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sombody got their ds a little early

Kon Tiki

Mrbob said:
Unreal Prime Tournament. 'Tis a shame. A damn shame.
heh, the Japanese name is Metroid Prime Hunters: Tournament.

They should just sell the engine to other companies to make FPSs.


Hollywood Square
There's nothing really engaging with the DS, though. It's all tappity-tap-tap-tap-tap. When I played it E3, I heard nothing about how we were just playing demos and stuff, and that there would be all these mindblowing and amazing and revolutionary advancements made with the system. And so far, it's like my Dell Axim with two screens and not nearly the functionality.


Society said:
heh, the Japanese name is Metroid Prime Hunters: Tournament.

They should just sell the engine to other companies to make FPSs.


Shit! :lol Oh man. This is going to be an arena battle game first and foremost afterall! Damn you NST! Ruin the one remaining Nintendo franchise I still love! BTW nice new avatar. Although by looking at the EGM review thread you should probably replace Halo 2 with Metroid Prime 2. :p

Kon Tiki

You should not listen to PR.

Although by looking at the EGM review thread you should probably replace Halo 2 with Metroid Prime 2. :p

The words apply, not the image. EGM's review was the first review of MP2, I was curious on how it sturned out. The score suggested flaws, I wanted to know if those were new flaws or old ones (the controls). I inquired about the game, not questioning the reviews opinion. Since that review I watched some videos from IGN and GI. The videos removed all my doubts about the game. :)
Seriously, I played over 12 games on the DS over the past 3 days and not once did I have problems with lighting or not being able to see the screens perfectly. It never once entered my mind so when I'm hear reading from Marty that he had problems with the screens I'm like "What the???". I never heard any complaints from anyone there about the screens either. Quite odd. And as for Spider-Man...well...I can't talk about that game until Monday. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Hey Marty, will you be writing up some impressions? :)

Anyway, as for the system itself, it's very sturdy and I think it's awesome. One of the posters asked what's on the second screen when you play a GBA game. Nothing. The screen is blank. You can choose which screen you want to look at in the DS Boot Menu options.

As for Metroid Prime 2 on GC, it's awesome. Fantastic game and if you liked the first one you're going to LOVE the second. The music is great and the story is a lot better this time around. Mario Tennis...been playing that tonight actually and it's got some really cool options and levels to play. And, as much as it pains me to admit it, I actually had fun playing Mario Party 6 (maybe I should go hide in a corner?). I'm not saying it will score higher than a "C" quite yet ;) But you never know...more on those games tomorrow night.

Any questions in general about DS or games? I might have answers.

Kon Tiki

1)Not that I plan to use it... In PictoChat, can you scroll the top screen? With 16 people talking, the messages can go by pretty fast.
2)Goldeneye...spill it!
Craig Majaski said:
Anyway, as for the system itself, it's very sturdy and I think it's awesome. One of the posters asked what's on the second screen when you play a GBA game. Nothing. The screen is blank. You can choose which screen you want to look at in the DS Boot Menu options.

Hmm, does the light shut off as well? It would be rather nice if you could only use one screen's light while playing GBA games.


Craig Majaski said:
Any questions in general about DS or games? I might have answers.

I've got a few:

1) Regarding Mario 64 DS, how close does the game look/sound compared to the N64 version?

2) Also regarding Mario 64 DS, how well does the stylus control work when compared to the N64 analog stick?

3) Do you know if Rayman DS is just going to be a port of Rayman 2, or if it's going to be a new Rayman? I wouldn't mind a port in this case; I'm just curious.

*edit -- one more*

4) Do you know if that adventure game "Another" going to make it to the US?


force push the doodoo rock
i wonder if the battery life is GBASP length when youre playing gba games, since its only using the one screen...


Craig Majaski said:
Seriously, I played over 12 games on the DS over the past 3 days and not once did I have problems with lighting or not being able to see the screens perfectly. It never once entered my mind so when I'm hear reading from Marty that he had problems with the screens I'm like "What the???". I never heard any complaints from anyone there about the screens either. Quite odd. And as for Spider-Man...well...I can't talk about that game until Monday. Zip. Nada. Nothing. Hey Marty, will you be writing up some impressions? :)

Anyway, as for the system itself, it's very sturdy and I think it's awesome. One of the posters asked what's on the second screen when you play a GBA game. Nothing. The screen is blank. You can choose which screen you want to look at in the DS Boot Menu options.

As for Metroid Prime 2 on GC, it's awesome. Fantastic game and if you liked the first one you're going to LOVE the secondAs for Metroid Prime 2 on GC, it's awesome. Fantastic game and if you liked the first one you're going to LOVE the second . The music is great and the story is a lot better this time around. Mario Tennis...been playing that tonight actually and it's got some really cool options and levels to play. And, as much as it pains me to admit it, I actually had fun playing Mario Party 6 (maybe I should go hide in a corner?). I'm not saying it will score higher than a "C" quite yet ;) But you never know...more on those games tomorrow night.

Any questions in general about DS or games? I might have answers.

So would you say you liked it more than the first? I've been waiting for your opinon all week :D
Craig, I have some questions:

1. Ridge Racer DS how was the stylus steering control?

2. does 3D look on the DS look like N64 quality? How were the framerates?

Hey guys! I'll try to answer all of your questions.


1) Yes, you can scroll up in Pictochat. It actually keeps the conversation way-back. I'm not sure exactly how far back it'll go, but it looks like it'll go back quite far.

2) Honestly, I don't know anything about Golden Eye. If I did I'd tell you. I don't believe it'll hit until Spring 2005, but who knows what kind of levels will be in it.


1) Yes, the screen is completely blank and the light is off. Interestingly, in some of the DS games there is an option to turn off the lights as well, although I doubt there will be very many instances where people will want to do so. Bill Trinnen did mention that he prefers to use the top screen for GBA games since he's so used to using the bottom one to touch in games he sometimes found himself touching it...even in GBA games :)


1) I think Mario 64 DS looks extremely close to the N64 version. It's a bit cleaner and many of the blurry textures seem to be gone. However, in their place is a more pixellated environment in places, but it's not bad at all. I must say that videos and screens of the game look way worse than the actual game when you see it being played on the DS itself. I was impressed with the graphics overall. We haven't seen 3D as good as this on handhelds yet and it's exciting to actually see something like Mario 64 on the DS. The music in my opinion is at least as good, if not better on the DS. It seems to me that the stereo sound separation is especially good and the Snow Level's music seemed to have more instruments.

2) The stylus control in Mario 64 DS works pretty good actually. The wrist strap that comes with the DS has an end on it that fits around your thumb. On that is a little nub that you put on the DS touch screen. You can move your thumb around and use ita s the analog stick. I mostly played with the D-Pad, but there are several areas in the game where the analog control comes in handy, like walking past pirahna plants and running around in circles around things. It's a bit strange to use at first, but it seems to work fairly well. I think I'll mostly use the digital controls and break out the analog controls when needed. Oh, and my thumb worked almost as well as the strap, so you probably won't need to strap that on just to use analog for a few seconds. It should also be noted that you can use both at any time...so use the D-pad for a section, that just start pressing the screen for analog control if you like. In the end, the N64 analog stick is a bit better because you can feel resistance.

3) I don't know anything about Rayman DS. It wasn't there to play, but judging from screens it does look like a port. Sorry I don't know more right now.

sp0rks: I would assume that would be the case with battery life, but I guess I don't know for sure.
Let's see...more questions...

Silent Hill: How's it going? We have to talk sometime soon :) Is Metroid Prime 2 better than the original? Wow. That's a tough question to answer because I honestly don't know at this point. It's very good and the graphics are better, as are the story and cinemas so far. I guess I haven't played far enough into to it to make a decision. So far it's very high quality and you're going to love it. Retro hired a full time writer to flesh out the story and the logs of fallen marines and whatnot, so it's pretty cool. The multiplayer mode was also a lot of fun to play, and I really want to play some of that with you sometime after the game comes out.

Seismologist: How's it going?

1) Ah, yes Ridge Racer DS. I tell what. The coolest thing about Ridge Racer is it's 6 players with one game card! That's impressive when you think about all the data going back and forth and it's a full 3D game with decent track sizes. The music was really good and the voices are crisp. The steering control. I tell you I hated the analog steering. I just couldn't get used to it, but Jason at N-Sider seemed to catch on to it better than I did. Maybe he'll drop some opinions in here if he stops by? I prefer the D-Pad and if you recall the original PSX version used a D-Pad quite well. So far the tracks seemed like ports from the N64 version.

2) The 3D on the DS seems better than N64 quality, but with a lack of anti aliasing the textures sometimes have a more rough look to them. The frame rate in all the games I played seemed fairly high and you can tell the system can really push the polygons. Mario 64 DS looks awesome, especially on the DS screens. The pics and videos you may have seen on the Net make the game look a lot uglier than it actually is.

Kon Tiki

Retro hired a full time writer to flesh out the story and the logs of fallen marines and whatnot, so it's pretty cool.

Hmm. EGM said the story was not a hilight. How far are you (%wise)?
No word on "Another" coming to the U.S. at this point. I'd give that one maybe a 20% chance of hitting the US.

We are getting more Fire Emblems though. I know, totally off topic and nothing to do with your question, but Nintendo accidently let that one slip, so what the heck.

Yoshi's Touch & Go and Wario Ware were playable as well, which means they're on the way.
Society: Well perhaps what EGM was trying to say is that it's not exactly story driven like some FPS games are. And I would agree. Most of the story is still derived by scanning objects, enemies, and dead people. I guess the story just seems more "alive". Many of your comrades died on the planet and there are some cinemas showing what happened to them. There's a quick scene where Samus bends down and touches the soldier's shoulder out of respect. I guess there's more emotion in the story details, but it's not the main driving force or anything.

I played the game at the summit for about 3 hours, so I didn't make too far into the game, but far enough to say that it's very good. I'm amazed that the graphics are improved over the first one. There's a lot of special effects and moving backgrounds and whatnot. I think fans are in for a real treat, but again, that's based on 3 hours of play time.

Kon Tiki

Ah, i thought this was a GAF review copy. :p I do not mind reading logs to learn the story, when a person is talking,
U-Mos not actually talking but reading text
, I'd rather hear their voice.
Yeah. The story unfolds similar to the last game, with scans and whatnot. However, there are a lot more short cinemas showing Samus's reaction to things. I like that aspect a lot better thus far. I hope to have a review copy this week. Can't wait to play more.


Thanks for the feedback, Craig! It's good to hear that the DS is pushing N64-level 3D so far. I'm sort of hoping the DS will see some N64-style updates, similar to the GBA - SNES connection (e.g. the GBA F-Zero games).

Craig Majaski said:
No word on "Another" coming to the U.S. at this point. I'd give that one maybe a 20% chance of hitting the US.

We are getting more Fire Emblems though. I know, totally off topic and nothing to do with your question, but Nintendo accidently let that one slip, so what the heck.

Yoshi's Touch & Go and Wario Ware were playable as well, which means they're on the way.

I hope Another makes it. An adventure game would seem to play to the DS's strengths. Besides, not many graphic adventure games are made these days. It'd be nice to get one on a portable.

Good to hear about Fire Emblem coming, though. The GBA FE is excellent and a DS FE would be very cool. The stylus and dual screens should come in handy for strategy games.


Craig Majaski said:
No word on "Another" coming to the U.S. at this point. I'd give that one maybe a 20% chance of hitting the US.

We are getting more Fire Emblems though. I know, totally off topic and nothing to do with your question, but Nintendo accidently let that one slip, so what the heck.

Yoshi's Touch & Go and Wario Ware were playable as well, which means they're on the way.

is that supposed to mean FE DS or the recent GBA one? (to america) <_<


I actually had fun playing Mario Party 6 (maybe I should go hide in a corner?). I'm not saying it will score higher than a "C" quite yet ;) But you never know...more on those games tomorrow night.

Its all about the 4 player! Could be MPGOTY this year. MP5 also had events and stuff which could use instead of story boards to play the mini games. Wonder if MP6 also has them because they really added to the game. Anyway cant wait for it. :D


The coolest thing about Ridge Racer is it's 6 players with one game card!

I don't want to contaminate the thread, but does PSP do this? I know it was a big thing with GBA (and ended up being castrated), and I keep up hope that it'll be done better on DS (after all you play with your friends and maybe want to buy the game yourself?)

But nothing has been heard about PSP, and that also has wifi, so could presumably do the same trick?
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