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So, who thinks MGS3 will get 10 on either IGN or Gamespot?

I'm pretty sure that one of the two websites will give the game a ten, heck, I even think that both could give it a ten. From what been shown at the moment, the game looks just about perfect. The graphics look like some of the best this generation, the gameplay looks like its gonna set new standards, the music is just as good as MGS2 and IMO there is nothing wrong with the voice acting...apart from Ocelot, but evenone else I'm ok with. I really do think this game is gonna kick so much ass.


Hmmm... As much as I anticipate the game, I don't think either of them will give Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater a perfect note...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Metal Gear Solid is one of those games that has to get a high score, otherwise you have thousands of fans on your ass. Imagine the next Zelda game getting a 8.7, the message boards around the world would explode...

I have no doubt that MGS3 will get a very very high score from most critics, but I wouldn't bet on a perfect score. Then again I wouldn't have guessed Chrono Cross would do it, so you never know. The game looks perfect to me, and thats all that matters.
I dont think any of the big games will get a perfect 10 but a 9.9 might be a possibility, i dont think MGS3 will get over a 9.5 though.
If not a 10, Im gonna guess between 9.5 - 9.8. That would be my gues for Halo 2 as well. I don't really care what they get anyway, I know I'm Getting MGS3 (Dammit, I wish I had an Xbox:()


Grizzlyjin said:
Metal Gear Solid is one of those games that has to get a high score, otherwise you have thousands of fans on your ass. Imagine the next Zelda game getting a 8.7, the message boards around the world would explode...

I have no doubt that MGS3 will get a very very high score from most critics, but I wouldn't bet on a perfect score. Then again I wouldn't have guessed Chrono Cross would do it, so you never know. The game looks perfect to me, and thats all that matters.
I tend to see Metal Gear Solid fans as being more mature, and caring less about the score of their favorite game, than Zelda fans... It's a fact now that most Metal Gear Solid games includes amazing production quality. If the game introduce something new, like camouflage in MGS3's case, it will likely get a high score from those specialized website anyway...


Mistaken iRobbery!
Regarding Gamespot's score:

I do think MGS3 will score better than 8.2 that Twin Snakes got, but I'm not so sure if it will beat out the 9.6 score that Sons of Liberty had. Maybe it will match the 9.6 score.


Defensor said:
Regarding Gamespot's score:

I do think MGS3 will score better than 8.2 that Twin Snakes got, but I'm not so sure if it will beat out the 9.6 score that Sons of Liberty had. Maybe it will match the 9.6 score.
It depends if...

1. It's the same guy that reviews it;

2. He was really pissed off about the Raiden factor.


Sucks at viral marketing
Here's what the previous MGS game recieved from each site:

MGS -- 9.8
MGS2 - 9.7

MGS -- 8.5
MGS2 - 9.6

All too high, IMO.

MGS3 doesn't have the hype of the other 2 games. There are too many other high profile games being released next to it. I expect mid 9's from those 2 sites, but no 10's.
thorns said:
MGS2 was terribly overrated. Minimal gameplay, lots of cutscenes, cliched story, no thanks.
I love it when people do this. The gameplay might have been minimal, heck the whole game might have been short, but it had some of the best gameplay this gen, it had some really nice cutscenes and the story is the best story in any game, followed closely by MGS1's story:p


Console Market Analyst
Top scores for this gen at IGN:
PS2 - Gran Turismo 3 Aspec - 9.8
Xbox - Halo - 9.7
GCN - Metroid Prime - 9.8

Top scores for this gen at Gamespot:
PS2 - Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - 10
Xbox - Halo - 9.7
GCN - Metroid Prime - 9.7

I would list the GBA titles, but IGN has handed out 13 tens!


chocoholic said:
I love it when people do this. The gameplay might have been minimal, heck the whole game might have been short, but it had some of the best gameplay this gen, it had some really nice cutscenes and the story is the best story in any game, followed closely by MGS1's story:p

That honor goes to Planescape : Torment. But considering how 99% of the games have shitty stories that's not a big achievement in itself.. If i wanted a good story/good cutscenes I would rather watch a movie.


JJConrad said:
MGS3 doesn't have the hype of the other 2 games. There are too many other high profile games being released next to it. I expect mid 9's from those 2 sites, but no 10's.
5 threads in 4 days dedicated to Metal Gear = HYPE
Personally, I don't care if there is hype around this game or not. Ive been waiting a year and a half for this game and now it's coming. IMO, this game is gonna be perfect, I just hope some other people might think that too.
It'll get a 9.5 or higher, but no 10. It won't deserve a 10 either. If that was the case Kojima would have no reason to come back for the next game. :p MGS2 was 50% of what he thought the perfect MG would be, so this is probably 60-70% of what he thinks it'll take to be perfect.


Sucks at viral marketing
Laurent said:
5 threads in 4 days dedicated to Metal Gear = HYPE
If this were the other 2 MGS games, it wouldn't have taken 4 days.

No GBA has recieved a 10 from IGN. The highest GBA game is Advance Wars with a 9.9. The 10's on their site are all GBC, NGPC, or Atari Lynx titles.


I dunno. I sense that Metal Gear Solid 3 will meet a much harsher critical reception than Sons of Liberty. I find the demo unbelievably unexciting at this point, and I pretty much just dread the script. If Otacon fucked his stepmother, God knows what kind of childhood Big Boss had (and God knows how long a stupid-ass Codec conversation it will take to tell us about it).

Among both fans and critics, I think, there's been a distinct comedown from the initial impact of MGS2. I gave the game a 9.7 at IGN back in the day, but I don't think much of it now. In fact I think I regret that review the most of all the many shit pieces I've written over the years.

Talking with the EGM guys once, Shane Bettenhausen said that if he were scoring Sons of Liberty, he'd give it a "See me after class." I think that's about as good as I could come up with at this point, too.



Bad Art ™
WarPig said:
I dunno. I sense that Metal Gear Solid 3 will meet a much harsher critical reception than Sons of Liberty. I find the demo unbelievably unexciting at this point, and I pretty much just dread the script. If Otacon fucked his stepmother, God knows what kind of childhood Big Boss had (and God knows how long a stupid-ass Codec conversation it will take to tell us about it).

Among both fans and critics, I think, there's been a distinct comedown from the initial impact of MGS2. I gave the game a 9.7 at IGN back in the day, but I don't think much of it now. In fact I think I regret that review the most of all the many shit pieces I've written over the years.

Talking with the EGM guys once, Shane Bettenhausen said that if he were scoring Sons of Liberty, he'd give it a "See me after class." I think that's about as good as I could come up with at this point, too.


you are going to make SSX cry


Milhouse31 said:
you are going to make SSX cry

Reading my Sons of Liberty review makes me cry.

Learning that Otacon banged his stepmom made me want to fly to Japan and grab Kojima by the collar and yell "WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. WRONG. WITH. YOU."

WarPig said:
Reading my Sons of Liberty review makes me cry.

Learning that Otacon banged his stepmom made me want to fly to Japan and grab Kojima by the collar and yell "WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. WRONG. WITH. YOU."


so the demo sucks?


Doom_Bringer said:
so the demo sucks?

The demo is the demo. My feelings speak for my experience, not anybody else's.

I will say that it is fun to roll up with the new shotgun and blast guards over the edge of a cliff with a spray of 00 buck. See, that's what I think the game should be about -- going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. I was pretty optimistic about the game until E3 this year, when they confirmed that it would also have a big preposterously complex story with Patriots and haunted hand-grafts and stupid shit like that.



WarPig said:
I will say that it is fun to roll up with the new shotgun and blast guards over the edge of a cliff with a spray of 00 buck. See, that's what I think the game should be about -- going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers.
Can you actually explain what's disappointing with the demo? Is the stealth poorly implemented? Too much story?


CrimsonSkies said:
Then I guess Splinter Cell 3 will get a 10.1 .

Splinter Cell 3 will sell about half a copy if they persist in the insanity of releasing it this November, so it doesn't really matter either way.

WarPig said:
The demo is the demo. My feelings speak for my experience, not anybody else's.

I will say that it is fun to roll up with the new shotgun and blast guards over the edge of a cliff with a spray of 00 buck. See, that's what I think the game should be about -- going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. I was pretty optimistic about the game until E3 this year, when they confirmed that it would also have a big preposterously complex story with Patriots and haunted hand-grafts and stupid shit like that.


Humm. Far Cry sounds right in your alley.
WarPig said:
The demo is the demo. My feelings speak for my experience, not anybody else's.

I will say that it is fun to roll up with the new shotgun and blast guards over the edge of a cliff with a spray of 00 buck. See, that's what I think the game should be about -- going to the jungle and killing motherfuckers. I was pretty optimistic about the game until E3 this year, when they confirmed that it would also have a big preposterously complex story with Patriots and haunted hand-grafts and stupid shit like that.


Yeah I definately prefer your idea. It might sound daft, but I'd love a refreshing change of pace... snapping necks in the jungle like some crazy Commando/Rambo/Predator type experience... literally a good ol' rampage the likes of which we wouldn't know from Snake. Kind of like Conan the Barbarian set in the jungle :D
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