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So a bunch of 90's Nintendo stuff just got leaked.


the bad news is folks are being dicks and just flexing with screenshots etc rather than plonking them on archive.org.

Yep. I've been following the Pokemon Proto discords progress for the last handful of hours. Someone took the lions share of the information, archived it and then dumped the archive to them without a password saying "here it is, haha fuck you". They've been trying to break into it since sometime early yesterday.


That sounds like a fake and baseless thing/rumor. I'm going to see if it's true though since OP didn't give any images or anything it's suspicious.


We also have the source codes for gen 1, 2 and 3. Having those is aiding in reconstructing Pokemon Pink from what little there was.

waiting on a super paper mario gamecube build to leak

Perhaps someday, but it's very likely not going to be in this batch. The leak in OP is from way before the gamecube was even a dream.
Ah, the official 1989-91 uniform of the high school jock. And who can forget those "koosh-ball" hairstyles. The girls had to wake up before dawn and spend a couple hours to fix their hair like that. That was a terrible time for fashion.
I was in jr high during this time period. It was actually pretty awesome for movies, games, culture, everything except the fashion attire that sucked. I don't think that was just jock wear. I wasn't a jock and had those mc hammer/skidz parachute pants and even a mullet at one point.

Remember this was the time NES was king, we had SMB3, Zelda 2, FF1,FF4, TG-16/Genesis launch, great pc games like ultima underworld, ultima 7, MM4, Gold box d&D, Wolf3d, Sierra games, etc.. Also St: tng was still being made at this time point, as well as great movies.

Also I don't think they had to get up too early. Remember they used a crap ton of hair spray. It probably stayed in their sleep. Perms tend to do that.
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Doesn't have to be the original code, but a translation to port
put an extra comma in the code, problem solved.
It isn't that simple. For them not to be sued they have to make it look like a "clean room design". Any signs of the code can be reasons for a lawsuit and with the source code being leaked, you can bet anything that gets released will be looked at with massive scrutiny.


For them not to be sued

Them who?
When it's finished, it's going to be cold released.
No one place, it's just out there and people can find it.
Unless they plan on suing the whole internet, the legality means nothing.
This has worked in the past as well.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
It isn't that simple. For them not to be sued they have to make it look like a "clean room design". Any signs of the code can be reasons for a lawsuit and with the source code being leaked, you can bet anything that gets released will be looked at with massive scrutiny.
That's why I said "port". The dev see the original code, translate the cycles to C or whatever, there you go


Waiting for someone to dive into NCL’s alleged master database of NPD sales data from the ‘80s and early ‘90s. It has been confirmed that it exists and I’m surprised in this day and age US sales data is still so kept in lockdown, even data from decades ago....when is 4chan finally gonna find that?


The information has likely already been 'found'. The more rare or specific a type of errata is, the more likely it is to be horded by a particular class of collector to be used as trading fodder for other type of errata from other collectors. This is how piles of data and long lost PC games are 'found'.


Nintendo is having some serious security problems as it's not just old shit, but also slightly less old shit that got leaked - entire 3DS source code.
GBAtemp is on it, lot of homebrewers are happy they can tinker abit more and squeeze sime extra out of the console


Them who?
The people who make emulators. You never found it odd that emulators are perfectly legal but BIOS & ROMS aren't? It's because emulators are made from the ground up as original. Once one uses anything from copyrighted source code, it becomes as illegal as the ROMS, and nearly all of these emulator makers are well known teams.
That's why I said "port". The dev see the original code, translate the cycles to C or whatever, there you go
Sorry but you're showing you have like a child level understanding of copyright law. If you think a company can just outright steal code, change a few lines and get away with it then I don't know what to tell you.


The people who...

Wait, stop, right there. You missed my point. The first line is part of the second line. The idea is the thing will be made, then dumped straight to an image board or passed around on discord. There will be no 'who' to sue, as the product will just suddenly appear online one day with no signing. That's why it's called a 'cold release' and it's worked many, many times before.


The people who make emulators. You never found it odd that emulators are perfectly legal but BIOS & ROMS aren't? It's because emulators are made from the ground up as original. Once one uses anything from copyrighted source code, it becomes as illegal as the ROMS, and nearly all of these emulator makers are well known teams.

Sorry but you're showing you have like a child level understanding of copyright law. If you think a company can just outright steal code, change a few lines and get away with it then I don't know what to tell you.
The emulators are open source. So who or what is stopping someone to make a fork and add the leaked Nintendo code in to it?


You missed my point.
It seems you missed mine. From the start I've been talking about any emulators that would incorporate the source code as a part of their build without making it look like a prefect clean room design. I guess you're talking about shady versions? See below.
The emulators are open source. So who or what is stopping someone to make a fork and add the leaked Nintendo code in to it?
Nothing, so long as they don't intend to mass distribute it like most other emulators. What emulator do you think people actually get? Project 64 made by Zilmar which has an official site or bootleg, passed around shady forums Project 64 off shot with illegal source code in it? Now which do you think is more likely to use the illegal source code? Known team built official Project 64 build off their official download page, or dodgy sourced, unofficial Project 64?

Ultimately nothing is stopping the source code from being used, but don't expect any of the actual major emulation teams currently working on emulators to use it.
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Scotty W

This leak needs some sort of a name, so that I can search for Mario 64 beta elements.

I suggest the Dr Doak Leaks. Anyone else?


It seems you missed mine.

I didn't miss it, I was just confused as to why you thought it was relevant. What you're describing as a 'not gonna happen' scenario is happening. It's happened before, countless times, from the earliest days of game emulation. Crowing on about how they'll never make it look legal means nothing. It's meant nothing before this point, it'll mean nothing after it.

but don't expect any of the actual major emulation teams currently working on emulators to use it.

Actually, four have already confirmed over their discord channels that the leaked code is being used to make improvements. If they can use it as a learning tool, it'll improve what already exists. If they find it's simpler to just use the source as is, they'll do what I said and just straight dump a user friendly version out there with no signing. This is nothing new.


We also have the source codes for gen 1, 2 and 3. Having those is aiding in reconstructing Pokemon Pink from what little there was.

Perhaps someday, but it's very likely not going to be in this batch. The leak in OP is from way before the gamecube was even a dream.

Thought it was everything up until the early Wii days, my mistake
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