Stumbled onto to this while surfing Youtube. I don't remember the exact chain of videos, I just know I started with clips of Neil DeGrasse Tyson giving lectures and ended up with this.
Its a compilation of SNSD singing songs in English. It might have been posted before but its too awesome to not post again. Teangoo is amazing in English. I be partial to these songs because they mostly sing pop/alternative songs from the 90s, i.e the best decade of American music.
Part 1:
Way Back Into Love: Taeyeon and Jessica and 2 guys from Super Junior who I don't know the names of.
Beautiful Girl: Seohyun and Sunny
(WARNING: Sunny displays major CCP (cuteness that calls for a punch)
Honey Honey: Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Seohyun, Sunny
Dancing Queen: All SNSD
(some of their accents are funny but I'm sure mine is worse when I sing their songs in the shower)
Santa Baby: All SNSD
(they gave poor Yuri the hardest part)
Part 2:
Falling Slowly: Sunny and some dude from Super Junior I think
Heaven: Jessica and Tiffany
Because of You: Mainly Teayeon with Tiffany
(pretty good but you can tell Teangoo is kinda struggling with the big solo notes)
Genie in a Bottle: Tiffany Jessica
(watching the rest of SNSD listen is pretty funny, and I'm sad to say...the last line of the song kinda turned me on)
Part 3:
Hush Hush: Taeyeon
(she really kills it here and shes wearing incredibly sexy black leather pants)
Come On Over: All SNSD
Hey Mickey: All SNSD
(tight cheerleader outfits really help this one)
HollaBack Gurl: Jessica, Sunny, Yoona, Yuri
(only Jessica really sings but this is Prime Yuri, need I say more? And its unfair making them sing while doing such "aggressive" dance moves)
Part 4:
L.O.V.E: 100% amazing Taeyeon
Bleeding Love: Tiffany
(the mess-up at the end doesn't even faze her, like a fucking boss)
For You I Will: Tiffany
Kiss Me: Jessica