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So, which E3 DVD is better?

I got the Gamespot one and it's pretty nice. The press conferences were edited, but I already saw them.

The vid captures for the most part are excellent. I never got a chance to see the Halo 2demonstration which then went to the Zanzibar level layout. DAMNNNNN! that looks hot! They also have an excellent Mercenaries movie that I hadn't seen before. It looks 10 times better than the Battlefield: Modern Combat game, which might be why it was delayed (although Mercenaries isn't hitting til early next year)

I could've done without the Gamespot freaks feature, but otherwise I'm pretty satisfied.

For those that have seen it, how's the one they sell at Gamestop? Money's not a problem, but are they so similar that getting it makes absolutely no sense.

It's funny how when you're at E3, you miss at least 3/4 of the games because you're really looking at what you wanted to hit before the conference started or aren't willing to wait in ridiculous lines and miss out on alot.
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