Haha, yeah, Ive been lucky with some deals lately, and have actually gotten quite a few of the more pricier games including Wild Guns, Hagane and those two. Still payed a lot of course, but not as much as the ebay-prices, and the quality of those games are just so high that I need to own them

Still need to pick up EVO, Ogre Battle and a few other hard to get for reasonable prices-games. Hope and think I will like it!
Whoa, nice! :O It's pretty hard getting deals these days, especially for such sought after games. Congrats.
Most of the pricey games I have, like Earthbound, I got years ago when they were still somewhat reasonable. They were still expensive compared to other games at the time, but not like today. It felt like a lot to pay for a game back then, but now I'm so glad that I decided to get them when I did.
I don't know how you PAL people played fighting games like SSB at 50hz. Yeesh.
I feel for you guys. It's just not fair and you deserved better.
In the case of N64 Smash Bros. specifically, the PAL version actually doesn't even run at 50fps. For some reason they changed it to 30 fps instead if I recall correctly. =/
The later PAL Smash Bros. games allowed you to run them in the PAL60 format though, so they were full speed. From the GC and forward most games let you run them at 60hz, so by then it was pretty alright. Well, at least on Nintendo consoles. Most PAL PS2 games were still 50fps.
These days I only buy NTSC games for NES and SNES since I bought NTSC consoles for both because of that 60hz goodness. It's just so much better. The problem with that though, is that living in Europe means the only consistent way of getting NTSC games is eBay, especially if you're looking for something specific. And that can be costly these days as we all know... And now with the Global Shipping Program that most US eBay sellers use it's even worse because the cheapest shipping becomes like $25. Yes, to ship even a friggin' Game Boy cart to Sweden costs around $25, plus eventual import charges if the game is expensive enough.
As you can imagine, I get a lot of Japanese games instead these days... Still, there are some US sellers that don't use GSP so one can wait for auctions from those. I think a lot of BIN sellers like lukiegames and jj-games sell mostly to international buyers these days because of this. Because yes, they are a couple of dollars more expensive but they have WAY cheaper shipping (lukiegames has $5 shipping for me per game, + $2 for each additional game, for example) so for me that still makes it worth it in a lot of cases. And even if they are a little more expensive than waiting for auctions, they're still much cheaper for me than buying PAL games locally. Retro game prices in Sweden has gone truly insane.
...sorry that became pretty rant-y. Just had to vent a little lol.