* Bullet hits have effect on characters aim and speed (High)-S3=Partial Yes*- -- Arm shots affect aim. Leg shots slow you down. Knocked down by clean back shots. Bleed to death. Etc. (i.e. your aim could be adversely affected by your dead zone/acceleration and speed moving away from your settings) *Apparently in Scoom III, bullet hits will slow you down for a moment or two before you ramp back up to full speed. So yes, you are affected!
* Variable movement speed based on equipment load (High)-S3=Yes called "Encumbrance"- -- Heavier weaponry and equipment would limit/slow player mobility. (one of the most popular suggestions)
* Overall speed more realistic, especially side to side strafing (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Just make the players move at realistic paces. This would cut down a lot of the strafe & spray tactics- *Socom III will add some momentum to your side to side strafe in order to cut down on unrealistic side to side firefights.
* Improve turret realism, rotation degree and strength (High) S3-Yes* - rotation degree and strength of weapon. Currently they are just death magnets. *all guns supposedly re-balanced
* Return grenade drop when shot while throwing grenades (High) S3-Yes -- Great realistic action that was somehow lost after the March 10th patch
* Toggle thermal and night vision on/off while in scope (High)-S3=Yes- - You should not be forced to look through your scope in thermal or night vision. You should have the ability to turn it on or off when you please.
* Ability to toss grenade while running, less accurately (Low)-S3=Yes- -- Obviously less accurate, but more realistic then locking you in one place.
* 32 Players Online 16 vs 16 with 4 spectators
* Player Driveable Vehicles - -S3=Yes- Currently believed to be available on 7 of the 12 (total) maps.
* Variable Weather and time of day on all maps (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Night, day, rain, wind, storms, snow, etc. *Night / Day confirmed, weather is being looked into.
* Choice (or) Random spawn starts on maps (High)-S3=Yes- -- With the larger maps in Socom III, it should not be a given that you know EXACTLY where the enemy starts.
* Choice to play on different sized version of all maps -- For smaller games the host can select to play on differnet sized versions of the map... Small, medium and large we think...
* "TRUE" 16x9/Widescreen Support (High)-S3= Yes- -- SOCOM 1 and 2 employ a kind of cheat to acheive widescreen. True widescreen support would be nice.. *Follow this thread to completion for apparent proof of "true" 16:9 support in SOCOM 3 (credit for this find goes to Happy Time Harry).
* Complete customization of online games (High)-S3=Mostly Yes- -- Enable/Disable Specific weapons (i.e. weapon x vs. weapon y ONLY), ability to force OFF names over heads and kill notifications for true "expert" play, make any map suppression game, allow terrorist to use seal weapons as well as their own and vice versa, etc. Realism/Arcade mode on/off. Every possible customization should be an option. Zipper can define what options are required for RANKED games. *Much more online game customization will be included... to what extreme detail, is unknown.
* Quick switch (L2 or L1) should be toggle of primary and secondary weapon (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Why take up two buttons? L2 should toggle primary to secondary and back again. This would open up L1 for a working "run & talk" feature (where you still can select other weapons). *Wow... you know they are listening eh?! L1 will now be a quickswitch toggle as suggested.
* Opacity setting for all on-screen HUD displays, including scrolling info (High)S3=Not really, but*- - Avoid screen burn in (which DOES happen) and softens that obstructive message scroll box at the top of the frame. * It looks like you can turn off the scorlling messages if you choose to.
Community Features
* Improved friends list system (High)-S3=Yes- -- Do not require both players to be logged on at same time to accept invites for friends list. Ability to add friends directly from game and/or game lobby. Add option to base friends list on a single account (so all alternate names are listed too) OR ability to transfer your friends list to another name...
* Join games directly from friends and clan lists (High)-S3=Yes- -- Many of us just jump on and see who we know that is also online. Why not let you jump directly to their game from the friends list and clan lists?
* Internet access for clan management and friends list features (Low)-S3=Yes*- -- Ability to access your account through the internet to chat w/ online players and manage clans, leave clan messages, check rank, etc*stat checking, ranks, message board and more will be online
* Ability to check user profiles/stats from game lobbies (Med)-S3=Yes- - Find out who you are playing with. See how many team kills they have... do they look like a rank upper? Report 'em (or vote them right out of the lobby)
* Player Name and Clan Search Function (Med)-S3=Yes*- -- Make it easy to look up and find other clans or players to play with. Allow option to be "not-searchable" in player and clan options (this way, high ranked clans and players can avoid being spammed).*Player names are supposedly searchable. No word on searching for clans or if you can go "hidden" or not.
* Lobby chat can be heard while in armory (High)-S3-Yes*- -- Seems like an oversight I heard that it worked in the beta. *This was said to be a bug in S2 and is apparently fixed
* In game clan ladder and tournament system (High)-S3-Yes*- - complete w/ match set-ups, reporting, etc. *Something is supposedly added in this regard... details are sketchy.
* Better Clan Message Board-S3=Yes- -- More space to leave clan messages and match information. *There is an internal email system AND message board
* More stats, team kills, MVPs, overall Seals vs. Terrorists, ABORT RATIO etc (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Especially team kills. Also, add MVP's and average rank of player you've killed and avg. rank of players who have killed you. Also your MOST USED, and least used guns (if not the percentage of time you use each gun) *There will be more stats in Socom III... Exactly which ones is unknown
* () Use Universe News Screen for Daily Stats Updates and more (High)-S3=Yes.. Sorta*- -- Real time ticker and news updates. "G-Money345 just scored 7 kills in one round"... "The M4A1 Silenced was the most used gun in the last hour"... etc... Plus more news and update interaction directly from Zipper/Sony*in game message board system that will supposedly be up to date
* More game details when browsing server games (Med)-S3-Yes*- -- Include current game score. Game description (which would be longer than the game name and set by the game creator). Weapon limitations. Average rank of players in room, etc. *From the screenshots, it appears so.
* Add colored smoke (Low)-S3=Yes*- -- Because it looks cool. They could give it uses too. Like signaling for VIP evacuation. *Not sure if it is selectable or just something at extraction/hold type points.
* (*)Names not used for 15 days hidden from rank ladder until they re-login (High)-S3=Kinda Sorta but not exactly- -- THIS WOULD NOT DELETE THE ACCOUNT, STATS OR RATTING, but drop it from the ranking ladder after 15 days of inactivity. As soon as you logged back in (after 15 days) your name would go back into the ladder where it should be... so you'd never even know you were removed. This would keep the ranking system more legit by quickly removing the majority of names that aren't being used.*Not sure exactly how it will work, but names will not be shown on the ranking ladder until they've played a specified amount of "ranked/scored" games. How this is adjusted for names that become inactive is unknown.
* Add additional Navy ranks for more brackets of rank (High)-S3=Yes- -- Add all eleven Naval ranks (shown here in Navy Column) See the thread on this topic here *Not sure exactly how it will work
* All rooms have option to be ranked or unranked (Low)-S3=Yes- -- Have rooms that don't track stats (other than time played) so people can practice or mess around.
* Moderators for online play to eliminate cheating and ranking up (High)-S3=Possibly- -- This goes under "system for eliminating cheating/glitching" but needs to be said. Just ONE or TWO moderators could eliminate enough evil-doers to scare people off from cheating and glitching and clean this game up once and for all. * Apparently, they are trying to make this happen. There is a new rank system which will obviously requre it. It would be a huge blunder by Sony not to provide 2 or 3 moderators.
* Show player connection speed in lobby (High)-S3-Maybe- -- Absolute must. Let us know who is causing the room to lag! This is the best way to get closer to lag free games. The ability to avoid bad connections. *One of those "looking into it" deals.
* Quick Log-in Feature (Low) -S3=Yes- - A one click way to boot directly into onliine play without clicking through menu options and sign-on. We all play online... and that is where we want to go... now.
Non-Wish List Changes
* More Guns! Primary Weapons --S3=Yes- -- From the videos of E3 2005, we were able to see the following weapons: Seals Primary: M4A1, M40A1, M4-90 (semi-shotgun), M60E3, MK-48, HK-36(?), IW-80 A2, M14, M8 (Next Gen Assault), HK5, M16A2 ---- Terrorists Primary: ATK-74, AK-47, AG-94, RA-14, STG-77, 9mm Sub, F90, M40A1, M82A1A, SASR, 12 Gauge Pump, TA 12 Gauge, M60E3, 552. *THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY A FULL LIST! Please don't make assumptions about weapons balance... the E3 was a PRE-ALPHA version of the game, I didn't see every possible weapon and Zipper very well may still be arranging weapons, attachements and load setups.
* Guns Modifications! Primary Attachment Options --S3=Yes- -- From the videos of E3 2005, we were able to see the following primary weapons attatchements *different guns may have different choices: SEALS PRIMARY ATTACHMENTS - Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Bipod 1, Bipod 3, M24 Airburst, 4x Scope, Low Scope (1.5x & 3.0x zoom), Medium Scope (3.0x & 8.0x magnification), High Scope (5.0x, 10.0x and 16.0x magnification). Terrorst Primary attachments - Suppressor 1, Front Grip, Low Scope, Medium Scope *THIS IS NOT A FULL LIST... Just what was seen on the video.
* More Guns! Handguns with Attachments --S3=Yes-So far the follwoing handguns have been seen in Socom 3: SEALS - Mark 23, 226, 9mm Pistoll. Terrorists - F57, DE .50. *Both SEALS and terrorsts have 1 slot for attatchments to handguns. I've only seen "suppresor" selected on the SEALS side... Haven't yet seen a terrorist handgun attachment. *THIS IS NOT A FULL LIST... Just what was seen on the video.
* 2 Mines max load with adjusted damage radius -S3=Yes- -- From the GB interview with CJ. CJ stated that they'd do less damage. We are all hoping that he mis-spoke and meant MORE damage. Or hopefully it was a typo.
* Socom 3 will NOT be Pay to Play -S3=Reps stated no pay to play-
* Multiple Gametypes on each map -S3=Yes- -- Play suppression, excort, demolition, etc on any map
* ()Tear Gas-S3 apparently=*See this thread for what appears to be the possiblity to add tear gas as an attachment.
You can check out the full list here:
I can't wait for this game. Fixes all my complaints with SOCOM II and then some.
Any GAF Beta Testers in the house?
* Bullet hits have effect on characters aim and speed (High)-S3=Partial Yes*- -- Arm shots affect aim. Leg shots slow you down. Knocked down by clean back shots. Bleed to death. Etc. (i.e. your aim could be adversely affected by your dead zone/acceleration and speed moving away from your settings) *Apparently in Scoom III, bullet hits will slow you down for a moment or two before you ramp back up to full speed. So yes, you are affected!
* Variable movement speed based on equipment load (High)-S3=Yes called "Encumbrance"- -- Heavier weaponry and equipment would limit/slow player mobility. (one of the most popular suggestions)
* Overall speed more realistic, especially side to side strafing (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Just make the players move at realistic paces. This would cut down a lot of the strafe & spray tactics- *Socom III will add some momentum to your side to side strafe in order to cut down on unrealistic side to side firefights.
* Improve turret realism, rotation degree and strength (High) S3-Yes* - rotation degree and strength of weapon. Currently they are just death magnets. *all guns supposedly re-balanced
* Return grenade drop when shot while throwing grenades (High) S3-Yes -- Great realistic action that was somehow lost after the March 10th patch
* Toggle thermal and night vision on/off while in scope (High)-S3=Yes- - You should not be forced to look through your scope in thermal or night vision. You should have the ability to turn it on or off when you please.
* Ability to toss grenade while running, less accurately (Low)-S3=Yes- -- Obviously less accurate, but more realistic then locking you in one place.
* 32 Players Online 16 vs 16 with 4 spectators
* Player Driveable Vehicles - -S3=Yes- Currently believed to be available on 7 of the 12 (total) maps.
* Variable Weather and time of day on all maps (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Night, day, rain, wind, storms, snow, etc. *Night / Day confirmed, weather is being looked into.
* Choice (or) Random spawn starts on maps (High)-S3=Yes- -- With the larger maps in Socom III, it should not be a given that you know EXACTLY where the enemy starts.
* Choice to play on different sized version of all maps -- For smaller games the host can select to play on differnet sized versions of the map... Small, medium and large we think...
* "TRUE" 16x9/Widescreen Support (High)-S3= Yes- -- SOCOM 1 and 2 employ a kind of cheat to acheive widescreen. True widescreen support would be nice.. *Follow this thread to completion for apparent proof of "true" 16:9 support in SOCOM 3 (credit for this find goes to Happy Time Harry).
* Complete customization of online games (High)-S3=Mostly Yes- -- Enable/Disable Specific weapons (i.e. weapon x vs. weapon y ONLY), ability to force OFF names over heads and kill notifications for true "expert" play, make any map suppression game, allow terrorist to use seal weapons as well as their own and vice versa, etc. Realism/Arcade mode on/off. Every possible customization should be an option. Zipper can define what options are required for RANKED games. *Much more online game customization will be included... to what extreme detail, is unknown.
* Quick switch (L2 or L1) should be toggle of primary and secondary weapon (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Why take up two buttons? L2 should toggle primary to secondary and back again. This would open up L1 for a working "run & talk" feature (where you still can select other weapons). *Wow... you know they are listening eh?! L1 will now be a quickswitch toggle as suggested.
* Opacity setting for all on-screen HUD displays, including scrolling info (High)S3=Not really, but*- - Avoid screen burn in (which DOES happen) and softens that obstructive message scroll box at the top of the frame. * It looks like you can turn off the scorlling messages if you choose to.
Community Features
* Improved friends list system (High)-S3=Yes- -- Do not require both players to be logged on at same time to accept invites for friends list. Ability to add friends directly from game and/or game lobby. Add option to base friends list on a single account (so all alternate names are listed too) OR ability to transfer your friends list to another name...
* Join games directly from friends and clan lists (High)-S3=Yes- -- Many of us just jump on and see who we know that is also online. Why not let you jump directly to their game from the friends list and clan lists?
* Internet access for clan management and friends list features (Low)-S3=Yes*- -- Ability to access your account through the internet to chat w/ online players and manage clans, leave clan messages, check rank, etc*stat checking, ranks, message board and more will be online
* Ability to check user profiles/stats from game lobbies (Med)-S3=Yes- - Find out who you are playing with. See how many team kills they have... do they look like a rank upper? Report 'em (or vote them right out of the lobby)
* Player Name and Clan Search Function (Med)-S3=Yes*- -- Make it easy to look up and find other clans or players to play with. Allow option to be "not-searchable" in player and clan options (this way, high ranked clans and players can avoid being spammed).*Player names are supposedly searchable. No word on searching for clans or if you can go "hidden" or not.
* Lobby chat can be heard while in armory (High)-S3-Yes*- -- Seems like an oversight I heard that it worked in the beta. *This was said to be a bug in S2 and is apparently fixed
* In game clan ladder and tournament system (High)-S3-Yes*- - complete w/ match set-ups, reporting, etc. *Something is supposedly added in this regard... details are sketchy.
* Better Clan Message Board-S3=Yes- -- More space to leave clan messages and match information. *There is an internal email system AND message board
* More stats, team kills, MVPs, overall Seals vs. Terrorists, ABORT RATIO etc (High)-S3=Yes*- -- Especially team kills. Also, add MVP's and average rank of player you've killed and avg. rank of players who have killed you. Also your MOST USED, and least used guns (if not the percentage of time you use each gun) *There will be more stats in Socom III... Exactly which ones is unknown
* () Use Universe News Screen for Daily Stats Updates and more (High)-S3=Yes.. Sorta*- -- Real time ticker and news updates. "G-Money345 just scored 7 kills in one round"... "The M4A1 Silenced was the most used gun in the last hour"... etc... Plus more news and update interaction directly from Zipper/Sony*in game message board system that will supposedly be up to date
* More game details when browsing server games (Med)-S3-Yes*- -- Include current game score. Game description (which would be longer than the game name and set by the game creator). Weapon limitations. Average rank of players in room, etc. *From the screenshots, it appears so.
* Add colored smoke (Low)-S3=Yes*- -- Because it looks cool. They could give it uses too. Like signaling for VIP evacuation. *Not sure if it is selectable or just something at extraction/hold type points.
* (*)Names not used for 15 days hidden from rank ladder until they re-login (High)-S3=Kinda Sorta but not exactly- -- THIS WOULD NOT DELETE THE ACCOUNT, STATS OR RATTING, but drop it from the ranking ladder after 15 days of inactivity. As soon as you logged back in (after 15 days) your name would go back into the ladder where it should be... so you'd never even know you were removed. This would keep the ranking system more legit by quickly removing the majority of names that aren't being used.*Not sure exactly how it will work, but names will not be shown on the ranking ladder until they've played a specified amount of "ranked/scored" games. How this is adjusted for names that become inactive is unknown.
* Add additional Navy ranks for more brackets of rank (High)-S3=Yes- -- Add all eleven Naval ranks (shown here in Navy Column) See the thread on this topic here *Not sure exactly how it will work
* All rooms have option to be ranked or unranked (Low)-S3=Yes- -- Have rooms that don't track stats (other than time played) so people can practice or mess around.
* Moderators for online play to eliminate cheating and ranking up (High)-S3=Possibly- -- This goes under "system for eliminating cheating/glitching" but needs to be said. Just ONE or TWO moderators could eliminate enough evil-doers to scare people off from cheating and glitching and clean this game up once and for all. * Apparently, they are trying to make this happen. There is a new rank system which will obviously requre it. It would be a huge blunder by Sony not to provide 2 or 3 moderators.
* Show player connection speed in lobby (High)-S3-Maybe- -- Absolute must. Let us know who is causing the room to lag! This is the best way to get closer to lag free games. The ability to avoid bad connections. *One of those "looking into it" deals.
* Quick Log-in Feature (Low) -S3=Yes- - A one click way to boot directly into onliine play without clicking through menu options and sign-on. We all play online... and that is where we want to go... now.
Non-Wish List Changes
* More Guns! Primary Weapons --S3=Yes- -- From the videos of E3 2005, we were able to see the following weapons: Seals Primary: M4A1, M40A1, M4-90 (semi-shotgun), M60E3, MK-48, HK-36(?), IW-80 A2, M14, M8 (Next Gen Assault), HK5, M16A2 ---- Terrorists Primary: ATK-74, AK-47, AG-94, RA-14, STG-77, 9mm Sub, F90, M40A1, M82A1A, SASR, 12 Gauge Pump, TA 12 Gauge, M60E3, 552. *THIS IS NOT NECESSARILY A FULL LIST! Please don't make assumptions about weapons balance... the E3 was a PRE-ALPHA version of the game, I didn't see every possible weapon and Zipper very well may still be arranging weapons, attachements and load setups.
* Guns Modifications! Primary Attachment Options --S3=Yes- -- From the videos of E3 2005, we were able to see the following primary weapons attatchements *different guns may have different choices: SEALS PRIMARY ATTACHMENTS - Suppressor 1, Suppressor 2, Bipod 1, Bipod 3, M24 Airburst, 4x Scope, Low Scope (1.5x & 3.0x zoom), Medium Scope (3.0x & 8.0x magnification), High Scope (5.0x, 10.0x and 16.0x magnification). Terrorst Primary attachments - Suppressor 1, Front Grip, Low Scope, Medium Scope *THIS IS NOT A FULL LIST... Just what was seen on the video.
* More Guns! Handguns with Attachments --S3=Yes-So far the follwoing handguns have been seen in Socom 3: SEALS - Mark 23, 226, 9mm Pistoll. Terrorists - F57, DE .50. *Both SEALS and terrorsts have 1 slot for attatchments to handguns. I've only seen "suppresor" selected on the SEALS side... Haven't yet seen a terrorist handgun attachment. *THIS IS NOT A FULL LIST... Just what was seen on the video.
* 2 Mines max load with adjusted damage radius -S3=Yes- -- From the GB interview with CJ. CJ stated that they'd do less damage. We are all hoping that he mis-spoke and meant MORE damage. Or hopefully it was a typo.
* Socom 3 will NOT be Pay to Play -S3=Reps stated no pay to play-
* Multiple Gametypes on each map -S3=Yes- -- Play suppression, excort, demolition, etc on any map
* ()Tear Gas-S3 apparently=*See this thread for what appears to be the possiblity to add tear gas as an attachment.
You can check out the full list here:
I can't wait for this game. Fixes all my complaints with SOCOM II and then some.
Any GAF Beta Testers in the house?