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Sonic Colors |OT| of AWESOME! OUTSTANDING! AMAZING! CUBE! And Very High Reviews

The_Technomancer said:
Hm, the biggest reason I disagree with you is because the same complaints about weird and floaty jumping can be easily levied against Sonic 4 as well (and indeed is my biggest problem with it) It seems that you got past and enjoyed Sonic 4 and a lot of us got past and enjoyed Colors. It takes time to learn new momentum rules, even if you grasped how 4 worked almost right away there had to be a period of experimentation there.

And at least in my experience the jumping in Colors is in no way broken, just weird. I've probably put seven hours into it, one playthrough and some going back and repeating, and I can handle precision platforming now easily. (The same thing happened with me with Sonic 4 to an extent)

I agree totally on that last part, this is the best jumping Sonic has had since the Genesis days. Yes its floaty compared to Mario but it has its own feel to it that you pick up on quickly. The combination of holding the jump button to jump higher and having a double jump allows for a precision in the platforming that has not been around for a long time in this series. That is important when 70% of the game is in 2D, it controls extremely well.

This is probably a case where the player just doesn't like the 3D Sonic formula, still this game gets pretty far from that. This game plays differently from any Sonic game I have played, the wisps change everything, how you approach every level, how you do a score run, how you explore. They are integrated so well into the levels and there are so many with plenty of variety in situations and design. Level design wise the game is great.
ZealousD said:
Is that because you tended to only go through stages once, or you just chose not to use footage from the other attempts? I haven't touched Colors yet, but Unleashed's daytime stages got more fun the better you became at them. If you didn't replay stages, I could see how that might "color" your review (pun intended).

Gotta disagree with you. If a stage isn't fun the first-time through, then it hasn't done it's job at delivering a good experience. Not everyone likes memorization in their games and Unleashed requires a ridiculous amount of it to get a decent playthrough and is also marred with absolutely stupid design decisions.

If a stage isn't fun the first time, what makes you think someone wants to go back to it? There were only 2 levels I found decent in that game and went back to. That's it. The reason someone might go back to Colours levels isn't because of memorization but the added wisps and extra paths.


Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
Has anyone played the DS version? Seems all the talk is about the Wii version.
I'm at 2 chaos emeralds out of 7, ask away if you want to know something.

It's a lot faster than the Wii version, it's all 2d, the bosses are longer to beat (the first boss in the Wii version takes 3 hits, the first one in the DS version takes like...6-7?), it's Sonic Rush 3, there are other Sonic characters/friends as cameos, they actually mention the Sonic Rush Adventure plot, etc.
riceandbeans said:
Gotta disagree with you. If a stage isn't fun the first-time through, then it hasn't done it's job at delivering a good experience. Not everyone likes memorization in their games and Unleashed requires a ridiculous amount of it to get a decent playthrough and is also marred with absolutely stupid design decisions.

If a stage isn't fun the first time, what makes you think someone wants to go back to it? There were only 2 levels I found decent in that game and went back to. That's it. The reason someone might go back to Colours levels isn't because of memorization but the added wisps and extra paths.

Well this is where many will disagree. Some of the 3D Sonics are not for everyone. If you are not a high score, replay a level until mastering it kind of guy then most 3D Sonics are not for you. That said Colors is far more of a traditional platformer than any of the past ones so that shouldn't be a major issue. But with Unleashed I can totally see someone be frustrated by the levels if all they are trying to do is get through them once. To me the fun comes from mastering those levels, I still think Unleashed has the very best 3D Sonic levels ever made.

Even when I was dying in my first run of Unleashed levels I was having fun, I love learning the layout of the levels. I love learning about which routes to take, which to avoid. Having it all come together in a perfect run is one of the most exciting things in gaming to me. It did have some techinical issues, which is what Colors gets right, it feels so well made compared to recent Sonic games.
dark10x said:
I like it a lot so far. Still prefer Unleashed HD at this point, but this is pretty great. Music has been disappointing thus far though.
I think the quality of the music is definitely there and they succeeded in what they intended to do with it. I personally enjoyed most of the Secret Rings and Black Knight soundtrack more, but I believe the quality to be the same all things considered.
I guess I'm in what you call the final zone. Terminal Velocity or whatever it's called. I keep fucking dying against that annoying boss uh x.x.

Don't wanna spoil anyone, but I'm sure some of yall know which one I'm talking about in Act 1.


4 Chaos Emeralds, the DS version is good if you still want some Rush gameplay after Rush Adventure.
Actually, it's so good it's probably the best Sonic Rush game.

But the Wii version is superior, more fun... nothing's bad with the Rush style of gameplay but after three games i like the Colors Wii formula more.

Sonic Team > Dimps this time.
MidnightScott said:
I guess I'm in what you call the final zone. Terminal Velocity or whatever it's called. I keep fucking dying against that annoying boss uh x.x.

Don't wanna spoil anyone, but I'm sure some of yall know which one I'm talking about in Act 1.
That's where I'm stuck too. Screw that dude, I was doing fine up until him.
MidnightScott said:
I guess I'm in what you call the final zone. Terminal Velocity or whatever it's called. I keep fucking dying against that annoying boss uh x.x.

Don't wanna spoil anyone, but I'm sure some of yall know which one I'm talking about in Act 1.

Save your boost until the motorbugs start coming and boost the fuck outta there...but yeah that shit sucks. The last few hours is a bit frustrating for some bullshit like that.


You can tell which two sides he's going to attack by looking at the jewels above him, so boost only enough to be out of his arm's reach and that should save enough boost for the second part.


MidnightScott said:
I guess I'm in what you call the final zone. Terminal Velocity or whatever it's called. I keep fucking dying against that annoying boss uh x.x.

Don't wanna spoil anyone, but I'm sure some of yall know which one I'm talking about in Act 1.
I actually liked that part in the long run because I finally learned how its mechanics instead of frustratingly fudging my way past it like in Aquatic Park.
What you're going to want to do is coax him into constantly using his laser attack, while conserving your boost. Don't use any boost in the first motobug segment, and use it to fill up your meter. When at the robot use boost for a second or so instead of holding it down. This will cause him to initiate the laser attack, and when he catches up to you just boost enough away again to repeat.
You'll eventually get to more motobugs who you can use to just gain boost and speed your way to the end without the worrying about the robot. Be warned near the start of the motobug section the camera will shift hiding the robot and any way to tell where his lasers will hit. If you have any boost, its probably a good idea to start using it there and hope you don't get hit.


Junior Member
Beat the DS version. Haven't gotten all the Chaos Emeralds yet.

First off, it should be noted that this game is...short! NP wasn't kidding. For each world there are two acts, three alternative mission modes with cameos by all the other Sonic characters and a boss fight. If you chose to skip the missions, you could probably finish the game in 90 minutes or less. With the missions (which are just challenges within the two acts you already beat) and getting all Chaos Emeralds from the bonus stages, it could take you 2-3 hours. But still, it's maybe less than half as long as Sonic Rush and 1/3 as long as SRA. There's also red rings to collect, but these just open up the regular levels for multiplayer.

Speaking of multiplayer, I tried some online racing and it was very fun. You get items you can use to attack your opponent with and slow them down. Reminds me of Sonic Rivals, but a lot more fun.

Sonic's Rush's gameplay is still there, but with new skills added like the ground pound and wall jump. These are very welcome additions and I would have loved to see these in Sonic 4.

The Wisps however, are hit and miss. They can either add to your experience and make it enjoyable (Drill, Burst) or make it stop to a halt (Rocket, Lazer) The Void Frenzy is actually pretty cool as it sucks everything around it in, but like Frenzy on the Wii, it's very hard to control and I found myself dying due to falling into toxic slime because of it's horrid handling. In fact all the Wisps don't control as well as their Wii counterparts due to no analog control. Lazer is just diagonally up or down. Even drill feels a little awkward. Also, if you're getting a good speed flow going, having to use these all of the sudden can sometimes kill that flow.

The levels themselves are pretty big. So big that you can sometimes easily lose your direction. It's still fun to play around in though.

Two bosses are new (Plus a third HUGE one after you get all Chaos Emeralds), but are variants of each other, while the rest are taken from the Wii version but with different strategies to beat them. The music is taken straight from the Wii version but remixes it to make space on the cartridge. In some cases it sounds a little better. Check out Asteroid Coaster. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ocb2lvkaHow


Sorry, but in this version, the Wisps actually hurt more than help. They kill the flow of your speed. Also, the game is just too dang short for it's own good. Especially compared to the Rush games. I do love the extra additions of homing attack, Wall-Jump and ground pound though and would like to see these added in a REAL Rush game. As of now, I'd recommend this as a rental only or get it on the cheap.


RobbieNick said:
Also, the game is just too dang short for it's own good. Especially compared to the Rush games.

To be fair, without Rush's frustrating difficulty and Rush Adventure's ridiculous padding, they'd probably also be about as long as this Colors DS is.
If someone was interested in the Rush games I'd recommend the DS version of Colors because without those two attributes, its the most inviting of the three.


Yeah, you're right, i forgot how long Rush Adventure was, but it's definitely a different lenght.

I don't think i'm exaggerating when i say the core gameplay in Colors DS is the best out of the three Rush games; no "tricks" to get boost and things like that are awesome... but i don't like a lot the Wisp here and... the game being this short actually... i don't know, do i sound crazy if i say the gameplay is the best but the game is the less memorable of the three Rush games?

Sorry if i'm not making sense.
It's kind of odd really.

But still, Rush is absolutely memorable for the fucking awesome music, levels, final boss...

Rush Adventure, with those Ouendan-like minigames and the minerals and whatever is memorable too. i liked the Marine character etc.

Colors... i think i will remember this game as the Wii version.
Maybe it's because i'm playing them together, and of course the Wii version is more memorable - and it's a better game, really, more platforming sections etc.

Of course i'm still happy they decided to make a "Sonic Rush 3", even if it's not really Sonic Rush 3.
I like how they remixed the Wii music in the DS version, i like the cameos - and i guess if Sonic Team decided not to put Silver, Knuckles, Rouge etc. in the Wii version is because some fans really, really hate them by now.
Or maybe because they would be 3d models, harder to make etc.

Oh and the concept art gallery: why isn't THAT in the Wii version? it's awesome.

edit. you know what i think it's better in the DS version? the bosses.


Gram Negative Cocci said:
You guys are dumb, you can just jump his fists when he is close range, its stupid easy.
That gets troublesome the second the motobugs are introduced, and it takes longer.


I beat Sonic Rush Colors last night. Got all chaos emeralds too. It's pretty all right, and I can see myself coming back to it to explore the levels and getting the red rings. I think exploring the levels is where the main game is at, as there are a ton of branching paths. Thinking about Rush Colors made me realize just how far Sonic's come. Unlike the Genesis game, I wasn't using the spin dash much at all.

I think this game in particular is a very radical departure from the Genesis games, far more than the first two Rush games or the Advance trilogy. In a way, and I think it's partly due to Sonic being the only controllable character (even though Blaze was basically Cat Sonic), the game feels a lot like "NEW Sonic the Hedgehog." With the addition of powers, wall jump, homing attack, and ground pound, it's no longer feels like it's trying to emulate the Genesis games (which I think the Advance trilogy and the first two Rushes were sorta aiming for). It's something of a fresh beginning, and I'd love to see more.


is there a trick to the things that swing in sweet mountain act 4? they are annoying the hell out of me, they seem to be completely random in when they want to work and swing you off at full speed.


Threi said:
is there a trick to the things that swing in sweet mountain act 4? they are annoying the hell out of me, they seem to be completely random in when they want to work and swing you off at full speed.
Threi said:
is there a trick to the things that swing in sweet mountain act 4? they are annoying the hell out of me, they seem to be completely random in when they want to work and swing you off at full speed.

You can only dismount the way you are facing, remember that. Boosting into them also does it automatically for you.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
abstract alien said:
I think the quality of the music is definitely there and they succeeded in what they intended to do with it. I personally enjoyed most of the Secret Rings and Black Knight soundtrack more, but I believe the quality to be the same all things considered.
The problem is that I heard some of the tracks pre-release and they sounded awesome, but the music in the first three zones didn't do anything for me. Based on what I had heard, I was expecting some good dance music or something similar. Different from previous Sonic games, but catchy.

The music here is, how shall I say it, too "upbeat"?

Trust me, I was surprised as I was expecting great things from the audio. I suspect some later stages will please, but thus far, it's not at all what I was thinking it was going to be and I'm not a huge fan.
Lijik said:
That gets troublesome the second the motobugs are introduced, and it takes longer.

Whatever :p
I loved terminal velocity act 1 and was very sad that terminal velocity act 2 was more for show than anything. Should've been like 5 minutes longer.

This is arguably the catchiest music the sonic games have had in a long time. I was at work the other day and couldn't get shit like Tropical Resort and Asteroid Coaster music out of my head.
Oh hey, TSA showed up. I still disagree, but I'm glad he cleared a few things up.

Anyway, played 2 player earlier for the first time. Doesn't seem as bad as I was expecting honestly. Yeah, there were some problems but nothing major.
Yay I just beat it. :D

My time was like 6 hours and a few minutes though, pretty short. But I guess all Sonic games have never been that long. Although I could've sworn Adventure was a pretty long game.


Junior Member
Wizpig said:
edit. you know what i think it's better in the DS version? the bosses.

I agree on that. They're not pushovers.

Mank said:
Just finished Aquatic Park and... holy crap. THAT is how you do a water level. And the music! Geez, I am really loving this game.

Best water levels in any Sonic game.
dark10x said:
The problem is that I heard some of the tracks pre-release and they sounded awesome, but the music in the first three zones didn't do anything for me. Based on what I had heard, I was expecting some good dance music or something similar. Different from previous Sonic games, but catchy.

The music here is, how shall I say it, too "upbeat"?

Trust me, I was surprised as I was expecting great things from the audio. I suspect some later stages will please, but thus far, it's not at all what I was thinking it was going to be and I'm not a huge fan.
Honestly, it doesn't get much better than what you are hearing now :^/

I appreciate that they wanted to do something a bit different with the soundtrack this go around, but it never really clicked with me either. The audio was always the one thing I actually had expectations for in a sonic title, but yeah, this one let me down personally. There are a few tracks I like, but as a whole it disappointed me.

Edit: You know, now that you mention it, I do seem to like this soundtrack more while casually listening as opposed to it playing in the background of the game. It's like a reverse Zelda for me, because I love listening to Zelda's music during play, but I don't care to listen to it outside of the gaming world much at all.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
riceandbeans said:
Gotta disagree with you. If a stage isn't fun the first-time through, then it hasn't done it's job at delivering a good experience. Not everyone likes memorization in their games and Unleashed requires a ridiculous amount of it to get a decent playthrough and is also marred with absolutely stupid design decisions.

If a stage isn't fun the first time, what makes you think someone wants to go back to it? There were only 2 levels I found decent in that game and went back to. That's it. The reason someone might go back to Colours levels isn't because of memorization but the added wisps and extra paths.

I'm not saying that replay the stages will magically turn bad stages into good stages. Merely that the stages are better once you've learned them and you go through again to master them. That's a fundamental part of the design philosophy for both Unleashed and Colors.

You're always given a grade. Red Rings are everywhere and beg to be collected. Wisps are unlocked once you go back to old stages. There's multiple paths everywhere. The game does everything it possible can to encourage you to go back and replay stages without actually forcing you to do so. Unless you're going back and replaying stages, you're missing a fundamental part of what the Sonic series has always been about.

It's like trying to play Fallout 3 and skipping all the side quests and sticking to the main quest. If a reviewer had done nothing but raced for the ending in Fallout 3, do you think that kind of review would really be representative of the end product?
riceandbeans said:
Gotta disagree with you. If a stage isn't fun the first-time through, then it hasn't done it's job at delivering a good experience. Not everyone likes memorization in their games and Unleashed requires a ridiculous amount of it to get a decent playthrough and is also marred with absolutely stupid design decisions.

If a stage isn't fun the first time, what makes you think someone wants to go back to it? There were only 2 levels I found decent in that game and went back to. That's it. The reason someone might go back to Colours levels isn't because of memorization but the added wisps and extra paths.
Agreed. This is something that this game does badly. The stages are often not designed very well, in my opinion. I should not have to play a stage more than once to get the general idea--it should be clear the first time through.
I think there is definitely room for games that require a little bit of memorization. There's certainly people out there who enjoy that style of game (see: bullet hell shooters). It just means that it's not for you, I guess.

Sonic Rush was aggravating as hell your first time through the game, but going back to it a second time, when you had a better idea of what to expect, is when you started to feel kind of badass. I still find the first Sonic Rush to be really intense for this very reason, even though I have every stage memorized, because it still manages to keep you on your toes and demand your full, unwavering attention. Rush Adventure was a little easier in that regard.

But still, those games live and die by their time trial modes, for me. The same goes for Unleashed. I typically don't care about leaderboards or getting the fastest time, but these games somehow make me care (even in a game like Sonic Unleashed, where there are no visible leaderboards). I didn't even care about time trial stuff in old Sonic games. Not even Sonic Advance. But Sonic Rush and its ilk really encourage that sort of play, I think.

If it's any consolation, I've heard Sonic Colors on the DS is a little bit more forgiving. My copy won't be here until Monday at the earliest, though.


So, I downloaded the Unleashed demo today just to see how it would compare to Colours and wow, it doesn't even come close. I played it a before, when it first came out, and thought it was pretty fun then but now that I've tasted better it feels absolutely terrible. Colours is major improvement in nearly every way*.

Here's to hoping that this wasn't a fluke and we'll see Sonic Team make an equally impressive refinement with their next outing and we'll finally get our amazing modern Sonic game.

*Admittedly Colours does take a couple of little steps backwards in the 3D controls department. Unleashed is a little tighter on the analogue stick and sidestepping mapped to shoulder buttons is a sorely missed feature.


Colors Wii friend code: (lol leaderboards) 2021 6227 4857

Colors DS friend code (with online multiplayer): 507105 063631

Feel free to add me.


just finished Colours. Really enjoyed it. Need to get all the red rings and finish all the Sonic Sim levels to get the special surprise and the go through some of the levels again.


Wizpig said:
Wow the multiplayer is great on the DS version.

Incidentily I should point this out -- while the main game is pretty short on the DS, the equivalent of their "Secret Islands" from Rush Adventure are in the Game Land mode. I wasn't even going to bother checking out that mode at all because I assumed multiplayer was strictly with a friend, but in fact has a single player "VS. CPU" level, and is also where you get the 7th Emerald.

Game Land has an additional 3 Acts per world, two which are full acts, and 1 which is a 3 or 5 lap race around a level. So if you're looking for more levels, they're hidden in here.

SCDS has a pretty shitty take on the Wii version's map screen, so it's no wonder few have tried it out. There's no rankings for the level, just time.


Just got my first S Rank in the Wii version... these are honestly crazy hard, especially in the long levels.

So anyway i'm number 31 in the world leaderboards with 300k or something.

The first one has 15 million points or something.
Crazy glitch (you get points for grinding, maybe he did infinite grind or something) or hacker i do not know, but still... fail.


While there are things you can do over and over for points, once you get past a certain time you stop getting points at all, and at that point you also get no time bonus for finishing, so it wouldn't be worth it to try. Probably cheated.


Junior Member
Rlan said:
Incidentily I should point this out -- while the main game is pretty short on the DS, the equivalent of their "Secret Islands" from Rush Adventure are in the Game Land mode. I wasn't even going to bother checking out that mode at all because I assumed multiplayer was strictly with a friend, but in fact has a single player "VS. CPU" level, and is also where you get the 7th Emerald.

Game Land has an additional 3 Acts per world, two which are full acts, and 1 which is a 3 or 5 lap race around a level. So if you're looking for more levels, they're hidden in here.

SCDS has a pretty shitty take on the Wii version's map screen, so it's no wonder few have tried it out. There's no rankings for the level, just time.

Say Whaaaa?!

I was wondering where the damn 7th emerald was. So I gotta collect those red coins to unlock those extra levels hunh?

BTW, online mutiplayer is not just with a freind. You can play with anyone.
Wizpig said:
Just got my first S Rank in the Wii version... these are honestly crazy hard, especially in the long levels.

So anyway i'm number 31 in the world leaderboards with 300k or something.

The first one has 15 million points or something.
Crazy glitch (you get points for grinding, maybe he did infinite grind or something) or hacker i do not know, but still... fail.

you mean you are the failure.
Have now fully S-Ranked both Tropical Resort and Sweet Mountain. I've actually gained more respect for TR, I mean I always liked it but it seriously opens up once you get all the wisps. It can't touch Planet Wisp, Sweet Mountain or Aquarium Park but it's still solid stuff. For a first zone it's really good.

Halfway through Asteroid Coaster and it's definitely where the difficult platforming is to be found. So many deaths at the hands of those walls that shoot out. :lol


Should I get this game?

I really want to. I really liked Sonic Adventure, Adventure 2, and SOTR. I always saw potential for 3D sonics.
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