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Sonic Adventure 2 HD |OT| googoo g'joob googoo g'joob


The branching pathway system was scrapped. Tails and likely Amy Rose were shoe-horned in (think about it: Amy contributes almost nothing to the story), and the overall plot was lightened up a little bit. But most importantly, the roster of playable characters went from 3 to 6, and the "team rivalry" system was born. Shadow was now playable, as was Rouge, to make up for the fact that Tails was now Dr. Eggman's rival.

I can remember the report on the net about Amy suddenly being in the game based on a magazine article having a screenshot of her. Also recall said report being jarringly near the release date as well. That and some dumb rumour circulating about Knuckles revisiting a flooded Station Square (which was a misinterpretation of the mine stage).

The whole branching path concept does explain a lot about the awkward similarity stages have in the final release. (White Jungle = Green Forest with draw distance set to 10!)
I'm back on the ball, picking up from last time Eggman and chums set up their prison island plan so lets get to the action.

Weapons Bed
Well you can rack up points on the motionless mech guys that exist purely to fuel your A rank dreams, Eggman gets the ability to shoot iron containers which is as exciting and game changing as always. There’s a lot of those bigger flying GUN robots with the triple shots, they tend to lower in on top of you or close enough you can’t avoid getting hit unless you know where they “spawn”. Average stage for an average type of gameplay.

So Eggman distracted those troops as per the plan yet he has Shadow and Rouge still with him…..okay this plan seems to have gone wrong somewhere, did the troops somehow lose him? Amy’s stalker skills that led her to Prison Island lead her to do what people in this game do best and assume that Sonic must have dyed his fur because she just goes and hugs the hell out of Shadow despite him standing there with like Eggman conversing about villainy, upon grabbing a tuft of Shadow’s manly chest hair she realizes that it’s not Sonic and only then does she notice Eggman sitting in the mech. Eggman has had enough of her shit and plans to gun her down over the edge of the carrier leaving her corpse to the ocean but Tails has to come ruin it.
Tails is no match for old Robotnik and gets boxing gloved to the other side of the ship, Eggman celebrates his victory the way he always does, jumping up and down with flailing arms like it’s Christmas morning and he just got his Egg Choo Choo Train from Grandpa Gerald.

Security Hall
Rouge is back and on a five minute timer to boot, this is like the one time a timer turns up that’s actually sort of strict if you don’t know what you’re doing. Fortunately the security hall is a small stage and you can wager the emerald locations will be two in the main hall on either side and one in the upper section with the laser grid madness, armed with this knowledge it’s an easy A rank.

Rouge isn’t quite done as she ends up in a giant vault room that just so happens to have a mech called Flying Dog in it which fights like all the other mech bosses so far except it’s even easier because Rouge can glide and has two walls to climb on for the height advantage. Why the hell did she enter this vault when we already had the emeralds instead of just leave? (unless it was the exit) And now she’s trapped inside with no chance of escape it seems.
Shadow is strolling through the jungle, probably pondering his lack of stages when he gets a phone call from Bat Breasts detailing her predicament. Somehow her solemn voice and trapped situation is JUST like shadow’s beloved Maria before she was filled with lead (3+ everybody!) because they’re both women I guess? Had Sega 1991 not mentioned it earlier I wouldn’t have picked up on the whole eyelashes thing going on here, Shadow must be able to see through his coms device if that's the actual reason here for his change of heart, such is the power of being the ultimate lifeform. Now Shadow finally gets another stage and it’s Green Forest, kind of.

White Jungle
So this stage is like a remixed Green Forest but foggier and with rain, the music starts off pretty awesome before falling into usual shadow gibberish lyrics of disappointment. Stage design is slightly tougher than Green Forest I guess? But not as actually interesting. You have 10 minutes to beat a stage that takes like 3 minutes tops, it has lots of bits where you hold forward, keep holding it, hit a spring, hit a vine, watch the game play itself, some rooms in general are suspiciously similar to Green Forest. There’s a new stage gimmick, a vine contraption that pulls you forward or up so it’s basically an alternate spring and it adds very little.
Oh and Light Dash shoes, brilliantly I had the electric/magnetic shield when I picked these up so guess what happened, OH LOOK THE RINGS PULLED APART, DEEAAAAD, seriously at least put some courtesy spikes down there just in case I need to pop the shield, this design is flipping silly, you can pull off a light dash with the magnetic shield but it requires you to do it very quickly, in Sonic’s case he may just bounce bracelet down the pit instead, SA2 everybody!

Okay so the Faker battle is up now but I’ve got to get this incredible piece of game design out in the open, during the fight with Sonic I landed precariously on the fence at the waters edge, when going to jump Shadow slipped off backwards to his doom right? Err kind of, I saved myself from falling into the drink with a well timed homing attack and got back on the stage but the game killed me anyway, see Shadow’s foot hit the drink causing him to perform his death yell but I got back on the stage and could still fight, but nope, the camera locked up and the game just faded to Black while I carried on kicking Sonic’s face into the floor, so the water is like toxic it seems, what a load of bunk! Anyway after Shadow did Achilles proud with death by heel (except in this case water touching the heel was in fact the problem) I went straight back to beating Sonic in the low budget Dragonball like showdown of homing attack and spindash madness.

Shadow makes it to Rouge with like 59 seconds left, takes 56 odd seconds to actually perform chaos control and get them the hell out . So the small amount of explosives amount to island wide destruction, I guess they’re placed near missiles or something, Eggman did say the armory, even so the jungle gets blown to bits as well, how thorough.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Sonic Heroes is actually rated very high by buyers on PSN. Almost 5 stars if I remember correctly.
Wow. There are some Sonic fans who will like anything, I guess.

This shouldn't even come as a surprise considering there are some bozos who legit like Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge's stages in SA2, Sonic 2006, etc. Plus the PS2 version is the worst version of the game. @_____@

I'm confused. Also, Nocturnowl took the bullet and replayed Heroes for all of SonicGAF. I don't think ya liked it much, did you, Nocturnowl?


I actually got all 120 Emblems in Sonic Heroes. I think it was me just trying to make up for never being able to in SA2.
Wow. There are some Sonic fans who will like anything, I guess.

This shouldn't even come as a surprise considering there are some bozos who legit like Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge's stages in SA2, Sonic 2006, etc. Plus the PS2 version is the worst version of the game. @_____@

I'm confused. Also, Nocturnowl took the bullet and replayed Heroes for all of SonicGAF. I don't think ya liked it much, did you, Nocturnowl?

First of all i'm going to say I honestly don't mind Rouge's stages, except mad space.

But Sonic Heroes, well it was a lot better in the back of my mind. On paper it sounds solid enough, it's like a whole game of Speed stages except with even more abilities courtesy of the trio aspect. The plot falls mainly to the wayside as well, it almost sounds like the throwback to the older games in 3D, HOT DAMN!

It starts off well enough with Seaside Hill and Ocean Palace, though players will be quick to note that control is slippery, enemy health bars are an awful idea that greatly reduce the flow (I assume it was to give Power a better role) and flight flat out sucks. But the game manages to feel relatively solid for the first 2 worlds at least, though the end of Power Plant really begins to bring the downfall with that final section with the rising acid.
The Casino and Bingo stages are like Heroes at its best and worst, bursting with colour, a great callback to the stages of old and the bingo is a nice new twist on things, yet within these stages you'll get stuck in tables, deal with some awful platforming, be left at the mercy of your idiot AI partners as they roll off the bingo board (though considering the controls who can blame them?) and more importantly you'll notice the core level design is damn near out of tricks and will just keep throwing the same stuff at you, the boss battle robot carnival is a horrible idea that really emphasises how awful robot combat is.

Next up Rail Canyon and Bullet Station show how badly they fucked up grinding somehow yet used it for an entire two stages anyway, on top of this you've got repeated sections with train destroying or cannon firing, slow switch searching to open doors, cheap deaths and lots of game playing itself instances because it's a rial based level. The Egg Albatross starts a repeating boss cycle, Frog Forest along with the later on Egg Fleet are two okay spots in a sea of shit that threatens to consume you, note that Final fortress and Lost Jungle are not included with their barely okay counterparts.
Boredom sets in, frustration sets in, repetition sets in, Tails voice makes you want to go out and murder an actual real fox. Giant time wasting robots with giant hammers debut and waste time as do beam blasting shield robots, you'll flee from a killer croc where one slightly mistimed press of jump kills you in a progression of 20 odd vine swings in a row, ROBOT STORM is a thing that exists, Mystic Mansion takes forever, the music reaches new heights of blandness (Seaside Hill, Ocean Palace and Frog Forest are all that i'd call good really) and Final Fortress is just plain bad.

And then it truly hits the fan, the Egg Emperor, a boss I can only assume wasn't playtested, a boss that takes like 10 minutes and can charge attack at any moment even when crossing the mandatory pit of death for an unavoidable strike, I rage quit here on my replay, enough was enough.

But it gets worse if you dare to go onwards! Chaotix and their collectathon missions in a game with shoddy controls and levels that push you forwards, BLOW OUT THE TORCHES, ALL 60 OF THEM! Go blow yourself Sonic Heroes. Oh look Team Dark are hard mode and by hard we mean here's more awfully placed time waster robots to battle with the deep combat system of mashing B (GC controls at least). Suffer through the clearly flawed and possibly unfinished bonus stages for chaos emeralds so you can reach the gripping conclusion which has NEO METAL SONIC who turns into a damn dinosaur which might actually be an improvement, your reward for slogging through this is this treat for an ending.

Multiplayer drops the frame rate to the depths of hell and is no fun for either player, collecting emblems needs to nothing worthwhile so you're just wasting your time, in fact doesn't it lead to an even harder mode? who the hell wants that?! probably just shoves hammer robots in every inch of seaside hill. This was the new Sonic game presented to GC, PS2 and Xbox which is kind of a big deal in a way, its effects are still felt to this day because Seaside Hill is now like Sonic's new Green Hill zone for an entire generation of kids, that's just miserable.

In the time it took to type this my nocturnal tea just got cold, damn you Sonic Heroes!


why is there a boost pad right next to a spring

why did they need a boost pad right next to a spring

I don't even remember what level this was in, maybe Final Rush, but I remember being mad at that level Green Forest, and it's a booster leading to a spring leading to a series of springs



why is there a boost pad right next to a spring

why did they need a boost pad right next to a spring

I don't even remember what level this was in, maybe Final Rush, but I remember being mad at that level Green Forest, and it's a booster leading to a spring leading to a series of springs


Sounds like Dimps


So I bought Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 off PSN and noticed the bars on the side (SA1) aren't a consistent pattern. It's hard to describe but some parts are darker and others lighter. I've never noticed anything like that on my tv before so it scared me. Can someone tell me my tv isn't fucked and it's just the game? It's getting me worried.

Tried a bit of SA2 and it looks gorgeous. Can't wait to play it, but I have horrific memories about the Knuckles and Rouge stages. I remember there being a timed level that caused me to break 2 Controllers when I was younger.

Oh and I have $11.30 on my PSN account leftover. Should I get Nights or Afterburner: Climax (I assume there are some massive Sega fans here)?
What better way to brighten up this gloomy British morning of mine then with more Dark Story? or perhaps that will just make it grimmer...

Shadow flashes back to his TRAGIC PAST, Maria wonders what it’s like on Earth, not like Shadow knows either but it’s hard to make conversation up on ARK. Shadow knows that all Professor Gerald’s work is for those people though, that work being a planet destroying laser aimed right at them and a giant space lizard for fuck knows why. Shadow ponders why he was created which in turn leads to Shadow the Hedgehog, the hit video game, never say that this game doesn’t lead to the downfall because they just had to go and explain his origins which was like some alien guy, hey maybe this giant laser makes more sense if I actually played Shadow or at least knew what the plot there was really all about aside from Shadow karate chopping Eggman to death because THIS IS WHO I AM!
Okay back on topic and back to reality for Shadow who is snapped out of his brooding daydream by Rouge who considers Shadow’s heroics to be out of character, before Rouge can reward Shadow with her “assets” Eggman stops this furry fan fiction of mine from going down because that ain’t right and more importantly they’ve got moons to shoot holes in, Shadow struts across the room (no really) saying that six emeralds is more than enough for the demonstration.

Initiate the scene also in hero story of Eggman firing the laser, the dark side aftermath actually has Eggman in a pissed off state, according to Shadow their threats fell on deaf ears, there are numerous reasons why this might be the case.
1: Eggman always loses and the people know this
2: Eggman shooting Earth would be counter productive to world domination
During this scene Eggman’s animations are at an erratic high, his limbs flail everywhere like a man possessed. They need one last emerald to get the job truly done and Rouge knows who has it.
She just so happened to bring an old newspaper clipping detailing Tail’s heroics at the end of SA1 where he stopped Eggman’s missile and walker robot of GETALOADOFGETALOADOFGETALODOFTHIS! Eggman seems to have wiped his failure from his mind as he skims the article, turns out Tails got to keep Station Square’s prized emerald which is odd as Station Square’s emerald should have been in Perfect Chaos guts and before that just lying around in a random place, did they like pick it up in the aftermath of the destruction and just give it to Tails like “yeah, now we’re even”. Better yet why were some of the emeralds under lock down on prison island for that matter yet others kept by main characters? Please tell me to stop thinking about this continuity.
When Eggman and Shadow leave Rouge leaps on the phone to her mystery employers, her actual goal is to find out about project Shadow and the ultimate lifeform, so far she has nothing to report because Shadow hasn’t had enough stages to actually show off with yet.

Route 280
So the new plan is to chase after Tails and beat him to the brink of death for his emerald, so Rouge hops in her trusty sports car and heads down yet another peril filled Sonic route, now with pitfalls and lacking barriers, I repeat the question of “who designed this crazy road?!”.
On the second to last turn I was too fast and somehow shot over the barrier despite not even hitting any humped bit of road and guess what this stage doesn’t have? Checkpoints! So I had to do the whole stage again and let me tell ya, you don’t know how bad this stage actually is until you play it twice in a row.

Sky Rail

Despite Rouge catching up with Tails her work amounts to nothing as Tails seemingly took a turn to MOUNTAINOUS REGION so shadow has to follow on foot…or on rail *rimshot*.
Sky Rail is one of the weakest speed stages, the rails are boring compared to final rush and there’s not a lot else, the main new stage apparatus is some device on which you spam homing attacks on to raise leaving you defenseless in the face of the triple shot GUN robots so you basically hope they don’t hit you by hurrying the hell up. The stage theme is basically pumpkin hill in the day, doesn’t feel quite so haunted now. Shadow reaches the finish but is unable to catch Tails basically making this whole escapade wonderful filler content.

And we jump forward through time quite severely because next up is the Egg Golem, but Eggman’s plan is foiled by Sonic’s mad kung fu kick skills where he jumps from the floor straight to the Golem’s head screaming something like “TERRIA!” and boots the weakpoint for massive damage in one fell swoop, hey that’s not quite what I did but okay then. Golem now enraged with his former master smothers Eggman as he trembles a desperate NOOOOO.
Since we now start a boss fight I want to imagine Eggman pulled an evasive roll in his mech for style points to evade the smothering hand of death. This boss is piddle, shoot at it until the weakpoints show up and shoot them as well, the Golem fights like it did in the hero story so nothing much new here. While Eggman was busy with the Golem Sonic swiped his shuttle, well it’s a good thing Eggman has that teleport, that countdown guy is gonna get fired for letting that ship launch whoever he is.

Back on ARK Rouge gets word that Sonic and chums have made it past Eggman’s rocky scheme, heh, rocky, oh wait that’s the same quip that sonic used on the golem, awwww damn it. Rouge manages to squeeze the password for ARK’s computer out of Eggman, actually Eggman basically just hands it to her, after all he’s still that trusting of her like the fool he is. Password is of course Maria which makes Rouge stop for a second and wonder where she heard that before, it’s every conversation ever with Shadow by the way but nope she can’t quite put her finger on it because people tend to tune out of Shadow's miserable mumblings. Armed with the password she finally looks into project Shadow and what she discovers is so horrifying she can’t adequately describe it to the viewer, just know it’s not what she was expecting, now that’s a cliffhanger!
Hey look it's almost a double update, this place is deader than Maria's cold carcass, I bet everyone is off playing pokemon or something, it's not faaaiiiir!

*Cue scrolling text and music*

Hi, I’m Nocturne the Owl but everybody calls me Nocturnowl! Suck it Tails, I can have puns as well.
I’m nearing the end of my dark story run but first I’ll have to get past Mad Space!
Can my exceptional treasure hunting skills grab me an A rank or will the awful stage design hinder my dreams?

*end scrolling and cut my music*

Mad Space
When looking at the ARK computer Sonic and chums turned up on the security feed so Rouge goes to deal with them as per Eggman’s request, and by deal with them she buggers off to find Knuckles who she knows for a fact has spilled the master emerald into the cosmos, maybe she was looking out the window during Knuckles terrorism attempt, actually I’m pretty sure she was on the terminal so….
ANYWAY, Mad Space is shit, it’s the most confusing of all treasure hunt stages and requires use of rockets to reach various planetoids, these planets tend to have a gravity of their own but the feature is left in an incomplete state meaning in controls like arse and you can’t run on planet undersides, nothing unique is really done with this idea, it just makes the camera flip out, Rouge herself may begin spazzing out and it only leads to confusion, but they totally beat Nintendo to the punch right?
Hint monitors either put the text backwards or tell you the opposite of what they should be telling you just to truly throw the mad into mad space, actually the above was mad enough thanks. To begin with the only rocket you can start up will take you to Rouge’s new boots that allow you to *drum roll* break open iron boxes, man this upgrade system is a real treat. So I fumbled around, got a C rank which isn’t too bad considering the stage itself is a horrible mess.

Rouge does deadly battle with knuckles and I pulverize him before he can even whip out a cheap special move, finishing him off with death by gliding, hopefully because he got conked in the face by Rouge’s most prized "jewels". The aftermath cutscene is the same as in hero story but with Rouge’s theme playing over, yeah she gets to almost die to her own theme music. This scene is still the most baffling in the game, she can fly, she was in no danger, there were also air vents, couldn’t they have had like a meteor almost fly in and kill her but Knuckles yanks her out of the way AND punches the meteor to bits? See my idea is a lot better than klutz Rouge who slips and forgets how to fly.

Back in the not so hidden base Eggman and Shadow spy two chaos emerald readings from inside ARK via the terminal, this leads to the quick assumption that there is a fake Emerald in play, before Shadow can go off to finally have another stage Eggman decides that he deserves the honour leaving Shadow on the backburner once more, well screw it Eggman is ten times the character anyway, it will be a fitting finish to the game.

Cosmic Wall
I like this stage even if it goes on too long and isn’t actually challenging at all, all you need to know is that there is low gravity leading to hover flight! The stage throws combo opportunities at you making it an incredibly easy A rank. There’s also some on rails shooting sections of minimal enemy threat but there’s like loops and stuff so yeah! Loops! The stage finishes on some random blob monster attack for a slight shift, there was an upgrade here but after freeing it from its cage I promptly slipped off the platform when preparing my jump, knowing my luck it was the armour upgrade which is ever so useful for what follows. The music is one of the better tracks as well.

Amy tempts fate by ruing the day she was left alone and defenceless by Sonic and Tails, those guys are kind of dickish really. Eggman arrives and sets up a hostage situation so he can get his damn detonators, when Sonic arrives he and Eggman have some banter about cowboys and yippee ki-yay motherfucker, they share a laugh only for Sonic to pull the emerald from off his back and chaos control Eggman out of ARK’s window but not before he almost takes Amy with him!
I lied, what can I say? I Die Hard!
The actual scene is the same as in the hero story with one key difference that’s great if you like me first played this game through the Dark Story, you don’t see Sonic contemplate using chaos control making the whole scene just look like Eggman straight up murdering Sonic and his survival look even more bullshit than it already was.
The fight against Tails though, bloody hell, in hero story I was lucky that Eggman never got to blast out the super laser, Tails is a git though and spammed the hell out of it, no joke, if you get caught in it and it’s highly likely you will there’s like no way out except death, this battle feels borderline broken and I for one do not approve, plus I missed the armour upgrade which helps nothing.
Eventually I won by using my being hit invulnerability to storm through the giant laser and punch Tails right in the face like the Eggman should. And so we reach a finish, Eggman went up to ARK and slayed his long time enemies all by himself, huzzah!

Oh hang on Shadow’s getting a final scene to tie up loose ends, Shadow watches the capsule containing Sonic explode scattering hedgehog meat across the vastness of space, “guess he was just a regular hedgehog after all…” well regular Hedgehogs are like small prickly things that can’t run for shit but maybe this is his final jab, a brutal insult to the memory of Sonic.
Rouge is at the Eclipse canon and is now deciding to swipe the emeralds as a meager way of cleaning the knuckles failure off her filthy echidna covered hands, the emeralds will create a miracle for her she claims, Hyper Rouge with even greater funbags of course! but Shadow ain’t allowing those implant dreams to become a reality and boy has he done his homework!
See Shadow knows that she’s taking orders from the president because she is in fact that government spy Rouge the Bat! Yes that Rouge the Bat, not like they’re any others, maybe using an alias would be a smart idea but hey it worked out well up until now. For someone who’d been stuck in a pod until like the other day Shadow sure does know a lot, to the games credit I’ll assume he spent all his spare time boning up on reading via Eggman’s library of information, he had plenty of time what with the lack of actual stages.
But Rouge has news for Shadow as well, information on the ultimate lifeform Shadow and in a shocking twist it turns out the real Shadow is something completely different to our Hedgehog chum leaving him understandably confused, Shadow handles this news pretty well even when Rouge suggests that his waifu may be a figment of his limited imagination, I’ll give shadow props here, he could have turned whiny on top of dark and brooding but he bucks expectations and now he’s got a job to do at last because some mystery individual is closing in on the Canon and he’s gotta go stop whoever it is! Placing my bets on Knuckles.

Final Chase
This stage is average, it has this one sort of functional idea and repeats it in various ways and that idea is tubes, tubes that shadow will automatically start gravitating round in the direction indicated by the arrows on the tube. Said tubes can be at odds with the camera and control kind of awkwardly, outside of tubes there are a few sections that imitate the superior final rush and a tons of those limb stretching blue bastards. This stage is stop and go most of the time and I just don’t care for it.

Oh so it’s Sonic who is closing in on the core, I’m pretending I didn’t play the hero story and am now wondering just how the hell Sonic even survived, he dies hard 2: dying harder, whatever it’s time for the same final battle as the hero story except we get to whup Sonic instead.

With Shadow having won his battle Eggman can freely prepare the cannon and all glory to the Eggman empire, alas as Eggman preps the canon massive warning notices are flashing, I can’t quite tell if the game is focusing on the yellow emerald here to indicate that he actually used the fake or if it’s just the setup for the beginning of Last Story, if so that means that canonically Sonic and Tails got their arses kicked and that’s actually pretty awesome, though with the way Hero ends Eggman still snatches an emerald so maybe he just snuck out the room and setup Last story from there, probably because bad guys just can’t win.
Roll credits, Shadow’s theme is poop, begin hype trailer for Last Story with worlds flying out of the screen very fast like it’s that asses of fire 2 trailer from that one South Park episode or a cryptic return trailer for a WWE wrestler, basically anything but Sonic the Hedgehog, WISHES ARE ETERNAL!

The Lamp

I don't understand the haters. Treasure hunting levels were great....nothing like them. Mad love for Mad Space!

Also Rouge was an interesting character and I loved her theme song.


If you can get past the wonky planetoid physics, it's a pretty awesome level, though. Like a Mario Galaxy prototype.

qq more

I don't understand the haters. Treasure hunting levels were great....nothing like them.
Takes too long because not only are the levels HUGEEEE but you can only detect certain emeralds in order. They were honestly boring too. It's a downgrade from SA1.


Finished the game this morning, and urrrrgggggghhhhh Cannon's Core why

Had fun getting all A Ranks in Green Forest, City Escape and Metal Harbor, though. Fun to be had in this game, but much more flawed than I used to think.


I don't understand the haters. Treasure hunting levels were great....nothing like them. Mad love for Mad Space!

Also Rouge was an interesting character and I loved her theme song.

My head can't comprehend these levels being good. They really weren't.

Planetoid microgravity, ok in spite of massive flaws, but the treasure hunting overall was a 1/10, and a sore spot even for most of those who like the game.


Takes too long because not only are the levels HUGEEEE but you can only detect certain emeralds in order. They were honestly boring too. It's a downgrade from SA1.

The bolded is my major gripe with Knuckles and Rouge's stages. It would've been fine if I can just explore in my leisure collecting them but to collect them one after another is a pain especially when I don't know HOW to find one.
Finished the game this morning, and urrrrgggggghhhhh Cannon's Core why

Had fun getting all A Ranks in Green Forest, City Escape and Metal Harbor, though. Fun to be had in this game, but much more flawed than I used to think.

Nothing feels better than getting that Extreme near the end of Metal Harbor



Thread's title sounds like this.

I'm still on the fence for buying this one, I just played the hell out of it on Dolphin recently, so I guess it won't be that much of a change, except it'll be widescreen. But surely the next time I'll want to play it I'll buy this version.

Nothing feels better than getting that Extreme near the end of Metal Harbor





Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I haaaaate the mach speed sections in Sonic 2006. And Sonic usually says some dumb crap during them. :V

I dunno. 3D Platforming depending on the camera and I don't mix well often. I get rather nauseous so I never had a huge attachment to them. That's the problem Sega has, though. They have several splits in their fanbase that they feel the need to cater to and it ends up being a mess or it ends up being something that half of their fanbase doesn't want. Some people like the pure platforming portions of Sonic / score attacking, so they like the Genesis games or they like Colours. Some people like the 3D platforming so they really like the Adventure games. Some people like the hybrid style so they like the last three games. Some people like it as a racing game / time attack game or something so they like parts of the last three games and maybe the Rush games. So it's hard to satisfy a lot of people. If Sega could afford to develop several games to cater to the several splits in their fanbases, that would be great, but we know they won't.

I think the solution could be easy. Make a Sonic Adventure 2 style game with three playstyles: One for Knuckles, one for Sonic, one for Tails with Tails playing like classic genesis Sonic (no rankings here), Knuckles playing like Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic (ranmings based on tricks and time, no boost, really standard Sonic Adventure 2 gameplay) and Sonic playing like Sonic Unleashed/Colours/Generations Sonic (rankings basically solely based on time and error-freeness). This way every Sonic fan gets what he wants (well, Sonic would probably still have green eyes, so some might cry, but well...) and there's a lot of variety in there.
To please all Sonic fans they could even do three covers for it, one calling it Sonic the Hegdehog 5, one calling it Sonic Adventure 3 and one calling in Sonic Unleashed 2 ;D.

Just never, ever put such a travesty as Knuckles' hunting stages, Silver's I-don't-know-what-this-is-intended-to-be-bullshit or Shadow's angsty shooting in there. While we're at it: If Shadow is really such a beloved character, one could put a fourth playable character in there (as an unlockable?), Shadow, playing exactly like Sonic did in Sonic Rush ;). For modern Sonic and classic Sonic they also have a great framework in Sonic Generations, Sonic Rush Sonic should be totally doable tweaking the 2D parts of the Unleashed engine and then there would only be Sonic Adventure 2 Sonic as a challenging bit. I'm sure Sega could do that.

The Lamp

My head can't comprehend these levels being good. They really weren't.

Planetoid microgravity, ok in spite of massive flaws, but the treasure hunting overall was a 1/10, and a sore spot even for most of those who like the game.

I liked scavenger hunts. I never had a problem with them. The gravity controls were kind of wonky but I got used to them quickly.

The bolded is my major gripe with Knuckles and Rouge's stages. It would've been fine if I can just explore in my leisure collecting them but to collect them one after another is a pain especially when I don't know HOW to find one.

Then read the hints.
Most treasure hunting stages can be broken down into three main areas or possibly four, it's highly likely the items will be hidden away from each other, one emerald (or key) in each "main area" though there are some outliers meaning you can divide the stages into further pieces.

But anyway getting the A rank is a simple case of legging it to each main area as fast as you can and waiting for the radar to beep, once you've found one item you can cross that area you found it in off the list as the rest are likely to be scattered further away from it, rinse and repeat.

For stage examples...
Wild Canyon: Central area (may contain 2 items due to size), Top area left and Top area right.
Dry Lagoon: Similar to above, Central Area, Turtle area with both left and right sections.
Security Hall: Split the main hall into two halves, top section is its own area.
Pumpkin Hill: Basically has three main mountains so it's noticeably split already, there are a few other floating islands high and low to take into account though.
Aquatic Mine: trickier, split by water levels.
Meteor Herd: Bottom area and tower, floating platforms and containers, tip top area of the map.
Death Chamber and Egg Quarters: three colour coded areas and the center room (might only apply to Death chamber this last one).

Mad Space's bigger and more awkward layout makes it a bit trickier to pull this off, you'll need to know which rockets lead where and how to get out of certain planets gravitational pull.

So it's pretty simple to avoid using hint terminals and nab the A rank, occasionally you'll need a bit of luck on your side but once you grasp stage layouts it's a very quick trip, no need to faff about grabbing tons of rings for these A ranks either.


Now after both have been rereleased and most of us aren't 12/13 anymore which game do you prefer Sonic Adventure 1 or Sonic Adventure 2?

I would still say I lean a bit more to Sonic Adventure one...mostly due to it just simply being fun. The level layout isn't frustrating, the soundtrack is amazing, and with the DX upgrades it doesn't look too shabby. I would say that Sonic Adventure 2 took the Sonic gameplay and made it a bit more fun due to the grinding system, however there's just something about the gameplay of one that draws me to it.

I also HATE the level ranking system in Adventure 2...for a game geared towards children it's sometimes impossible to reach an A ranking.
Mama Robotnik no longer endorses this thread.

Your tag also changed, I see. Same words, less emphasis on BEEF.

I also HATE the level ranking system in Adventure 2...for a game geared towards children it's sometimes impossible to reach an A ranking.
I never particularly cared for it, either. "Congrats, after some painful struggles, you finally beat this stage that's been giving you a hard time! BTW YOU SUCK"
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