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So late, I should be kicked square in the nuts... Metroid Prime


AniHawk said:
I think I'm one of the few Nintendo fans who doesn't get the MP love. Could never find the fun factor like I was in the GBA Metroids.

MP2E though... That game actually has me interested. Multiplayer mode was great fun.

You didn't like MP but are interested in MP2 for the multiplayer mode? ;__;

MP is still the best GC game available. I've beat it. Don't own it, yet. I'll wait for the Metroid Prime GC bundle due out soon so I can have my Echoes demo!
I'm the biggest Metroid Prime whore around. When I die, I would like to be buried with it. Best game this generation easily, and also one of the top 5 games of all time!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I thought the first half was easy, but the second was on the hard side. My hands were sweaty and sore from the final boss after 3 tries and something like 2 hours (those rooms before it are a bitch due to certain creatures...). I didn't consider going to hard mode after that.

Although my hands were sweaty, it was the most brilliant controller scheme for any pad I've ever felt. Everything flew naturally, but there was so much to do.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>Just thinking about what i've read and seen of metroid prime 2, i get a huge grin on my face. <<<

You could have played the single-player at Comicon this weekend as much as you wanted. It was being completely ignored in favor of RE4.


neptunes said:
jedimike, where are you?

1% ... hehe Like I said, I just started.

But admit it you just picked it up because that upcoming starwars game is taking a few cues from the HUD

Actuallly, I wasn't looking forward to RC just because of the HUD... plus I didn't really like R6III all that much. So the combination of the 2 really caused a lot of disinterest. Battlefront will be the Star Wars game to own :)

I do have some problems navigating with the weird control scheme

It does take some getting used to, and I know most GAF members will disagree, but I think a traditional FPS control scheme would have made the game even better. I find myself traveling in ball mode a lot. One, because it's easier and two, because it looks so damn cool.


xabre said:
I've had the game several months now and still haven't finished it, and it wasn't through lack of trying either. It's the final boss and the lead up to fighting it that's the problem.

I didn't find it hard, but I'm in the identical boat...except I've had it for more than a year and a half.

The Impact Crater isn't hard, just annoying and frustrating to me. And, knowing how the game ends, I don't exactly feel like I need to finish that needlessly complicated part, when I played the rest of the awesome game.


I hate these MP threads. I really never could get into MP when it first came out, but seeing/reading all the praise it receives in thread after thread makes me want to try it again.
I got stuck in this game and never finished it. I started to get pissed because I explored every part that I could access but couldn't find the way to get to that next stage.

I'll get back to it eventually... >_<

I love the game but I was getting frustrated too because I die many times by the hands of the tall monster in the lab (forgot the name) and every attempt on clearing the lab will involve a long traversal segment and by the time I get to the lab, I lost most of my health. I wish there are safe points in between. I will get back to this game eventually. The thing is, I die so many more times in Ninja Gaiden but I tough it out however MP doesn't has that charm that pull me through the numerous retries.
How to beat tall guy, I think:

Did you scan the tall guy? If I remember right, you have to lock on to the rocket packs, and without those, he's then real easy.

I do agree that they should of put one more save point in phazon mines.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Gahiggidy said:
Pikmin is better.



jarrod said:
Fusion > Zero Mission >>>>> Prime

All Fusion has got for it is it's difficulty and storytelling. No exploration to it at all, and to me, that's the main part of the Metroid series!


Wow, everyone seem to love this game except me. I didn't get into it. Still have it in my collection though, mostly because it's so highly rated and have such an awesome soundtrack! :)


jedimike said:
1% ... hehe Like I said, I just started.

If you've only played 1%, I don't understand how you could say things like:

"I guess that my only real minor complaint has been the difficulty level. It seems really easy."

"By far my favorite GC game. I don't understand why MP sales aren't equal to or greater than Halo, because this is definitely a must have GC title."


Kiriku said:
If you've only played 1%, I don't understand how you could say things like:

"I guess that my only real minor complaint has been the difficulty level. It seems really easy."

"By far my favorite GC game. I don't understand why MP sales aren't equal to or greater than Halo, because this is definitely a must have GC title."

If I recall correctly, percentage is for scans and not game completion.


Kiriku said:
If you've only played 1%, I don't understand how you could say things like:

"I guess that my only real minor complaint has been the difficulty level. It seems really easy."

"By far my favorite GC game. I don't understand why MP sales aren't equal to or greater than Halo, because this is definitely a must have GC title."
Me too... I thought it was cool at the beginning too, but then my interest disappeared. People say Zelda WW is the best GC title, but they only say it before they've been forced to hunt those triforce pieces.

Anyway, it's he's opinion but I don't understand how he can compare it to a game like Halo, especially with such a low playtime. Play it for 5h or so then come back and say what you think :p


Sucks at viral marketing
Swordian said:
If I recall correctly, percentage is for scans and not game completion.
Percentage is for collecting power-ups (Missle Expantions, Energy Tanks, Weapon Upgrades, etc..) Scanning has nothing to do with it.

If he's only at 1%, then he's just landed on the planet, beaten the Hive Mecha, and hasn't done much else.


Deepthroat said:
Me too... I thought it was cool at the beginning too, but then my interest disappeared. People say Zelda WW is the best GC title, but they only say it before they've been forced to hunt those triforce pieces.

Wind Waker is the best GC title...and I've played it all.
Necroscope said:
I love the game but I was getting frustrated too because I die many times by the hands of the tall monster in the lab (forgot the name) and every attempt on clearing the lab will involve a long traversal segment and by the time I get to the lab, I lost most of my health. I wish there are safe points in between. I will get back to this game eventually. The thing is, I die so many more times in Ninja Gaiden but I tough it out however MP doesn't has that charm that pull me through the numerous retries.

You really must be weaksauce, i mean i have the pal version which is much harder and i can count the number of times i died in the whole game with the number of fingers in my hand.....


Running off of Custom Firmware
Memles said:
Wind Waker is the best GC title...and I've played it all.

Seriously, I had about half of the TriForks Pieces before the game even required I hunt them down! Ditto with the Artifacts in Metroid Prime.

Two great games that reward exploration.


Mejilan said:
Seriously, I had about half of the TriForks Pieces before the game even required I hunt them down! Ditto with the Artifacts in Metroid Prime.

Two great games that reward exploration.

I didn't have the Artifacts as much, I'm afraid, but same with the Triforce pieces. If you explored the overworld at ALL in Wind Waker, you'd have to find a couple.


Running off of Custom Firmware
The Ghostship was the trickiest one, IIRC. And a bit of a disappointment once you did figure it out. :( But some of the truly combat intensive ones were awesome to acquire!


Mrbob said:
You didn't like MP but are interested in MP2 for the multiplayer mode? ;__;

The multi was the only part of the game I played. Didn't play anything else of the game (Metroid games are so short.. I didn't want to ruin anything ahead of time. It's not like RE4 where it's the beginning of the game and YOU WILL DIE at some point in it).

There's gonna be new moves too. I talked to someone who said that they might leave some undocumented so you can find secret combos and moves on your own. :D


Sucks at viral marketing
Why do I get the feeling that jedimike only made this thread so that later he can come back and complain about the controls or lossing interest or whatever else he can think of?


Running off of Custom Firmware
That would be cool. Intentional or not, THEY DID do something like that with the first MP, and it DID make sequence breaking possible.


JJConrad said:
Why do I get the feeling that jedimike only made this thread so that later he can come back and complain about the controls or lossing interest or whatever else he can think of?

Oh yeah, that's a popular and good troll tactic.


Kiriku said:
If you've only played 1%, I don't understand how you could say things like:

"I guess that my only real minor complaint has been the difficulty level. It seems really easy."

Well, even when starting games like Halo, there is some difficulty. Like I said, I expect it to ramp up and by the sounds of it, it gets very difficult.

"By far my favorite GC game. I don't understand why MP sales aren't equal to or greater than Halo, because this is definitely a must have GC title."

How long do I have to play to accurately quantify my opinion? I've had more fun with the hour I've played with MP than I did with all of the time I spent on Zelda. Hell, I had more fun with Sphinx and the cursed Mummy than I did with SMS. I love sci-fi though, and this game really meshes with me.

Why do I get the feeling that jedimike only made this thread so that later he can come back and complain about the controls or lossing interest or whatever else he can think of?

I've never done that before... and I've given praise to GC games in the past. I was one of the few Sonic Heroes supporters when it first came out. A good game is a good game no matter what platform you primarily game on.
I played about 10 hours of it and stopped. Never finished it. My favorite games on the Cube were Wind Waker and Super Smash. Mario Kart was pretty good too.

I didn't like certain things about Metroid, mainly the controls. The graphics though were some of the best this gen.


I thought I beat the final boss in Prime once, till he came back as a ghost.
Haven't got that far since. Been meaning to try again, the game deserves to be finished.


jedimike said:
By far my favorite GC game. I don't understand why MP sales aren't equal to or greater than Halo, because this is definitely a must have GC title.

I still maintain MP is the best game I've seen so far this generation for any console.


One word of advice I like to give to anyone new to the game is to avoid gamefaqs. Sometimes you'll think to yourself, "Shit why couldn't they just put a platform here so I can reach that door." But some of the solutions are quite cool and you'll probably be glad you figured it out by yourself. I lent the game to all my friends and they all returned it too early because they got stuck somewhere. Their loss I guess.

Another thing to keep in mind is when all else has failed, switch visors. I discovered some of the coolest things just by following that rule. And put up the volume. That's a good rule #2. The observation/discovery part is what made the game so memorable for me. Either that or circle strafing around enemies to blast them in the ass. Just wait 'till you get the fire weapon and start backtracking through Phendrana Drifts. :) Good luck with the rest of the game.

edit: The items in the game emit a low humming sound. That's why I said putting up the volume is a good idea (in case u didn't already know.) I wish I had figured that out sooner.

Li Mu Bai

jarrod said:
It's true. So are F-Zero GX and Mario Sunshine. :)

jarrod, I normally agree with you seemingly always. But what you spoke of above here,^ this is complete & utter madness. F-Zero belongs within the same league, but SMS? Are you currently inebriated?

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Unconfirmed Member
Li Mu Bai said:
jarrod, I normally agree with you seemingly always. But what you spoke of above here,^ this is complete & utter madness. F-Zero belongs within the same league, but SMS? Are you currently inebriated?

Nope, all 3 games are outstanding.

Mario was only let down by the blue coins. great game.

If only F-zero wasn't so frustratingly hard.
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