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So why didn't you like The Dark Knight Rises? Nolan trilogy spoilers of course.

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I thought it was quite entertaining. In fact, I find it to be more watchable than TDK though I consider TDK to be a better movie with its strong acting.

Not that Rises is a popcorn flick (I hate that term), though I found Bane to be extremely fun despite his disappointing resolution. I also found the whole bomb part corny. And of course, Bruce returning to Gotham was hilarious in how much of a plot hole that was (a part of me already knows some GAF person is gonna explain this to me.)

For the hell of it, I'm just going to mention the movie has an 87% on RT.


I love the Nolan trilogy.

The joker is not the joker, batman is not a detective and bane is not a mastermind of crime ... but they are awesome movies.


I found some of the production and editing to be sloppy. Was a fun ride the first time but definitely lost some of that fire on rewatch.


It's not very fun or smart? It has a couple good elements. Anne Hathaway is a surprisingly good Catwoman, and the BanexBatman fight in the sewer is pretty good, but... eh, the series was just running out of energy, and I think Nolan was too.


Gordon TDK: "Because we have to chase him. Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so we'll hunt him. Because he can take it, because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight."

TDKR: "LOL couldn't take it, need an 8 year break!"

Terrible writing is only one of its problems but it's pretty damn terrible.

Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fibMrH-DISY&list=WL&index=67


I loved the whole trilogy.

Rises feels like it's the most "comic booky", with the bomb, "That's impossible!", the climax and whatnot.

But damn do I love the finale. That car chase gets me amped every.single. time. Shit is intense for me.


I dislike how Talia was portrayed.

And I hated how Nolan wrote Batman as retiring for an 8 year stretch. It felt it was a mischaraterization of Batman. I know they were channeling Miller and his Dark Knight story, but I feel like Batman would never retire especially when he was only Batman for like a year or two tops.

Other than that it was an okay film. Then again I generally dislike Nolan films.


I loved it, one of the best cinema experiences ever.

What's the plothole about Wayne returning to Gotham?

People complain that Wayne returning to Gotham is unfathomable and should have been shown.

This from a guy who lived as a street thief for years, trained as a ninja and is actually the Batman.

Because hopping on a plane/boat whatever is just out of people's imagination.


It was a good movie but I felt it was a bit bloated. They completely wasted someone as talented as Marion Cotillard with Talia and the whole plot with her as the evil mastermind felt underbaked and even a little bit forced? But I love the ending of Bale and Hathaway (my favorite thing about the movie) running away together. Bane was a good villain for most of the movie too.

- J - D -

I disagree with the entire premise of TDKR. So, that's why I don't particularly like it as a whole, but I admit there are moments that I loved, particularly Bruce's climb out of the pit.


TDKR was nothing like the last 2. It was a straight action movie and not a good one.

There wasn't even all that much action in it.

My main issue with it was the storyline itself. I wasn't a fan of the ending to The Dark Knight, where Batman put himself up as the one who killed Dent and the others. I thought they could have handled all of that much better. So that just led into Batman and Bruce Wayne disappearing for eight years. Didn't like that idea at all either. And then everyone just acted as stupid as possible. Sending all the cops down into the tunnels? Dumb. Wayne going completely bankrupt because of some bad stock deals literally the day after the stock exchange was broken into and data was stolen? Dumb. John Blake's entire character, down to recognizing Batman by the look on his face? Dumb.

That's not even entertaining the idea of the poor fight choreography, pitiful acting from Anne Hathaway and Marion Cottillard and bad plot devices.


I still enjoyed TDKR and that ending gave me feels but these were my issues with it:

*Was fairly bloated yet had rushed sub plots.
*Catwoman didn't really fit all that well into the story.
*The whole Talia/Bane thing undermined Bane being hyped up as a monster born in the pit.
*Gary Stu "Robin" character also didn't fit that well into the movie.
*Poor action choreography which has honestly plagued the whole series.
*Some noteworthy plot holes.
I loved bane but my suspension of disbelief went out the window when the fucking suspension bridges remained alright with major parts of the pathway being bombed away
in the first trailer

The movie was lazy, and it was evident in all sorts of areas. The chase scene was literally the same front 10 times for instance.
And there major inconsistencies that made me question the sanity of the characters.

One example that I noticed even in the cinema. When Bruce goes to save Fox with Selena, he gets in speaks with Fox and Talia (al Ghul) tells Talia he can save only one of them and he needs Fox, then the very next scene when they were still escaping he asks Fox what happened to Talia.

Lazy, lazy, lazy movie.


It gets better the longer that other movie sits in theaters. It will get worse if they ever release another good Batman movie.


It's arguably the greatest film of all time. The C.I.A. power stance at the beginning of the film, the van ride in the middle, and the powerful finale in the plane.

The 2 hour epilogue was a bit much, but you have to admire the boldness of it.
for me it was the football scene with the reading of the Gordon confession. Everyone just immediately believed this one random guys reading this letter that he could have made up. it felt so forced


The Robin side-plot felt a bit added on too, yeah. I would have just focused on Bale, Hathaway, and Hardy and worked around them. But I still really enjoy the movie. It just feels soooo long.


The script was sloppy. Here are some of my issues with the film:

  • giant bomb plot was dumb
  • Gordon and Fox all had less/worse parts than in TDK including how they featured in the film's climax
  • Bruce in love story felt forced
  • Stupid twist was completely inconsequential and not surprising
  • Too many characters like the rich land developer Bane kills and the other cop who gets killed off screen and arguably even JGL
  • lazy score
  • underutilized Catwoman
  • poor resolution to the whole Dent went bad, Batman and Gordon lied plot line.


Fantastic movie. Up there with the rest of the trilogy. Saw it multiple times in IMAX. The hate is stupid.





The film was just way too goofy and corny. I mean a lot of the stuff the Joker pulls off in TDK is ridiculous and over-the-top but they just cranked up the silliness to 11/10 in TDKR.

Begins is still my favorite in the trilogy.

Having watched it on tv recently, it's kind of boring honestly yet somehow feels more overdone than TDK. Batman feels like an afterthought. So much of the writing is straight bad.
It's a bunch of small things that, while some may call nit-picks, can really start adding up into being a problem. It's by far the "messiest" of the bunch. (but it was decent to me, never rewatched though, which tends to make me less Nolan films less and less)
I felt like too much of the plot hinged on supposedly smart people being stupid in order to create a circumstance where Batman had to look like he died in a nuclear explosion.


Let's see here.

Batman and Catwoman's balcony fight
Gotham police force being dumbasses by getting trapped
Batman being a dumbass for trusting Catwoman, leading him to Bane
Bane reading out Gordon's letters and people believing them
The mobile bomb subplot made no sense
Bane eventually being revealed as a henchman
No prep Batman suddenly kicks Bane's ass
Bane's voice
Bane's appearance
Batman surviving a neutron bomb explosion
Batman retiring without saying anything to alfred (Bruce: Hey, fuck you, Alfred!)


It was fine. It just wasn't as good as the first two, which I'm okay with because the first two are 2 of the best comic movies of all fucking time.

That's a high ass bar to try and hit 3 times consecutively. TDKR fell short, but it was still worth a watch.


Instead of being a hero between TDK and TDKR, motherfucking Batman just can't deal.

Then the League returns, again. No real exploration of how Batman (and then the Joker) changed the city by ridding it of organized crime and what may have arisen in its place. Because Gotham becomes an apocalyptic nightmare because of Bane holding the city hostage...just to eventually blow it up anyways?

It did not feel like a natural extension of what came before it. Which is disappointing.
I like it, but it feels like they rushed it and put too much in it because they knew it would be the last one.

Batman's 8 year long absence never feels real.
Blake finding out who Batman is and then his rise to be the successor feels unwarranted and rushed.
Gotham being held hostage under Bane never feels real.
Even Bruce's relationship with Selena is rushed. He's mourning Rachel, shacks up with Talia, then runs away with Selina to live forever in secrecy in the span of about a year(?).

There's probably a lot more that I'm forgetting, but I doubt anyone cares.


It was fine. It just wasn't as good as the first two, which I'm okay with because the first two are 2 of the best comic movies of all fucking time.

That's a high ass bar to try and hit 3 times consecutively. TDKR fell short, but it was still worth a watch.

honestly if you take heath's performance out of TDK it's kind of as bad as TDKR

two-face is the cringiest thing from either movie


I think it is better than TDK but the pacing let it down a bit. The plot is more coherent as a whole.

Anyone spamming the Talia death meme is simply being intentionally dense. She forcibly closed her eyes.


I do! I just think it's a step down.

Bane's a good microcosm for the film as a whole, actually. He's equal parts mesmerizing, foreboding, and intimidating - his mystique suggesting a level of depth on par with the villains of the first two installments - but then all is revealed, and it's a whole lot of nothing. He's just an entertaining "blow shit up" kind of guy with a level of gravitas and charisma that strings you along for the ride.

Removed from the hype, Rises is a decent wrap up... but it's got nothing on films 1 and 2.
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