I hear what you're saying. I'm a hardcore tic-tac-toe player and no one takes it seriously because the meta game is so shallow.
As this is a personal pet peeve of mine:
Complexity =/= Depth
You can increase complexity with no accompanying increase in depth. A good example of this is ConnectFour, which is essentially a more complex version of tic-tac-toe (or noughts and crosses, or morris, whatever your home region calls it). However, when making a ConnectFour video game, the designers found that their initial stand-in for AI--literally having the computer player make completely random moves unless a winning move was possible on the turn in question--had a 53% winrate, suggesting little to no greater depth was present in the game compared to tic-tac-toe.
Now, look at Go. Go has inherent similarities to tic-tac-toe, and is only actually about an order of magnitude more complex. However, Go has
several orders of magnitude more depth, to the extent that it's harder to create a perfect program to play Go than it is for Chess, a game with considerably greater complexity due to the variety of unit movement types and special-case rules.
To put it another way, I can make a game where you hit for 1-6 damage, or I can make a game where you hit for 1-12 damage and then divide the result by 2. The second game is more complex, but is not going to be more fun except for the (spoiler: extreme minority of) people who enjoy division. I had damn well better be doing something strategically interesting with the fractional remainders if I decide to use the second system.
A game can be more complex without having greater strategic depth.
A game can have greater strategic depth despite being less complex.
Depth is
always the design goal, complexity is an incurred cost/compromise sometimes required to obtain it, that should always be viewed critically with the simple question, "Is this making the game deeper, or just more complicated?"