Salazar said:
TaeWoo looking suave as fuck.
Alright, I'll admit, even though I hate him, he seems like one cool cat in that gif.
Salazar said:
True. But I don't think the larger proportion of the variety stuff is put on.
I wonder this too. When I watched the "Come to Play" interview and they talked about how they used to hold mock variety shows I was a little put-off at just how controlled everything they do really is. Also, during the first episode of IY it was funny and yet sort of disturbing to see how out all the G7 girls, it was Yuri and Sunny that refused to be shown without make-up and were ready (fake eyelashes and all) at 4 am. SM Entertainment probably threatened to beat them if they weren't.
So one hand I think you are right about how there is no way those girls can be in character for the whole show. But another part of me can't help but wonder whether
variety show etiquette was pounded into them so much during training that its no longer an affectation for them to put on. And over time, they have simply morphed into the girls they were manufactured to be.
Salazar said:
A million thanks for these gifs.