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So I finnaly watched TNA impact.

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First tragedy, then farce.
I dont get all the praise.

The one thing I can appreciate is the lack of sportz entertainment. There were a couple of interviews, but they amounted to "I am the best, and Im going to beat you", the kind of angles we were looking at in the 80's.

The in ring product hower, was pretty week. There were a few nice looking moves, but most of them were flubbed pretty badly, and everyone on that show seems to really enjoy reversing moves.. I mean, a reversal is cool, but its like playing DOA after a while, reversales get reversed, just way too much shit. Also, these guys oversell. the matches are set at 10 minutes (an intresting idea, with Rhodes picking the winner if time runs out) and these guys start selling like they have been in HITC with trips smashing them with a sledgehammer for an hour. Moreover, the selling isnt very good.. they sell like they are dying, but in an unconvincing lita kind of way.

Im going to try out another one of their PPV's shortly because the one I have seen was much better than Impact! was today.. they seem to sprinkel their talent thinly on Impact, which is a shame as they could really use a big hit here.

Overall: Didnt see a memorable match, just about everyone does a ton of high flying Rey Rey/RVD type of moves, but not nearly so well (and it gets old with so many people doing that kind of stuff).. the big plus is the lack of Sportz entertainment bullshit.. it would be nice on Raw if I could just have Kane attack Matt Hardy one day a month ago and have the two of them fight for 10-20 minutes a night instead of all this lita bullshit.. but at the end of the day, the in ring product just doesnt stack up.. at all. So while I aplaud them for more in ring product in an hour show than the WWE gets in a two hour time slot, what I saw wasnt worth my time.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well it has really went down hill alot lately it seems. Get on Kaza or your favorite file sharing prog and DL some older X-division matches with Low Ki (my fav of the bunch), Amazing Red, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Jerry Lynn and you will see how crappy things have really gotten.

Outside the x-division I see no point in watching at all right now. I've seen 4 shows and the only heavyweight that seems to be very goodl is Abyss who is pretty good for his size. Jarrett is alright. 3 live crew is a complete joke. Road Dogg was never that great and now he's a fat slob. Konan was decent at one time now he's a fat slob. Killings seems to think he's still K-kwik or on the set of you got served. Neither of their two main tag teams are all that great and when they are all in the ring its hard to tell who is who cuz they all look alike. Disco inferno and Vito sucked on Nitro and nothing has changed there. Sharkboy and D-ray are ok. Shamrock has looked pathetic so far. The elite guard is terrible. Monty brown seems ok. D-low Brown......not so much. They have the right approach just dont have the talent to pull it off right at the moment.

Basically I'm only watching for Primetime and Chris Daniels right now. They need to get Low Ki back pronto.


They really botch a lot of shit. The weird ring is stupid. On the plus side they do some CRAZY shit -

- Two guys used a ladder in a see-saw motion to catapault another guy to the outside.
- AJ Styles is going to die soon. He springboard somersaulted to the outside over a tiny one man steel cage.
- Suplexes from the top to the concrete floor.

Problem is, these guys can't last doing this stuff day in day out.
The production value is shit. I remember them first copying WWE's VS. screens and they just paused the video for since you could see the guys stuttering and skipping in their stop pose. They wrestle in the same damn arena every night.

Storylines are very predictable and shallow. The reason I watch is for those 'ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!' moments like the Canadian Destroyer.
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