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Some Fable screens (Games Convention 2004)

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Does anyone know if the font type for Fable is available? I've seen the Halo font for download, but not Fable's.

Fable = (my) most anticipated game of the year


Sweet stuff, in the video you can see the hero sneaking around in someones house.

Some new screens i saw today...







I've seen this one before but i like it for some resaon :p

And here is part of the article translated

Here's the article translated and cleaned up kust a little bit.



The GC called

... And again once I followed. Because I found no time at the morning, I appeared first late on the game area. Today the goal was of got some filming. Yet the press was quite large, concluded I to concentrate me on the Aufstungsprozess. Unfortunately none of that was present so far in order to can itself in the guild at the portal up step. Nothing easier than that, I declared all 3 players what was to be done and posted me behind that, that had arrived first here. That (in that I me with this again thank would like) got then the order, all very slowly durchzuscrollen. The attributes and magic

The result of this action is a video in which its based on the Ingame-Aufstufungs-menu all magics occurring in the game in action can see. Because the version existing on the fair is by 'Fable' the English, I would like the single Aufstufungsmöglichkeiten and magic sayings here in German represent. The sequence of this Auflistung corresponds also the sequence in the video.


The hardness of the blows influences and therefore the obtained attack damage.


The maximal amount determines at Lebenspunkten.


How much puts cause probably firmly damage hostile attacks.



Certainly like quickly the character movements zb. in the battle carries out


The character in the distance battle puts acts firmly with which precision.


The cleverness of the hero influences - especially important to potential thieves.

Will (magic)



A fire wave kindles all around the hero.


That form into a ball thrown will can a fierier on an opponent.

Battle charge

Catapults the hero toward its opponent.

Multi strike

A fast sequence of blows releases.


Damage generate adds an energy-flash of that to the opponent.


Force Push

Opponents present in direct vicinity are encountered by a magic push.


Lets an opponent on your sides overflow in order to fight for you.

Slow Time

A time magnifying glass releases in order to guarantee better survey and more precise actions.

Drain Life

Weakens the opponent through withdrawal of Lebenspunkten.


Creature calls here, that stand the hero in the battle to the side.

Physical magics

Physical Shield

A protection sign surrounding the hero which preserves it from damages causes.


Strengthens probably temporarily various attributes.

Assassin Rush

Teleportiert the hero in the back of the opponent.

Heal life

Serves to the restoration of Lebenspunkten.

Ghost Sword

Swears to magic swords that strike themselves through the opponent row.

Multi Arrow

The simultaneous discharging of several arrows enables in the distance battle on a goal.

Magic power

Magic Power

The size of the maximal Mana-supply increases.



So this game supports 16:9? Sweeeet! Tanks again Microsoft, you seem to be the only company that knows this should be standard!


Redbeard said:
I think the screen is just stretched.
Are you sure? It doesn't look like it to me in those pictures. And I can easily tell IRL if it's anamorphic widescreen or not.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Dont games that support widescreen usually not have black bars for cutscenes?

The "A" button looks also abit too wide.

I would be pissed, but barely any games support widescreen nowadays anyways. Im used to it.
Deepthroat said:

So this game supports 16:9? Sweeeet! Tanks again Microsoft, you seem to be the only company that knows this should be standard!
Take a look again at this screen, look at the text:


Unfortunately, it looks stretched. 16:9 should be the standard now. Hell it should have been standard 3 years ago, it can't be that much trouble to add a 16:9 mode. Fucking big thumbs down to games releasing in 2004 without 16:9 support. Further, why demo a game on 16:9 screens that are 4:3 native? :(


Well, in that Q&A at IGN Hil stated there was no widescreen support, and I believe he got that straight from Lionhead.

Look at how the R thumbstick is an ellipse on those menu screens, for example.


For some reason, I've never really liked screenshots of this game. It looks so much better in motion.

Man.. character progression looks so neat in this game.


Well that sucks :(

I have been spoiled lately. Transformers, RalliSport 2 and Riddick all supports 16:9. And playing a game with two giant borders on each side turns me off a bit. But I guess I'll have to live with it.


PanopticBlue said:
Take a look again at this screen, look at the text:


Unfortunately, it looks stretched. 16:9 should be the standard now. Hell it should have been standard 3 years ago, it can't be that much trouble to add a 16:9 mode. Fucking big thumbs down to games releasing in 2004 without 16:9 support. Further, why demo a game on 16:9 screens that are 4:3 native? :(
The guy in the picture though doesn't look like he's stretched, he looks to have natural proportions, if the screen was narrowed then he would be too thin I think.
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