Sorry to hear that Hero. eBay will most likely side with you since you're the buyer. I went and checked my games to make sure I don't have any repos.
How are prices of SNES games now? I haven't been following them for the past 9 months so I'm out of the loop. Have they gone up, back down, a little bit of both?
If you didn't know it was fake and believe I am just trying to scam you in some way, I'll take the approach of trying to prove to you it's fake using your own listing photos.
1) Corners of label are badly cut leaving behind plain white edges that weren't printed on.
2) Trademark (TM) is printed in the wrong font on top of label.
3) Your cart is has "Made in Japan" on front and back label. Both should be Mexico. No versions of the US release were ever assembled in Japan.
4) Both the Konami and Nintendo logos are missing their Registered Trademark symbols.
This can all be seen with YOUR original photos when compared to any other ebay listing. Here is a picture I put together for convenient comparison:
If you honestly have a receipt from where you bought it from, the simplest solution would be for me to ship it back to you, you refund my money, and you deal with your local business that sold you a fake.
You're on ebay man. For better or worse, if you put in a dispute then ebay/paypal ALWAYS sides with the buyer. Always.
Just put in a dispute, fuck talking to the guy. If he was willing to help, he would have already without arguing. He'll have the money instantly taken out of his paypal account and it will be frozen until either he gives in or his money is forcibly taken and given to you as a refund.
You've not got a chance in hell of ever losing this. Put in a dispute NOW before he has a chance to withdraw his bank details and addresses from paypal because if he does, then you will be shit out of luck.
Wait a minute, there are fake SNES carts on Ebay now? How do I know if I am buying the original if the seller does not have good looking photos?
LOL. When has there not been fake shit on ebay?
Don't buy shit without decent photos. Open the cart as soon as you get it. If it looks anything like mine:
It's fake.
But, you really want good photos so you can do what I just did. There is enough proof in his own photos that he shouldn't be able to claim I am scamming him in some way.
Also, have I mentioned that I find it funny it has a battery in it? It's Castlevania, it uses passwords. What a waste.
Can I also apply the knowledge I learned after figuring out that all my GBA carts are fake? I don't think I really want to open up my SNES carts.
Rebuilding my awesome GBA library, that will take a long time, and cost a pretty penny.
When you guys buy SNES games on ebay. Do you go in with the expectation that the battery is possibly dead from being old? What do you do if you end up opening the cart for a spot check and saw that while the game is legit, the battery was taken out?
When you guys buy SNES games on ebay. Do you go in with the expectation that the battery is possibly dead from being old? What do you do if you end up opening the cart for a spot check and saw that while the game is legit, the battery was taken out?
My Super Metroid came with an electric taped in Battery. Ain't no thing to just solder in a new one.
If you're really concerned, just send them a message and ask. The thing about testing it though is that a dead battery will hold a save for a bit (I don't know how long). So you can't just simply save, turn it off, turn it on. You have to let it sit for a little bit and then check. So it's understandable if someone tells you it works, and then it arrives not working.
These batteries are the greatest thing ever. They fit the exact same way the originals did, so you just take the old one out, solder in the new one, done. Literally takes like 1 minute.
Also, random funny story. When I put a new one in my Super Metroid, the game glitched and had all save files at the start of the game with zero health. So, I had to sit through the opening, and then as Samus is coming down the elevator, she would instantly die. I thought I'd broken the game some how before I realized what had happened and deleted all the zero health saves.
Awesome work on the evidence collection, but yeah, I guess it is possible he didnt know.
Then again, its kinda strange he listed as not working, yet the cart worked right off the bat when you booted it up.
I've actually never thought to check batteries either...
Btw has anyone ever come across any fake Chrono Trigger carts, or is that not high enough value range to be worth trying to fake?
Wait, you accidently grew a fake GBA collection? Did you buy a huge lot from someone or something?
Any time I buy a SNES game, I replace the battery before even playing it. Even if the battery had still worked, it likely wouldn't last as long as a newly installed battery would. When I got Earthbound and Breath of Fire some time ago, the batteries had worked, until I got about halfway through both games, and both save batteries died on me. Had to replace 'em and work my way back.
I know there are several Champaign collectors in here.
Just letting you know there is a new retro game store in Rantoul.
It is called "We Play Games"
115 N Garrard.
Rantoul, IL
I went there this afternoon. They still haven't put everything out apparently.
They have decent (less than ebay) prices.
Had to pay with cash, because no CC machine yet.[IMG][/QUOTE]
dear god not hyperzone
dear god not hyperzone
I know there are several Champaign collectors in here.
Just letting you know there is a new retro game store in Rantoul.
It is called "We Play Games"
115 N Garrard.
Rantoul, IL
I went there this afternoon. They still haven't put everything out apparently.
They have decent (less than ebay) prices.
Had to pay with cash, because no CC machine yet.
Thanks for the heads up! (I bet you posted on craigslist too?)I know there are several Champaign collectors in here.
Just letting you know there is a new retro game store in Rantoul.
It is called "We Play Games"
115 N Garrard.
Rantoul, IL
I went there this afternoon. They still haven't put everything out apparently.
They have decent (less than ebay) prices.
Had to pay with cash, because no CC machine yet.
Thanks for the heads up! (I bet you posted on craigslist too?)
That guy sounds like a dick....
So wait, he goes to the garage sale, and cleans the entire place up? What the hell?!
I haven't been following them either, but on the last page of this thread people are saying that it seems that SNES prices are on a downtrend right now. As someone who rarely sells my retro games I fucking hope so lol.
You must be new to this. In most areas it can be near imposable to get a good deal on anything because people like that will have been there first and gotten everything of value to resell. Only chance is random occurrences and not something that can be tracked ahead of time.
You must be new to this. In most areas it can be near imposable to get a good deal on anything because people like that will have been there first and gotten everything of value to resell. Only chance is random occurrences and not something that can be tracked ahead of time.
Yep. I've only bothered with something I saw on Craigslist once, and I was just going to look not actually spend money. It was this old guy with the biggest collection of games I've ever seen. He and his wife had been collecting their whole lives and had a house/garage/basement literally filled. Wife died, so he's been clearing some of it out.
Any way. Started at noon, listing said no early sales. I got there five 'til and there was a massive crowd already. For the most part it really was collectors. But, there was one dude who flat out admitted to the guy he was from a business. He was just filling up boxes of shit to take back and sell at a higher price.
I'm just thankful I have a local chain with a few stores within an hour of me that sells things at good prices or I would only have a tiny fraction of my collection.
But, all of the places around here before charge well above eBay prices. So, fuck those people.
^they absolutely do, but i wouldn't fuck with em. sure you save on shipping, but...i was just on another forum where a guy was saying his local retro shop literally checks ebay for current market value when you go to the register. for real? i mean, what's the point there, like we all don't have ebay either?
i totally get not wanting the dudes from game hunters to hose you on a NES copy of GI Joe just to brag on YT (and never play it). likewise, i like supporting local businesses...but i don't spend time trying to do so just to have me told Yoshi's Island is now $30 because this guy thought it was worth that
you live near estarland? that's pretty cool, ive seen some nice hauls there...but yeah if they just seal it, no good.
and i get your point on inspecting but since paypal so heavily (overly) favors buyers i dont really worry about anything looking different than pics/description, personally.
there's more problems with locals going off ebay prices though:
a) buy it nows are typically higher/not a good metric for people who were in a hurry
b) very often i make offers/haggle with sellers & get better deals
c) sniping auctions that start at 99 cents often ends up far cheaper, especially if they end when no one's looking
if i feel a local spot is gonna price something like 5-10% lower than the most recent high ending buy-it-now, there's nothing for me there. i can likely only haggle a figure in my neighborhood if i agree to buy a bunch've stuff at or around those rates, kinda defeating the purpose. it's okay if i'm impulse buying a loose cart on the cheap, but never anything large.
and to play devil's advocate in your favor: this makes sense for the shops too since there's little reason for them to come down to $200 or so on say Panzer Dragoon Saga just for me when they know they can get north of $300 on ebay, but since i'm not in a hurry, i can wait on other copies & grab the one i like at that price.
I'm not saying that I like it that shops and sellers pricing right around ebay prices, just that there is little else they can do without resellers just clearing them out. Could be worse. Could instead go off amazon prices for old games. (estarland, for example, does a mix of amazon prices and ebay prices and a few things like that to make their price. They also change around their prices often so none of the stuff in their physical store has a price on it, just a bar code that you can use a computer to check the current price of)