So I was about to admit that "Speak With your Heart" was growing on me, but then I heard the ending for the first time.
Gram Negative Cocci said:This game can be inconsistent sometimes. Usually, you can hold the slide button and sonic will indefinitely slide forward. I use this all the time to take out rows of enemies when I don't want to use my boost. However, if you're doing one of the quickstep sections, the rules change. He only slides for one second before standing up again, which drove me nuts on one of the planet wisp levels as I would slide through the first enemy in a line but not the second. Its also weird that they take away your boost during drift sections, UNLESS you jump into the air and then boost. Again, the game seems to have all these weird exceptional rules that aren't necessarily intuitive.
There are also times when the game literally takes control away from you during transitions within a level, even though sonic is grounded. You can approach these transitions super slow and all of a sudden the game goes into autopilot and drags you to a destination.
I still like the game very much, but it still has that typical lack of polish one can safely associate with Sonic Team.
Dunno about exclusivity, but its all chromey and I like it a lot.Wizpig said:Wait, glossy cover? is that for the US version only?
Pseudo_Sam said:This soundtrack is so FUCKING GOOD. Now I'm stuck between this and Galaxy 2 for SotY. Not gonna be an easy choice.
Articalys said:So if you recall, Sega held an event for Sonic Colors in New York City on November 4. At the event, they had two huge banners advertising the game. They gave one of them away today on Twitter.
They sent the other one to Jim Sterling.
Definitely need to buy this game this weekend.
I personally found it to be a god send above anything else. Only took 19 years but Sega finally figure out that animals can actually swim in Water._Alkaline_ said:I gotta admit I did find it odd though that Sonic is suddenly able to jump an infinite number of time underwater.
Wizpig said:honestly, anyone who thinks Sonic 2006 is a bad game should try Sonic & the black knight.
Sonic still can't swim, he just can apparently spin his way upwards now. Plus, Tails could always swim, and Knuckles too later on, and stuff. Sega knows. Sega knows...Luigiv said:I personally found it to be a god send above anything else. Only took 19 years but Sega finally figure out that animals can actually swim in Water.
Luigiv said:I personally found it to be a god send above anything else. Only took 19 years but Sega finally figure out that animals can actually swim in Water.
Crumpet Trumpet said:Got the game yesterday, played it all day. It's great. Controls were iffy at first but they are easy to get used to. Still hate how floaty Sonic's jump is, though. Currently on the elevator level and I have witnessed a few cheap deaths but not near as many as other 3D Sonic games.
This is without a doubt the best 3D Sonic game, and better than one of the classic Sonic games....I'll just leave it at that. :lol
Fixed._Alkaline_ said:Labyrinth Zone, Hydrocity Zone, Acquatic Ruin Zone, etc would all have been indefinitely improved by this ability.
Luigiv said:Fixed.
You know, some things just work better when broken.
I agree it wouldn't be much fun but then again those zones weren't any fun to begin with. Personally I'd take bland over shitacular._Alkaline_ said:It would have been like abusing the cape in SMW. It's easy, but it's also not very fun.
Luigiv said:I agree it wouldn't be much fun but then again those zones weren't any fun to begin with. Personally I'd take bland over shitacular.
Well I guess to be fair, Actually played Labyrinth Zone or Hydrocity Zone yet, but Aquatic ruins and the underwater segments of Chemical Plant Zone were terribly designed. Maybe shitacular was a bit harsh but I felt calling them frustrating would be giving them too much credit._Alkaline_ said:Oh please.
Hydrocity Zone was only second to Ice Cap in quality. An amazing combination of platforming and speed without any of the frustration or tedium that is seemingly inherent to water stages in gaming.
Aquatic Ruin was slightly forgettable but nothing in the way of shitacular. Labyrinth Zone can be argued over, personally I enjoy it but can completely understand those who don't.
1 out of 3 does not = shitacular.
Rlan said:I do enjoy that it's "officially canon" that Sonic can't swim and hates water. I wouldn't have realized it from Labyrinth Zone as a kid, but the fact that he "sinks like a rock" is a great take from the gameplay of Sonic 1. I mean the Sonic X cartoon had him nearly drown in a pool because he couldn't swim, and the Mario & Sonic games have him weaing floaties during swimming events :lol
Otrebor Nightmarecoat said:Giantbomb liking a new generation Sonic game?!
*goes off to the quicklook
Nert said:Jeff seems exasperated by the intro sequence, and seeing the word "epic" in a cutscene made them skip out of it instantly, but yeah, they're actually pretty positive on it. It's kind of a bummer that they didn't poke around beyond Tropical Resort, but Ryan in particular did seem to be digging it (especially the variations on the Tropical Resort theme).
Kard8p3 said:GT reviewer Mike Damiani defends his Sonic Colors review
It starts a little over 13 minutes in.
TheOGB said:So I was about to admit that "Speak With your Heart" was growing on me, but then I heard the ending for the first time.
Oh yeah, definitely. I liked that song you linked to earlier.Foxix said:All I can say is that if anyone actually likes the song check out the band United State of Electronica.
Literally every song they produced sounds almost exactly like that.
It's great! Like some sort of infectious disco poison. :lol
TimmiT said:Giant Bomb did a quick look of this:
Surprisingly, they like it.
PounchEnvy said:Mike Damiani's a user here so I wonder if he'd pop in to say anything more.
YianGaruga said:I have never liked a Sonic game before (not even the classics, I was a SNES kid), do not own a Wii and can only play it at a friend, but after watching that Giant Bomb Quicklook I will go and buy this game ASAP.
It looks so GOOD. And the music is fucking outstanding. What the fuck happened here? Perfect fucking storm.
cosmicblizzard said:Sounded like he read other reviews and comments, so he's probably just grouping all fans of the game together and believing he's right even when some of the stuff he said is factually wrong. He probably wouldn't care to come in here and defend his view nor should he feel obligated to. It's annoying, but we can't change his experience with the game.
DS Version is apparently Sonic Rush 3. basically.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Has anyone played the DS version? Seems all the talk is about the Wii version.
I've only played the demo, but I felt like a more cohesive game as far as implementation and whatnot. The theme and idea behind the wii version is awesome, but the execution of the DS one makes it a better game, technically speaking. That is, if the rest of the game is the same quality as the demo.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Has anyone played the DS version? Seems all the talk is about the Wii version.
Kard8p3 said:Yeah I doubt TSA has even entered this topic so I doubt the thought of coming in here to defend his view probably hasn't occurred to him.
TSA said:Also, people whining about the level of "skill" in the videos - most of our video footage is first-time through, not second or third attempts when you've got everything memorized.
Hm, the biggest reason I disagree with you is because the same complaints about weird and floaty jumping can be easily levied against Sonic 4 as well (and indeed is my biggest problem with it) It seems that you got past and enjoyed Sonic 4 and a lot of us got past and enjoyed Colors. It takes time to learn new momentum rules, even if you grasped how 4 worked almost right away there had to be a period of experimentation there.TSA said:I'll add that I liked Sonic 4 more than Colors, as blasphemous as you think that may be (I do not care the physics are not like old Sonic games, what matters most in my book is did you have fun). I also think Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are overrated, and Sonic 2 is the best in the series. Every 3D Sonic game has made me almost snap the disc in half (Sonic 2006 and Unleashed actually evoked this reaction), but at GT, I've only reviewed Sonic Colors for Wii/DS, Sonic 4, and Sonic Chronicles.