Thanks, but I plan on getting some smaller titles before getting more essentials. I'm thinking of the MMPR game, X-Men Mutant Apocalypse, F-Zero, and Street Fighter II.^youve covered a lot've bases with only 5 titles so far...make the next one Super Metroid, or Zombies ate my Neighbors!
Thanks, but I plan on getting some smaller titles before getting more essentials. I'm thinking of the MMPR game, X-Men Mutant Apocalypse, F-Zero, and Street Fighter II.
Just finally completed Actraiser for the first time ever last week. I was always intimated by that final boss rush, so I never really had it in me to give it a serious try - untill now. It was actually much easier than I imagined, and when I finally got throught it all, I only lost one life total on all of them. Anyways, an amazing game that everybody in here should both pick up and play!
So when I was (unsuccessfully) going through boxes at home to find a few cartridges that seem to have disappeared, I found my Harvest Moon box. Still has the inserts, but it's a bit smooshed/creased. Would any of you be intersted in it?
Actraiser is fucking exquisite in every way. An underrated gem.
Is it just me or is Super Mario RPG kinda boring? To be fair I haven't played too many turn based JRPG's and it's my first time playing SMRPG but this one seems to have lost its charm. I'm at level 16 with most of my characters and have a about two stars left to collect. The gameplay so far has been pretty repetitive as I go to a new town load up on the new items at the store and head off to the next linear path to progress the story. I smile at some of the humor and it's neat to see a story driven Mario game. I was just expecting something a little more entertaining for all the hype it gets. Am I missing something here or am I not alone?
Is it just me or is Super Mario RPG kinda boring? To be fair I haven't played too many turn based JRPG's and it's my first time playing SMRPG but this one seems to have lost its charm. I'm at level 16 with most of my characters and have a about two stars left to collect. The gameplay so far has been pretty repetitive as I go to a new town load up on the new items at the store and head off to the next linear path to progress the story. I smile at some of the humor and it's neat to see a story driven Mario game. I was just expecting something a little more entertaining for all the hype it gets. Am I missing something here or am I not alone?
I agree that it might be a bit boring. The story, graphics, universe, music and a lot of other stuff are really well done, but the combat is a bit dull because most fights are too easy. This is a general problem in jrpgs, but even moreso in SMRPG imo. Its still worth playing through in my opinion, but its not one of the ten best games of the snes or really anything close to that.
It's a game that deserved it's hype years ago but unfortunately hasn't age so well.
I still enjoy it, just find it harder for me to play than back when it came out.
Sure, here you go. It's pretty smooshed, and the edges are rough, but it has that R@RE LQQK registration card inside, haha!Can you post pictures? It really depends on how smooshed it is.
I got it for $99 shipped. It was a bit more than I wanted to spend but I had the money now and YOLO or whatever right?Wow congrats man! How much was it, if you dont mind me asking?
i paid a tad more than i meant to for a PAL pocky & rocky which apparently doesnt work on my US SNES (that's what i get for assuming just cause SFC ones work it will too), should i invest in an action replay pro or just send it back?
how much did ya pay could get a US copy for around $30
fuuuuuuuck it was going for $35 about a month ago shit i should of bought it at that store in vegas they had one going for $35 and i was like ehhh thats a tad high for loose cart of it
I'd say that's about the best €4 you'll spend in some time.![]()
Bought this for €4 on a flea market.
I wonder how many "rare" SNES games I have...
I mean I have stuff like Skyblazer, Demon's Crest, Castelvania IV or Super Metroid complete (box/cart/manual) but boxes are folded in a box and the manuals are all together in an another one..
Oh that was just some of the titles I remember. I have about 50 or 60 SNES/SFC gamesdemons crest is on the uncommon side rest are common but still worth some high coin
I 've been debating for quite some time whether it's worth buying a complete copy (PAL or NTSC) of Soul Blazer. I already have Illusion of Time (Gaia) and Terranigma. The prices in the US are ridiculously high and the best thing I 've seen is a German PAL copy for 60 which will probably be only in German. Is this my best bet or are there any alternatives? I am definitely not paying $100 or even more, as this is the current price in the US apparently (PAL gamer here).
Didn't someone in this thread mention using metal cleaner or some such shit on their carts? Don't want to search through 48 pages to find it, but I got a couple games that could use a heavy duty cleaning. Got them functional with my usual qtips and alcohol, but it takes a couple tries so I'd like to get them more reliable if there's any way to really get that corrosion off the tips.
On the topic of cleaning, anyone have any suggestions on removing permanent marker writing from the carts? I have a cart or two where someone took a heavy duty marker to write their name in...
On the topic of cleaning, anyone have any suggestions on removing permanent marker writing from the carts? I have a cart or two where someone took a heavy duty marker to write their name in...
It's permanent.
Lol I used to think the same thing, until someone in this thread mentioned Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. You can get a box of six of them for like $8. They look like foam sponges but what they do is gently wear down a surface. They can get sharpie and other permanent marker off of a cart body without it looking different. It might feel just a little smoother though.
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is seriously magic for permanent marker. Fuck you, Steve Butler, it's my game now.
Spend a couple of dollars on a security bit to open carts and really clean out those contacts.
Turpentine usually does it, buy stay away from the label.On the topic of cleaning, anyone have any suggestions on removing permanent marker writing from the carts? I have a cart or two where someone took a heavy duty marker to write their name in...
On the topic of cleaning, anyone have any suggestions on removing permanent marker writing from the carts? I have a cart or two where someone took a heavy duty marker to write their name in...