Who has 2 thumbs and just bought super metroid for $20?
This guy!
I'm gonna be that one up guy. I got Super Metroid and Yoshi's Island for $20 a couple weeks ago.
Now we can be Super Metroid buddies.
Super Metroid: so nice, you bought it twice
small but strong collection of classics, id say you have most of the initial bases covered. id add Super Punch-Out!!, Contra 3, some Mega Man X & Zombies Ate My Neighbors for starters, then go into Taito/Natsume back catalogs but that's just me, heh.
My main concern was the chip on the right seems kind of.. tall? I dunno, i've opened a bunch of carts and always recall them laying more flush but it has been awhile.
I was kinda surpised how tame SNES Battletoads was compared to the over-the-top gory arcade version.
There was an arcade game? Wow...had no idea about that.
Undercover Cops is very expensive for a game that's inferior every way to its arcade original. More like a personal issue, but I was always down on spending fat stacks for console ports if it's not perfect... might as well track down the PCB.
Argh, a friend of mine just told me he picked up Super Metroid, Hyperzone, Mario RPG, and Run Saber for $3 a pop from some video store owned by an elderly couple that's closing down today. I wanted to kill him when he told me that, haha.
Great find. I'm never that lucky.
You had a mom and pop video store and no one else bought the games for years.
I was watching a copy on eBay keep getting relisted a couple weeks ago. It finally sold for $84. I was hoping it'd go below $80, I just got greedy I guess. It and Rendering Ranger R2 are the last really expensive SFC games I want. Now that's a game with a hefty price tagI'll need to track down some videos of that then.
Also anyone here own Undercover Cops? That seems like a HyperDuel class exclusive club.
Game looks fun as hell with a killer soundtrack.
I was watching a copy on eBay keep getting relisted a couple weeks ago. It finally sold for $84. I was hoping it'd go below $80, I just got greedy I guess. It and Rendering Ranger R2 are the last really expensive SFC games I want. Now that's a game with a hefty price tag![]()
Printed out covers for the Universal Game Cases today.
Act Raiser is the first game, the flash glare covered up that one.
Printed out covers for the Universal Game Cases today.
Act Raiser is the first game, the flash glare covered up that one.
Those cases look amazing! Where do you get the cases + the covers?
good job cutting them, also i see going with the uniform logo evens em out too...my shelf looks all over in comparison, especially with the colorful SFC ones in the JRPG section, heh.
cant wait for my next batch on monday, already cleaned the dremel tool to prepare for NES case modding!
That is actually exactly why I went with that particular box art over the standard one.
Keeps everything uniform.
Is R2 actually fun? I only hear people talkingmabout all the graphic effects.
So I've just managed to buy a US SNES. Gonna have to try out this Retrobright thing, but first I need to figure out how I'm going to power it here in NZ. I use my Mega Drive 1 adapter for my Super Famicom, but from what I've read the end won't fit into a US SNES... Any ideas? Would a generic DC adapter with changeable ends work?
This is my small SNES collection.
I also have a boxed copy of E.V.O and Earthworm Jim 2.
Doremi Fantasy, sweet! And is that a Demon's Blazon above it? A pox on you sir.
What are the middle and far-right boxed SFC games?
What's wrong with Demon's Blazon??
What's wrong with Demon's Blazon??
I don't have it. Nice collection!
Darn straight. I'd have jumped on that, too. Color me jealous.Pertaining to the Undercover Cops talk above, I managed to get a mint and complete copy from an online store in Japan for around $150AUD a few weeks back. I couldn't pay for it quick enough. Ebay is terrible.
Printed out covers for the Universal Game Cases today.
Act Raiser is the first game, the flash glare covered up that one.