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some short impressions (kameo, jade empire, forza, mechassault2)


please keep in mind i only only played about 5-10 minutes of each game.

kameo- the controls were good, the gameplay was good, the graphics were real good but it did feel repetitive and a little boring.

jade empire- this game is gonna kick all sorts of ass. the style was extremely awesome, the gameplay was awesome. about 1 minute into my gameplay i said to myself "fucking shit, this game is gonna own".

mechassault2- this game was pretty good. i thought the first one was good and the sequel is definitely better. got into a tank which was pretty cool, and getting out and running around was pretty cool too.

forza- if you're into sim racers please dont worry about anything, it'll be good. the sense of speed wasnt great but it felt "right" because it was a sim racer. it didnt feel slow by any means it just wasnt fast. keep in mind the available cars had about 65 in each acceleration and top speed (out of 100). the graphics were real nice and clean too.

star wars: battlefront- this game is gonna rock...hard. the immersion was REALLY good, you really felt apart of the game. the multiplayer maps i played were awesome too. they were BIG maps and REALLY spacious and open. i really liked it a lot. my only complaint was the sensitivity on the analogs were really high and i couldnt find a way to change it.

dead or alive ultimate and conker were SUPPOSED to be there but they werent and that pissed me off.

i also played some released games for the first time:
farcry- amazing, amazing graphics.

doom3- really awesome. i loved the entire style and atmosphere of the game, if i wasnt poor i'd upgrade my computer for it.

burnout3- call me a graphics whore but my eyes didnt appreciate this game. the sense of speed was awesome but i couldnt get past the "jaggies".

im sorry in advance for these horrible and absolutely shitty impressions. :)


Junior Ace
Joe said:
star wars: battlefront- this game is gonna rock...hard. the immersion was REALLY good, you really felt apart of the game. the multiplayer maps i played were awesome too. they were BIG maps and REALLY spacious and open. i really liked it a lot. my only complaint was the sensitivity on the analogs were really high and i couldnt find a way to change it.

That's easy. You buy it for PC.


Tag of Excellence
I'm going to Quoting Hell.

Joe said:
kameo- the controls were good, the gameplay was good, the graphics were real good but it did feel repetitive and a little boring.
Mind if you elaborate. Was the level design boring and the fighting mechanics boring?

Joe said:
jade empire- this game is gonna kick all sorts of ass. the style was extremely awesome, the gameplay was awesome. about 1 minute into my gameplay i said to myself "fucking shit, this game is gonna own".
Outloud? :)

Joe said:
star wars: battlefront- this game is gonna rock...hard. the immersion was REALLY good, you really felt apart of the game. the multiplayer maps i played were awesome too. they were BIG maps and REALLY spacious and open. i really liked it a lot. my only complaint was the sensitivity on the analogs were really high and i couldnt find a way to change it.
What platform, I assume Xbox? Was the maximum amount of players set at 32 or lower?

Joe said:
burnout3- call me a graphics whore but my eyes didnt appreciate this game. the sense of speed was awesome but i couldnt get past the "jaggies".
What platform? Hopefully not the Xbox version!



Mind if you elaborate. Was the level design boring and the fighting mechanics boring?
the mechanics. in the demo you only know one move per character so that might be it, but in the demo it did get boring.

hehe, no.

What platform, I assume Xbox? Was the maximum amount of players set at 32 or lower?
im actually not sure. i doubt it was 32 i think i would have remembered seeing all those people.

What platform? Hopefully not the Xbox version!
yes, xbox.
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