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So... am I the only one who really enjoyed StarFox Adventures?


Thanks for your opinions guys. I can understand most of (if not all) the complaints, but to me, besides it's mediocre combat system, simplicity and more, it's a fun game at it's core. Definitely contains a bit of Rare's charm.

Also chill with the -1000 crap, it's just an opinion. Get over it.

Oh and...

*hangs self*
MrparisSM said:
The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.

Man this pisses me off when ppl say this. I love Rare and I own an Xbox so I don't give a shit what console their games are on. The fact of the matter is that it has very average game with fantastic graphics and presentation. The gameplay is just not fun. It's still better then a lot of other 3rd party adventure games though.

Bring on Conker. Now that is an example of a fantastic Rare game in recent times. Loved the N64 game and can't wait to play the Xbox version.


MrparisSM said:
Daaammmmnn, stop reading my thoughts! SFA was/is one of the very best games on the Gamecube! The only reason why people hate it, is because Rare announced they were moving to the Xbox right before they released this game.
My reason was it was just boring, no fun and couldn't offer any new/fresh ideas.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I apparently went to bed before I could defend myself back in the early days of page 2. Thanks Socreges, you made my point perfectly, really.


suaveric said:
Actually, I think that SFA was done by the Blast Corps/JetForceGemini team, not DK64. In fact, I believe it's the old DK64 team that's doing Kameo! There used to be a website that had listed all the different Rare teams and what they were up to now, but I'm not sure it exists anymore.

Edit: I was close, Kameo IS being done by the DK64 team. Here's a link to the story.
My bad.

The Star Fox Adventures team consists of around twenty members. For half of those, SFA is the first title they have worked on while at Rare. The remaining people stem mostly from the Diddy Kong Racing team.
A ha.
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