Well its got cool music, i'll say that much.
Is it normal for the SNES to have a giant beam of white light in the middle?
You should probably remove the masamune.
Is it normal for the SNES to have a giant beam of white light in the middle?
It's more prominent in some models than others, but yes it's always there. It looks kind of like it's making two images that overlap in the middle of the screen, making a thick band. I don't think anyone has figured out exactly what causes it.
Well, mine is not that prominent, but it is obvious in brown areas. It was not present in the normal overworld or dungeons in LttP, but was very obvious in the dark world. And no, using the original AC adapter.Yeah- unfortunately that is a common problem. It seems that some system versions are more affected than others. Are you using a third party AC? I recall somebody working on a fix for the issue.
Walk into the light.
You should probably remove the masamune.
Guess I also lucked out then. I only noticed the light with Zelda, and only in the dark world.I've only ever seen it when it's a completely black background myself, and sometimes very very faintly on other dark backgrounds. But I must've been pretty lucky with my SNESes and now my SFC because outside of those situations I never see it.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
I had a fantastic 100hz 27" widescreen crt from Phillips. Heavy as fuck though :| My mother has it now. I wouldn't mind getting a small, high-quality CRT though, but they're kinda hard to find nowadays.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
a 29 inch Sony Trinitron PVM. My best thrift shop find yet for $20 in perfect working order.
I still need to actually buy a RGB modded snes and nes though. I've only got Genesis on RGB and play SNES on a retron through S video.
a 29 inch Sony Trinitron PVM. My best thrift shop find yet for $20 in perfect working order.
Ive almost given up on collecting SNES games. All I have left to get is Earthbound and Ogre Battle to feel content
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
So I guess this is the RGB cable I want, but what the hell should I choose there in "Customize for free"? Composite video or composite sync? I'm not sure what the hell this even means, I thought it was an RGB SCART not a composite cable. And they have these options but no option for length? Oh well, 1.5 meters should be enough.
Also based on the picture of the cable it doesn't really look like a quality cable. Looks just like the cable I got with my SFC in fact. You guys sure this is good shit? I mean it seems they know what they're doing but I dunno.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
So I guess this is the RGB cable I want, but what the hell should I choose there in "Customize for free"? Composite video or composite sync? I'm not sure what the hell this even means, I thought it was an RGB SCART not a composite cable. And they have these options but no option for length? Oh well, 1.5 meters should be enough.
Also based on the picture of the cable it doesn't really look like a quality cable. Looks just like the cable I got with my SFC in fact. You guys sure this is good shit? I mean it seems they know what they're doing but I dunno. Edit: I mean in regards to the thickness of the cable.
So I guess this is the RGB cable I want, but what the hell should I choose there in "Customize for free"? Composite video or composite sync? I'm not sure what the hell this even means, I thought it was an RGB SCART not a composite cable. And they have these options but no option for length? Oh well, 1.5 meters should be enough.
Also based on the picture of the cable it doesn't really look like a quality cable. Looks just like the cable I got with my SFC in fact. You guys sure this is good shit? I mean it seems they know what they're doing but I dunno. Edit: I mean in regards to the thickness of the cable.
My two most wanted games right now:
1. Final Fantasy III
2. Super Mario RPG
Is it possible to find these games anywhere for less than $50? The lowest buy it now on ebay for FFIII is $59.86 + $8.86 shipping ; _ ;
Should I be looking harder? Is there anywhere that could possibly have these games for cheaper than ebay prices?
I'm Canadian btw, from Toronto to be exact. I've yet to see these two games anywhere in the wild, and I've been to my fair share of retro game shops/conventions over the years.
My two most wanted games right now:
1. Final Fantasy III
2. Super Mario RPG
Is it possible to find these games anywhere for less than $50? The lowest buy it now on ebay for FFIII is $59.86 + $8.86 shipping ; _ ;
Should I be looking harder? Is there anywhere that could possibly have these games for cheaper than ebay prices?
I'm Canadian btw, from Toronto to be exact. I've yet to see these two games anywhere in the wild, and I've been to my fair share of retro game shops/conventions over the years.
My two most wanted games right now:
1. Final Fantasy III
2. Super Mario RPG
Is it possible to find these games anywhere for less than $50? The lowest buy it now on ebay for FFIII is $59.86 + $8.86 shipping ; _ ;
Should I be looking harder? Is there anywhere that could possibly have these games for cheaper than ebay prices?
I'm Canadian btw, from Toronto to be exact. I've yet to see these two games anywhere in the wild, and I've been to my fair share of retro game shops/conventions over the years.
so how do you guys play your retro games? do you have a old school tv? id get one if i didn't have the issue of space.
Like the previous poster said, ignore buy it now prices. Just be patient and keep an eye out for auctions on eBay. I won a copy of FF3 with a manual for $30 bucks last December for example. If you wait the deals/opportunities will make themselves apparent.
or how about this PAL one from Australia for $119?
My two most wanted games right now:
1. Final Fantasy III
2. Super Mario RPG
Is it possible to find these games anywhere for less than $50? The lowest buy it now on ebay for FFIII is $59.86 + $8.86 shipping ; _ ;
Should I be looking harder? Is there anywhere that could possibly have these games for cheaper than ebay prices?
I'm Canadian btw, from Toronto to be exact. I've yet to see these two games anywhere in the wild, and I've been to my fair share of retro game shops/conventions over the years.
Man, it is tough out there! I bought a SNES on Craigslist about 3 years ago, came with system, two controllers and 5 games (including Mario Kart and Super Mario RPG) for about 70 bucks.
Ive been playing SNES a bit more and wanted to track down a few games I liked, just to play and have some fun. I took a look around Craigslist, its a tough market! People seem to be very aware of the value of their Super Nintendo and games and it seems like its very hard to get good deals out there. I then check out Goodwill and find out they have an online presence that sells games for quite a bit as well? Yikes. I miss the days of swiping some good deals on Craigslist or maybe popping into Goodwill and seeing a few SNES games for cheap.
Those days seem to be gone? Maybe garage sales are my last hope...
You can still find stuff at goodwill, but you have to be persistent. I found a pretty good deal last week on another forum, snes console, super metroid, DKC, SMW and clue for $50 shipped. There's deals out there you just need to always be on the lookout.
Edit: also is there anything you can do top prevent yellowing on a gray snes?
A few years ago I got Lufia 2 for $20. Good luck finding it for anywhere near close to that now.
Does anyone know if there is a finished Romancing SaGa 2 translation?
People always talk about how prices were better only a couple of years ago... but I've been actively hunting for over a decade and I never found it cheap.
People always talk about how prices were better only a couple of years ago... but I've been actively hunting for over a decade and I never found it cheap.
* OBC1 support (Metal Combat: Falcon's Revenge works)
* menu now displays the 10 most recently played games instead of one
* hidden and system files are now ignored in the file browser
* some minor internal changes for convenience of development
* Fixes:
- partial-size BS dumps should now load correctly
- fixed a PSRAM mapping bug in the new BS-X mapping logic that caused
graphical corruption on some games (notably Treasure Conflix garbled
- SRAM mapping for LoROM <=16Mbits now uses the entire bank instead of
- 0000-7fff only. Fixes saving in some games, e.g. Ys III Wanderers from Ys
I do not believe there is one. I've been waiting for one for Romancing SaGa 1 and 2 since I played through 3 a decade ago. Hopefully translations for those will be done before I die.