That is some weird shit. If you haven't already, get some metal polish and use it to clean the contacts. It will get so much shit off it will blow your mind. I always open the cart up when I use polish so I can be sure to get it all cleaned off afterwards. Go over it with some rubbing alcohol, then of course make sure it's dry (and all the polish is gone).
Anyways, did the price for Earthbound go down a bit after the VC rerelease? Wonder if I should just suck it up and get it finally.
Yes. It was about $200-250 on the regular on eBay before the release and was seemingly still climbing rapidly. Now you can get it no problem for $150.
There are definitely still people trying to push the price back up by putting up $200+ listings, but hopefully they fail.
So the reason it went down is because the VC release?
I can't believe someone would pay $200 just to play it, and it not being that they wanted to own it in their collection. Given that, I'm not sure why the VC release would bring the price down. It's not like it came out and they were like "Oh boy now I can't finally play this game". Those same people who wanted to play it so bad could have played it on an emulator.
Looks to me like it did go down at the same time as the VC release, but that might just be a coincidence. As a matter of fact, as far as the trend is concerned, it hasn't changed much at all since the previous July.
But maybe pricecharting isn't very accurate.
Damn, that's beautiful. That boxed Mega Man 7 has to be wroth a good chunk of change.
Yeah MM7 is crazy. That and Dracula X are the 2 expensive games I want most. Finding good condition copies of either that aren't $150+ is pretty impossible.
Champaign area GAF:
Heavy as fuck, but they are awesome.
I ordered some of those replacement contacts for my SNES controllers and damn I haven't had this springy of a d-pad in a long time. It might be a little too hard to push in some cases.
Is there a safe way to clean the contact area on the actual PCB of the controller? A few of my buttons take a very intentional press even with the new rubber bits.
Damn, that's beautiful. That boxed Mega Man 7 has to be wroth a good chunk of change.
If you have the money to blow, the boxes are obviously awesome. No way I could afford my collection with boxes, though. I'm also constantly playing them, so the universal game cases are handier than dealing with the originals.
They are fucking awesome to see, though.
price is right but i think people see WEGA and forget that (as i understand it) the later flat models are said to be not as sharp/good, unless it's just Trinotrons im thinking of
yeah its going for over $400 complete glad i picked it up complete when it was going for $50 and i thought that was expensive
AvP and Smash TV came in the mail today (thanks to eBay bucks) the other three I got last night. Battle Blaze was supposed to be free, have to go back to the store and bitch that they didn't give me my free game (they always do buy 5 get 6th free). That piece of shit isn't worth $2.99.
It's underrated and the music is so good especially the main theme.Picked up a loose copy of Firepower 2000 at a flea market in Patchogue this past weekend... (among a bunch of NES games). I haven't played it yet but I hear it's quite the underrated game.
Picked up a loose copy of Firepower 2000 at a flea market in Patchogue this past weekend... (among a bunch of NES games). I haven't played it yet but I hear it's quite the underrated game.
You guys should check out :
Buy some boxes for your boxes and protect them![]()
Some someone decided to fill in the slot with permanent marker.
Anyone got any ideas how to get this out? So far I've tried a white pencil eraser, which got a lot off, but it's very hard to do. Especially along the inside edges.
Rubbing alcohol can dissolve permanent marker if you are lucky.Some someone decided to fill in the slot with permanent marker.
Anyone got any ideas how to get this out? So far I've tried a white pencil eraser, which got a lot off, but it's very hard to do. Especially along the inside edges.
Some someone decided to fill in the slot with permanent marker.
Anyone got any ideas how to get this out? So far I've tried a white pencil eraser, which got a lot off, but it's very hard to do. Especially along the inside edges.
My dream is to get a house with a furnished basement that will become my game room. I would think the humidity should be completely fine down there if it's good enough for furniture and carpeting.
Someone on here suggested this forever ago and I've been using it since to get marker or stickers of my carts. Works great.
Use it with qtips. You absolutely do not want to get any on your label or it will be fucked.
Nice collection and I like the complete Super Star Wars but the weight is killing your boxes, especially Inspector Gadget.
Well that worked after going through about 10 qtips. However, it also changed the color of the plastic.![]()
Stop 9/11I think it will be just easier to build a time machine next time and kill the child who did this. Also I'll pick up a few copies of earthbound while I'm there.
Well that worked after going through about 10 qtips. However, it also changed the color of the plastic.![]()
That Demon's Crest tho
This game is way over priced still.
Also someone brought up firepower 2000.
I attribute both Demon's Crest and Firepower 2000's popularity to Mike Matei's Top 10 Obscure SNES Gems video.
Noticed how both games appear to be affected by the video's release. July 2012.'s-crest
Looks like Wild Guns shot up at that time too: