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So... am I the only one who really enjoyed StarFox Adventures?


MrparisSM said:
The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.

The only reason why people hate it is because the game is crap.


Running off of Custom Firmware
MrparisSM said:
Daaammmmnn, stop reading my thoughts! SFA was/is one of the very best games on the Gamecube! The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.

This, and not any of those I listed a few posts ago, is the reason why we didn't like SFA?

Seriously, just shut the fuck up.


MrparisSM said:
Daaammmmnn, stop reading my thoughts! SFA was/is one of the very best games on the Gamecube! The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.

I don't think it's the only reason why people hate it, I mean the game is very flawed, but it is a factor in how nasty and over the top some of the criticism is, especially from the hardcore nintendo partisans.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Jesus Christ people! The combat was *LITERALLY* "tap AAAAAAAAAAAA." Repeat as necessary." There WAS no combat to speak of, besides bosses.

How can any of you like this game? Ugh.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Not too mention where in most Zelda games, standard enemies had the decency to fall after a couple of hits, max, but in SFA, you have press A like 20 times to down most of the regular GRUNTS. Ugh.


GDJustin said:
How can any of you like this game? Ugh.
I haven't seen any explanation besides graphics.

I'll help them out, because they're obviously struggling. I suppose it was a good adventure. The strong graphics and music made for a great atmosphere. For a lot of people, that enough can get them immersed and the actual quality of the design becomes subordinate. But, personally, I really struggled to continue playing during some parts. For the most part it was as if I was going through the motions to see the next environment, but often it was an honest chore to play.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I for one was disappointed by the very few boss battles in SFA and that the detailed combat engine wasn't taken advantage of more.

However I like SFA a great deal and consider it a very fine action-adventure title. It can't touch Zelda: The Wind Waker on Gamecube, but it's respectable.

IMHO, the SFA backlash was partly the result of near-worship of Rare by Nintendo fans that was never warranted by the quality of Rare's actual games. SFA wasn't the second coming so people ripped it to shreds. I mean hell - even The Wind Waker, a game I consider one of the finest games in history, was ripped to shreds (and still is) by the self-proclaimed hardcore and righteous fanboys. Poor SFA never stood a chance.


Mejilan said:
This, and not any of those I listed a few posts ago, is the reason why we didn't like SFA?

Seriously, just shut the fuck up.

I guess the good reviews the game recieved were all LIES right? All the people that have stated they love the game are wrong right? And your opinion is the only one that matters right? Seriously just grow the fuck up! Unfortunately right now it's "cool" to hate on Rare, Nintendo fans felt betrayed that Rare was leaving and that started this whole "horrible" game thing for SFA. There is nothing "horrible" about SFA, sure there could have been things that were done better, but that's every game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
MrparisSM said:
I guess the good reviews the game recieved were all LIES right? All the people that have stated they love the game are wrong right? And your opinion is the only one that matters right? Seriously just grow the fuck up! Unfortunately right now it's "cool" to hate on Rare, Nintendo fans felt betrayed that Rare was leaving and that started this whole "horrible" game thing for SFA. There is nothing "horrible" about SFA, sure there could have been things that were done better, but that's every game.

Hey, I'm just helping to answer the question posed by the initiator of this thread. I hated the game, and listed my reasons why.

YOU are the one who tried to dismiss my complaints (many of which are being echoed here, btw, under a bullshit veil of Rare bitterness.

The fact is, I lost my "Rare" love well into the n64 years, where their final offerings were but shadows of the awesome games they provided towards the beginning and middle of their n64 days. Either way, WELL before it became "cool" to hate on 'em. The fact that they've delivered nothing but crap (or nothing) on consoles since SFA doesn't exactly strengthen your case at all, either.

You're the one that should grow up and stop being quick to label people fanboys or bandwagon jumpers.


MrparisSM said:
I guess the good reviews the game recieved were all LIES right? All the people that have stated they love the game are wrong right? And your opinion is the only one that matters right? Seriously just grow the fuck up!
What are you even talking about? People are doing as much as giving their thoughts on the game, and you're telling them why they feel the way that they do. No one gives a shit what you think about the game. Which, btw, is only a natural extension of Rare being exclusive to the Xbox, dur hur.

Unfortunately right now it's "cool" to hate on Rare, Nintendo fans felt betrayed that Rare was leaving and that started this whole "horrible" game thing for SFA. There is nothing "horrible" about SFA, sure there could have been things that were done better, but that's every game.
I think the embellishment could be a consequence sure, but how about actually explaining why it ISN'T a poor game? Contending the points made? No? Dun wanna?


Lakitu said:
Sure, it may not be a groundbreaking RPG, but I thought it was good, and very fun. What do many have against it? I see alot of people saying it's pretty bad, but truth is, I loved that game... :\ and I loved Tricky too...


I really didn't like Star fox adventures. At first I was quite impressed because It looked so nice, but the monotony of the repetitve fetch quests wore thin.


Socreges said:
I suppose it was a good adventure. The strong graphics and music made for a great atmosphere. For a lot of people, that enough can get them immersed and the actual quality of the design becomes subordinate. But, personally, I really struggled to continue playing during some parts. For the most part it was as if I was going through the motions to see the next environment, but often it was an honest chore to play.

This sums up pretty well, why I really enjoyed this game. I loved the graphics and music. It made for an interesting adventure, just traveling to each new location. However, I can certainly see that if atmosphere wasn't important to the person playing the game, that they could think that SF:A is worthless.


Jumpman said:
This sums up pretty well, why I really enjoyed this game. I loved the graphics and music. It made for an interesting adventure, just traveling to each new location. However, I can certainly see that if atmosphere wasn't important to the person playing the game, that they could think that SF:A is worthless.
What's this? Conciliation between two opposing perspectives on GAF?? Holy Christ archive this thread!!


Socreges said:
What are you even talking about? People are doing as much as giving their thoughts on the game, and you're telling them why they feel the way that they do. No one gives a shit what you think about the game. Which, btw, is only a natural extension of Rare being exclusive to the Xbox, dur hur.

I think the embellishment could be a consequence sure, but how about actually explaining why it ISN'T a poor game? Contending the points made? No? Dun wanna?

:lol WTF are you talking about? I merely stated my opinion just like the next dude, he then proceeded to quote me and tell me to shut the fuck up. HIS opinion was that everything was crap about it(not my opinion). MY opinion is that if anyone actually "HATES" this game, like some proclaim, I think they are simply burned Nintendo ex-Rare fans. Like I've stated before, there's nothing horrible about the game and the REVIW SCORES prove this. It's actually one of my favorites on the cube even topping Zelda:WW IMHO. And no I'm not about to go through a long drawn out explanation as to why I loved the game, that was over 2 years ago, and most of you people have your minds made up. I mean you just told me "no one gives a shit what you think about the game." :lol You peeps are hilarious man. I'm out.


Considering how torn up you were over the fact that "Negative early opinions by worthless hackers" about Halo 2 might be blown out of proportion, and considering the fact that you're not even willing to put up a basic description about why you liked SFA, I think it's alot more likely that you enjoy SFA so much because it's creators are now a part of Microsoft country then the other way around.

So, while your opinion may have seemed valid at first glance, I've found a great way to discount it completely. Isn't that awesome? :)

Your behavior in this thread suggest otherwise.


My F*cking Grandpa said:
Considering how torn up you were over the fact that "Negative early opinions by worthless hackers" might effect Halo 2 sales, and considering the fact that you're not even willing to put up a basic description about why you liked SFA, I think it's alot more likely that you enjoy SFA so much because it's creators are now a part of Microsoft country then the other way around.

So, while your opinion may have seemed valid at first glance, I've found a great way to discount it completely. Isn't that awesome? :)

:lol That's the stupidist shit I've ever heard. I actually bought a Gamecube FOR StarFox Adventures. I had the choice between it and the Xbox. At the time SFA was getting pretty good scores and being the Nintendo fanboy that I was at the time I wanted to play Rare's last Hoorah on a Nintendo system. And was really please with the quality, from the graphics to the controls, from the cut scenes and the puzzles, I loved the game at the time. Even controlling "Tricky" I think his name was, was pretty cool. I also fondly remember the star fox "shooting" parts to it. The game had a lot of variety to the environments and had me up late at night trying to beat it. I haven't played this game in over 2 years, so of course I won't have impressions as if it was yesterday. But I can honestly say that I really enjoyed it. So now that you've got that out of me, are you happy? :D


My F*cking Grandpa said:
ISN'T IT!??!

...you don't need a degree in literary technique to discern the irony here....

:lol Haha, you got me! But my opinion still stands about the situation with SFA though, it is in no way as awful a game as some people try to make it to be. And that's been my point all along. :D


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
MrparisSM said:
:lol Haha, you got me! But my opinion still stands about the situation with SFA though, it is in no way as awful a game as some people try to make it to be. And that's been my point all along. :D

And their opinion is that it is, yet you make up all kinds of reasons for why they must feel that way (hating on rare, etc)....


MrparisSM said:
:lol WTF are you talking about? I merely stated my opinion just like the next dude, he then proceeded to quote me and tell me to shut the fuck up. HIS opinion was that everything was crap about it(not my opinion). MY opinion is that if anyone actually "HATES" this game, like some proclaim, I think they are simply burned Nintendo ex-Rare fans. Like I've stated before, there's nothing horrible about the game and the REVIW SCORES prove this. It's actually one of my favorites on the cube even topping Zelda:WW IMHO.
It's really quite simple. Opinions don't matter here. You liked the game. He hated it. You're retarded. etc. None of that is important.

You told him why he doesn't like the game. He told you to shut the fuck up. Nothing more to it.

To illustrate my point, I'm going to tell everyone here that you've presently got a finger lodged in your ass. It is not your own. Now, you may know differently. But it doesn't matter. That's my opinion. I am expressing that opinion. The opinion that your father has a finger lodged up your ass. Ok?
And no I'm not about to go through a long drawn out explanation as to why I loved the game, that was over 2 years ago, and most of you people have your minds made up. I mean you just told me "no one gives a shit what you think about the game." :lol You peeps are hilarious man. I'm out.
Right. No one cares about your opinion to the effect of you complaining:

"All the people that have stated they love the game are wrong right?"

No. No one said that. You can think whatever you'd like. SFA is a good game, the world is flat, etc. Whatever, man. Your mind. Your prerogative.

That I asked you to explain what was good about the game, that would only be an alternative to you aimlessly accusing people of disliking a game for this or that reason, while not bothering to address the particulars. What you're saying might hold ground if you were to reply to his criticisms, espousing your own, rather than appealing to conspiracy theories and reviews.

Arguing with you is kind of like the combat system in SFA... but... FUN!


My God. This stuff happens ALL the time. Some people hate on Halo because they hate Microsoft. Some people hate on Metroid Prime because they dislike Nintendo... and the same can be said of Rare and SFA.... That is the point I was trying to make, while also letting the original poster know that he was not alone in his love for the game. I should have said some instead of anybody I guess, but I'm not going to sit here and argue the semantics of it... I didn't think people would take it that damn personally... Carry on..


Was it a pretty game? Yeah. The problem with the game was that while the linear patterns of the game were wrapped up with nice graphics, it was still an entirely linear game. There were some nice places to see, and stuff to do, but it never really had a dungeon, persay. It never had sidequests that weren't mandatory. It never really provided a strong, overall game experience.

Play it through a second time, and you'll see what I mean. Once the wow factor wears off, you realize that these environments are masking what is a game driven by combat FAR too easy. Wind Waker was easy because of it's damage system, this is easy because ONLY ONE OF THEM ATTACK YOU AT A TIME! Even when fighting three giant grunts with shields, you can take on one at a time. That's bullshit.

By being such a linear title, when you play through it again all of this gets clearer. I liked its graphics and environments. I liked its music for the most part too. Very simply, however, too often it reverted into old formulas, derivative combat, and its climax is the shittiest attempt at tying it back into the core franchise that I've seen. Like, seriously, you should FIGHT THE VILLIAN YOU'VE BEEN FIGHTING THE ENTIRE FREAKING TIME, ASSWIPES.

It has nothing to do with Rare's "console allegiance" at all. It has everything to do with the design issues the game has. If people are willing to overlook these issues and simply stare at pretty graphics, go right ahead. As someone stated, the fear test thing was kind of cool. It pissed me off, but it was different. Let's not discuss the button mashing Test of Strength in that place with the dinosaurs...yeah, it's been awhile since I sold it, I forget.

As someone who played through the game twice, and as someone who got every banana in Donkey Kong 64, I think I can honestly say that Star Fox Adventures is neither great nor good. It is average. If you choose to sacrifice gameplay for presentation, to each their own.


MrparisSM said:
My God. This stuff happens ALL the time. Some people hate on Halo because they hate Microsoft. Some people hate on Metroid Prime because they dislike Nintendo... and the same can be said of Rare and SFA.... That is the point I was trying to make, while also letting the original poster know that he was not alone in his love for the game. I should have said some instead of anybody I guess, but I'm not going to sit here and argue the semantics of it... I didn't think people would take it that damn personally... Carry on..
It's not a matter of personal attacks or anything. Just don't say stupid, sweeping stuff like ("The only reason why people...") and you won't get called out on it.


SFA was pretty enjoyable in its own right and it did show off the GameCubes texturing capabilities quite a bit.

But, that last battle pretty much came out of nowhere...

Kinda like Conker's Bad Fur day's ending (N64), but in a bad way.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
SFA looks great but it

- Had a Dull story
- Was a tedious fetch fest
- Had a shallow combat system
- Didn’t contain any fun!


I think that while the hatred for this title is often exaggerated for effect, I would agree that Star Fox Adventures was a failure on virtually every levels. Outside of the visuals, the game couldn't seem to manage even a basic grasp of what made the games it ripped off of so good. The battling, which used a streamlined lock on system, was so simplistic that it could essentially be trimmed down to one continuous button press over and over with no deviations except to move left and right or back and forward. Enemies were generic and did not have the sort of uniqueness that characters in other adventure games tend to have - especially in the area of weaknesses. Whereas a Zelda, for instance, would have you using many different tools to successfully defeat enemies, SFA mostly had that stick. And after that, you used the stick again. There were rare occassions where you had to use other things, but by and large it was just weak.

Level designs were just awful. It had this beautiful graphics engine, and 99.9% of the time none of the layouts made sense. It was just terrible. There was no method to the madness; nothing that I could say required creativity. It was just so straightforward, so bland (with one or two minor exceptions) that even the games beautiful graphics couldn't save it.

And then of course there was the endless collecting, which I'm sorry to tell you stopped being fun during Rare games back in 1802. It's an archaic approach to game design, and frankly it shows nothing other than poor decision making.

And there was also the story, which because SFA was an Adventure game... became just a bit more important. And it was a horrible, ridiculous story that did not even hold my attention for a second.

The music was so forgettable, so awful that it's quite possible that it had special aural signatures which cause the human brain to automatically erase the memory of listening to it.


Amir0x said:
I think that while the hatred for this title is often exaggerated for effect, I would agree that Star Fox Adventures was a failure on virtually every levels. Outside of the visuals, the game couldn't seem to manage even a basic grasp of what made the games it ripped off of so good. The battling, which used a streamlined lock on system, was so simplistic that it could essentially be trimmed down to one continuous button press over and over with no deviations except to move left and right or back and forward. Enemies were generic and did not have the sort of uniqueness that characters in other adventure games tend to have - especially in the area of weaknesses. Whereas a Zelda, for instance, would have you using many different tools to successfully defeat enemies, SFA mostly had that stick. And after that, you used the stick again. There were rare occassions where you had to use other things, but by and large it was just weak.

Level designs were just awful. It had this beautiful graphics engine, and 99.9% of the time none of the layouts made sense. It was just terrible. There was no method to the madness; nothing that I could say required creativity. It was just so straightforward, so bland (with one or two minor exceptions) that even the games beautiful graphics couldn't save it.

And then of course there was the endless collecting, which I'm sorry to tell you stopped being fun during Rare games back in 1802. It's an archaic approach to game design, and frankly it shows nothing other than poor decision making.

And there was also the story, which because SFA was an Adventure game... became just a bit more important. And it was a horrible, ridiculous story that did not even hold my attention for a second.

The music was so forgettable, so awful that it's quite possible that it had special aural signatures which cause the human brain to automatically erase the memory of listening to it.
You were true to your initial statement for the first paragraph, but then the hate took on a life of its own! Exaggerated for effect? Or emanating from the heart?


Socreges said:
It can't be helped, I suppose.

Heh, it suuuuure can't. But it's good you caught it, since that was the intention. But outside of the music I'm really 100% serious. Music, I admit, was hyperbole. But the collecting was "endless", the level designs were "just awful", and the story literally didn't hold my attention after the first mini segment. So like maybe two minutes.
Kaijima said:
IMHO, the SFA backlash was partly the result of near-worship of Rare by Nintendo fans that was never warranted by the quality of Rare's actual games.

Fo real? Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Conker? Rare were definately the 64 bit gods they were worshipped for if you ask me :p

Anyway, I thought SFA was gorgeous and interesting, but really lacking in gameplay. I never finished it after my friend took it and promptly lost it for about a year and a half. I should go pick it up from him.


captainbiotch said:
Fo real? Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Conker? Rare were definately the 64 bit gods they were worshipped for if you ask me :p

Anyway, I thought SFA was gorgeous and interesting, but really lacking in gameplay. I never finished it after my friend took it and promptly lost it for about a year and a half. I should go pick it up from him.

Don't forget Killer Instinct!
You're not the only one. I really enjoyed the adventuring, the graphics, the music, the lack of loadings. But the game sure had its flaws... most notably is the combat engine. It was dull at best. Enemy variety and AI suffered, too.
Starfox Adventures was both beautiful and derivative. The design had too much too soon going on and many of the items could have been combined into a single pickup.

The individual locals were spectacular looking and I'm not sure if there is a game that exists that had as many special effects going on at the same time that SA has.

I really enjoyed the game until about 50% in when
you had to keep the fear-meter low
. Then I started to hate the game and sold it.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
captainbiotch said:
Fo real? Blast Corps, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo Kazooie, Conker? Rare were definately the 64 bit gods they were worshipped for if you ask me :p

Anyway, I thought SFA was gorgeous and interesting, but really lacking in gameplay. I never finished it after my friend took it and promptly lost it for about a year and a half. I should go pick it up from him.

IMHO, Rare's best titles on the N64 were Blast Corps and Goldeneye. I was rather unimpressed by everything after that; to me, most of their N64 games were lacking in the same areas SFA is lacking. I personally feel SFA shows off some of their shortcomings, being released when a whole lot more high quality 3D action and adventure games exist.

*shrugs* Rare was just highly worshipped. When you're a worshipped comany - deserved or not - you're extremely vunerable to fanboy backlash. A lot of earlier Rare games got regarded higher than they deserved by fanboys - people got used to "better" games post-N64, Rare released SFA (a game which was very very good, by their typical standards), and fanboys got shocked it wasn't as godlike as they seemed to remember all Rare's games were.

All in my opinion, of course.


It's a good game. It's great looking, great soundtrack, but just really unexciting level design and ease of progression. The combat was a bit slow in having to wait out combos also. Plus, I guess Fox sort of felt out of place with Dinosaurs to me. Still good game, just didn't like it as much as Metroid, Zelda or BG&E.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Yes you are. Star Fiox Adventures is painfully shite. Hang yourself Lakitu. Or play Fable

Or play Sudeki?*

*actually hanging yourself is more fun.


Socreges said:
Admittedly, I was hoping for a good Zelda clone. When I didn't get that, I genuinely tried to enjoy the game on its own merits. But it didn't have any. It was easy, the puzzles were extremely elementary, the combat was basic to the point of automatic, and the environments were boring, besides being beautifully designed. I'm actually very surprised that so many of you even enjoyed the game, let alone thought it was "great" or better than WW.

It's no surprise that it's from the DK64/DKC3 team (IIRC). Rare is capable of so much more. Kameo, if its still coming out, sounds like a much better game.

Actually, I think that SFA was done by the Blast Corps/JetForceGemini team, not DK64. In fact, I believe it's the old DK64 team that's doing Kameo! There used to be a website that had listed all the different Rare teams and what they were up to now, but I'm not sure it exists anymore.

Edit: I was close, Kameo IS being done by the DK64 team. Here's a link to the story.


I liked StarFox Adventures. It had great graphics with fluid animations, smooth framerate, diverse levels with no load times, humor, great controls, and great audio.

The gameplay was a bit of a mixed bag. Sure there was quite a bit of collecting, and the combat system wasn't too deep, but I thought that it did a lot of other cool things as well though that make up for it. Ordering Tricky around was fun and added a lot to some of the puzzles. Riding the SnowHorn and busting through the big gate, flying the CloudRunner while shooting down missiles with your staff, manning the cannons, the test of fear and test of strength were all nice ways to add diversity. The hoverbike races were lots of fun too and so were the Arwing missions.

I don't think the game gets as much credit as it deserves. It was a very well made game aside from the collecting IMO. Some people make it sound horrible.
I finished the game, but mostly because I have always loved RARE's games. The game was more of a chore than an enjoyment to me though. Despite its beautiful graphics, overall it was a very bland experience IMO.

I did enjoy the final battle quite a bit.
I tried to sell this game on ebay, and through some evil machination of fate couldn't manage it.

It's not a bad game. The game was ok on the first play through, I'd even say very good at some points, but then it really takes a great deal of effort to go back to. The graphics as everyone has mentioned are okay. The game is just full of mediocrity though in just about every other area. The flying missions don't really capture that linear arcade shooter feel from the old games - there are few enemies, your objective is simple, and the controls and capabilities of your craft are dumbed down from previous incarnations. Then when you land and get your staff, you soon become aware that fighting requires little effort. Just press A. Adding directions and using different timing changes very little other than the animations used for you killing the enemy. It all looks fantastic, but it's not particularly fun. This could be ignored if the puzzles were actually any fun, but they're really not. There are moments of merit, like wearing a disguise of the enemy, utilising wind machines and things like that - but for the most part you run about from A to B killing things. There are vehicular mini games all of which are decent tangents on the normal gameplay experience -- for example the snowmobile things, and the giant elephant type things. The dinosaur you ride later on that looks like a teradactyl (it may infact be one) was actually a quite challenging on rails shooter. Prince Tricky is useful, and was a likable character... it was good controlling him. Towards the end of the game you end up repeating your actions from earlier levels and it really is quite annoying. Find artifact - go somewhere - find artifact... derivative flight levels inbetween all of this of course. You're even robbed of a fight with the game's main villain for a predictable showdown with a familiar foe. As predictable as it was, the final boss showed the kind of potential this game could have had.

I think it's better than a lot of people gave it credit for, but it could have been SO much better. It's just no fun for me anymore. I doubt I'll play it again for a very long time.
I liked StarFox Adventures. It had great graphics with fluid animations, smooth framerate, diverse levels with no load times, humor, great controls, and great audio.

....and gameplay?

Seriously, this is one of those games that would get:

Controls - 9
Graphics - 9
Sound - 9
Presentation 8/9
Fun Factor - 2

Which essentially just nullifies the rest of the categories. I don't care how awesome a game looks or sounds if the actual design is pure garbage.


Pretty; too easy for anyone but children; too many fetch quests. Not as bad as Donkey Kong 64, if only because it could be beaten in a few days and sold on eBay. I remember there being a few decent puzzles in it.
DIrtyWeasel said:
I think I enjoyed it more than most people did.
It wasn't bad.
I agree with this. However, I think I got a bit more of a kick outta that pic that Duck of Death posted...pancake...rabbit...pancake...rabbit...
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