge >_>