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So late I missed the 7 person party



Sub Rebellion

This game is a hidden treasure. Here are my initial impressions:

[Brief Summary]
You play as a submarine that can attack enemies with a machine gun or use torpedos against them, fighting off waves of enemies while you complete your objectives until you confront the end of the level boss. Your sub is also capable of surfacing to attack land and airborne targets, much like Irem's previous title "In The Hunt". During your game, you will use your sonar to locate enemies, mines, and hidden treasures (which reveal lost tech. and adds new weapons, armor, and items to the games shops)

The actual ship controls are thoughtfully set up, with the triggers assigned to accelerate, decelerate, and raise/lower altitude...various controls schemes are available though I believe the ability to fully customize isn't available. After a minute of getting used to raisng and lowering my ship using the triggers controlling the sub became second nature. Face buttons are used for various functions such as your sonar (which shows the wireframe model for nearby terrain and nearby objects that are arranged into different colors, each representing what type of object they are (enemy, treasure, ect.)

Gameplay revolves around completing objectives such as destroying mines, escavating a giant statue, and others. While you complete your objectives, you will encounter enemies that are spread around the area and be able to uncover treasures. Your time, effectivness, and enemy/treasure counts are all used to issue moneys at the end of each mission, which can be used to purchase a variety of upgrades for your craft.

I remember reading positive impressions on this game before but have never seen it since it's initial release....amazed to see a used (though cover-less) copy at my EB I picked it up and have been playing it exclusively since. It's a fairly old PS2 game that doesn't excel in graphics or sound, but offers a great underwater arcade experience. A must own for anyone that enjoys arcadey space/sub combat games

edit: added game title (image isn't showing?)


I always see SR every time I hit EB but I never think about it to pick it up.. Maybe it just got lost in the PS2 game release shuffle so people didn't see it.
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