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So... am I the only one who really enjoyed StarFox Adventures?


Sure, it may not be a groundbreaking RPG, but I thought it was good, and very fun. What do many have against it? I see alot of people saying it's pretty bad, but truth is, I loved that game... :\ and I loved Tricky too...



rollin' in the gutter
I thought it was alright, not the horrorfest this place made it out to be, but not on par with other RARE or first party nintendo games.
Lakitu said:
Sure, it may not be a groundbreaking RPG ...

It's a serviceable game with excellent graphics, but it is fairly "empty." Decent entertainment.

But what is with the main bad dood randomly dying at the end!? WTF?!?!?


thank goodness i'm not the only one..
if i was the type of person to go out to the mall and get t-shirts made, i'd make one that says "I liked Star Fox Adventures"

this game had the best graphics at the time, exploring the worlds was a treat, and the arwing battle levels were viewtiful
i'm really not one for marathon gaming sessions, but the first 2 days i had this game i put in 20 hours, i just couldn't stop playing

good to see others can see past the hate, for a while i thought i'm just the type to be really easy on games and not as "discerning" as other gamers :p

Ranger X


lol I enjoyed it somewhere but it got tedious fast. The story didn't catch me and the whole thing was kinda dull. The graphics were very nice, even ground breaking. But it takes more for me to enjoy a game. I left the game after Cape something i think just when the little Dino grew up.


Yeah, I enjoyed it initially, too. But the game design was mostly uninteresting and very routine. A couple people told me to keep playing and that it would get better, so I kept going, but nothing changed, and I gave up after ~15 hours or something.

Rolio said:
this game had the best graphics at the time, exploring the worlds was a treat, and the arwing battle levels were viewtiful
If only nothing else constituted videogames! Well.. it was pretty!


Duck of Death said:

Awwwwww :)

And great to hear I'm not the only one, not a classic, but great game as far as I'm concerned.

Also, am I correct in assuming Rare cut alot out of the game?


It's got "A" graphics and "C-" gameplay. Too much collecting, combat is mind numbingly simplistic, and the game is arguably as easy as Wind Waker. However, it all looks damn pretty.

End result = B-

It just felt soulless, IMO.


Duck of Death said:
There are arwing missions. They aren't that good, but they are at least there.
I only played the one right at the beginning. I didn't encounter any arwing missions in the ~2 hours i played (rental)! Lies!


Having never played any Zelda game prior to SFA, I liked SFA a lot. Now that I have played Zelda games, SFA is just an average game (gameplay wise).
I really enjoyed it ... nothing groundbreaking (The visuals were awesome tho... still are)

After the first 2 hours of fetching, it got really damn good. People 'put it down' by comparing it to zelda... as if it was a clone... if it's like zelda, that's not a bad thing at all.


Hey, anything that Drinky Crow considers...and I quote... "The most blindingly brilliant game since I put stock in the word 'cognative dissonance'" is good enough for me.


sammy said:
People 'put it down' by comparing it to zelda... as if it was a clone... if it's like zelda, that's not a bad thing at all.
Admittedly, I was hoping for a good Zelda clone. When I didn't get that, I genuinely tried to enjoy the game on its own merits. But it didn't have any. It was easy, the puzzles were extremely elementary, the combat was basic to the point of automatic, and the environments were boring, besides being beautifully designed. I'm actually very surprised that so many of you even enjoyed the game, let alone thought it was "great" or better than WW.

It's no surprise that it's from the DK64/DKC3 team (IIRC). Rare is capable of so much more. Kameo, if its still coming out, sounds like a much better game.


Socreges summed up my feelings exactly. I think the only thing the game has going for it is that it still remains one of the GC's graphical benchmarks a couple years after it's release. Other then that, I would rather play Wind Waker.
They spend so much time on the game creating those wonderful environments but the whole battle system is weak sauce. Does this boil down to misdirection by upper level Rare staff?


belgurdo said:

*looks through threads* OMG 30 EXTRA STARS IN SM 64 DS? IM THERE
If you think of the means, which is the gameplay in and of itself, it's completely different. Slow people parallel the ends and think they've made a remarkable comparison. You ACHIEVE stars and such in the 3D Mario games (except for coins). SFA was largely just you collecting things or having little necessary to do so.


Combat was too easy; when I attack one of them, the rest sit around and watch me kick their pal's ass. Worst. Friends. Ever.

And...let's just say that anti-climax sums up the ending. I played through it twice (Kid I babysat loved...watching ME play it) and the second time it only got worse. Average at BEST.


Socreges said:
If you think of the means, which is the gameplay in and of itself, it's completely different. Slow people parallel the ends and think they've made a remarkable comparison. You ACHIEVE stars and such in the 3D Mario games (except for coins). SFA was largely just you collecting things or having little necessary to do so.

Exactly. There are good and bad collectathons. The 3D Marios have largely worked because stars and shines require some skill to obtain. Wind Waker had a few clever sidequests to complete but ultimately fails where it's Majora's Mask succeeded. SFA completely fails, however.


Deepthroat said:
I love it.


But that's just me :D

Lakitu said:
I love it.
Sure, it may not be a groundbreaking RPG, but I thought it was good, and very fun. What do many have against it? I see alot of people saying it's pretty bad, but truth is, I loved that game... :\ and I loved Tricky too...


you guys need help.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Horrible, boring, empty, and soulless. Shit puzzles, TERRIBLE combat, disappointing music, mediocre art (LOVELY graphics though), and an uninspired world and level design.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Mejilan said:
Horrible, boring, empty, and soulless. Shit puzzles, TERRIBLE combat, disappointing music, mediocre art (LOVELY graphics though), and an uninspired world and level design.



Running off of Custom Firmware
Really, the only "oh this, that's cool" moment was the "fear" test.

The was the one shining moment of originality too, imho.


ohamsie said:
Is it true Falco isn't in it? WTF is up with that?

He left the team before the game begins, and returns at the end to help/save Fox during the final battle (an Arwing fight, btw).


I don't think SFA is a horrible game, I found it to be pretty average. It was far too easy and the combat was boring. I'd say WW was slightly better, but suffering from the same problems (lame combat, boring level design, lack of difficulty).


Deepthroat said:
I love it.


But that's just me :D

Daaammmmnn, stop reading my thoughts! SFA was/is one of the very best games on the Gamecube! The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.
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