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Sonic Generations |OT| What Sonic can learn from Sonic


I'm still torn between the PC and the 3DS version and can't decide which one to get. On one Hand the 3DS version has mushroom hill, which was always one of my favorites... on the other hand its made by Dimps and I didn't like their games (like Sonic 4... )
The PC Version sounds solid, but I am not a fan of steam or games that only work with steam :/.

I guess I will let the last two 3ds stages decide for me. If one of them is Aquarium Park, I'm sold


Zornica said:
I'm still torn between the PC and the 3DS version and can't decide which one to get. On one Hand the 3DS version has mushroom hill, which was always one of my favorites... on the other hand its made by Dimps and I didn't like their games (like Sonic 4... )
The PC Version sounds solid, but I am not a fan of steam or games that only work with steam :/.

I guess I will let the last two 3ds stages decide for me. If one of them is Aquarium Park, I'm sold
Um, get both? They're completely different games o.o; If only one, get the PC one.
Nuclear Muffin said:
To be fair, he's right about the bosses in SAdv2, they are a highlight. The boss rush from SAdv2 is the best thing to come out of Dimps' history with the Sonic series.
Yeah, but that doesn't balance out the rest of the game playing like a prototype for Rush without the boost mechanic (aka unless you've played a level several times over you're screwed if you don't want to run headlong into an oncoming enemy), forcing you to collect the emeralds 4 times over... I really like Sonic Advance 1 and while it has its issues (mostly that the partner mechanic is completely pointless and none of the game seems built around it) SAdv3 still has its moments and has a great soundtrack, but SAdv2 (besides Music Plant being the most unique, if not memorable Zone out of DIMP's entire run on Sonic) is lacklustre at best for me. Can't personally see why someone would use it as an example of their 'good' work.

Also to Zornica I'd recommend the PC version definitely if you can't get both. The 3DS version hasn't been getting the same kind of glowing previews the HD version has and if anything bothers you with the latter chances are the community will have a fix for you within a matter of days.

Tropical Resort is very likely the Colors rep in the 3DS version based on several things btw, though don't take this as gospel


Batteries the CRISIS!
Pureauthor said:
So I just want to ask if there's any warning signs for why I should not pick up the PC version.

Thanks in advance.

The recommended specs are a Core i-5 and a Radeon 5850 (or equivalent) so if your rig is older than about two years, it may struggle a bit with Sonic Generations.

And if you're one of those
people who hate Steam, it may be a problem for you that Sonic Generations uses Steamworks in probably every version.

Other than that, no known problems, should be fine. Cheapest version, too.
Just gone through the new demo, I'm not sure if it's just me but there is a really odd delay between pressing a button and modern Sonic responding to it on the PS3 demo. During a boost I'd end up missing almost every jump and slide prompt, which is odd because I have absolutely no trouble pulling off a full boost run on Unleashed's Jungle Joyride.
Scullibundo said:
Jesus, how can anybody prefer the modern designs after seeing all these pics?

SEGA need to pretend the whole modern redesign never happened and just take it back.

I could say exactly the same about the classic. But to be fair, Ive never been, even as a child, interested in anything that some would say is as "cute". I just don't see why people gush over such things. It's even less important to me as a grown man.

Only thing about modern is even after all this time they can't seem to get his mouth right.

And classic tails looks particularly offensive. He looks like a fluffy toy for under 8s and women.

SwiftSketcher said:
Sometimes I can't tell if people confuse their hate of modern gameplay for their hate of modern Sonic's design, because the modern design we have now has come a long way from the lanky overly long spined sonic we had six year ago. Or were they just so scarred by 06, they refuse to acknowledge any improvements made to his design at all?

This same thought occurred to me when a friend of mine walked by while I was looking at this thread's OP.

He stared at the two Sonics, first asking "why are there two?"
Me: "Well, one is Classic sonic and the other is the newer Sonic"
Him: "oh." *stares a little longer* "they look.. pretty the same.. except one is taller? and less blue?.. hmm"

His reaction kind of surprised me, but it got me thinking that they aren't so far apart from one another that the difference is night and day to people. Classic is cuter and super appealing, but it doesn't make the other an abortion IMO.

I dunno, I guess hearing over exaggerations of how awful Modern Sonic's design is to them seem kind of unfounded, especially when everything short of leg/spine length and eye color are pretty much the same. It's not like we're getting a difference like this:

Or even worse: Your reaction seems more suited to a redesign like:


Keep'em both I say!

Or this


To This


But I dunno...I have found that classic only fans can be a special breed... The only time there was ever a problem with modern sonics design was sonic 06 and even then, it wasn't as bad as the examples here.


Azure Phoenix said:
Just gone through the new demo, I'm not sure if it's just me but there is a really odd delay between pressing a button and modern Sonic responding to it on the PS3 demo. During a boost I'd end up missing almost every jump and slide prompt, which is odd because I have absolutely no trouble pulling off a full boost run on Unleashed's Jungle Joyride.
I didn't get any button lag in the PS3 demo, are you sure it's not your TV?
ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:
Or this


To This


How about this:

To this:

Or the worst offender. This:

To this thing over here:
ThoughtsOfSpeaking said:
But I dunno...I have found that classic only fans can be a special breed... The only time there was ever a problem with modern sonics design was sonic 06 and even then, it wasn't as bad as the examples here.
Honestly, it's not even the redesign. It's what the redesign represents and that's typically games with poor gameplay. The older Sonic is more revered for the great platforming gameplay of yonder and that's what the design also represents.

I would consider myself a "classic-only" fan but I didn't mind the redesign in Sonic Adventure when that game out and I enjoyed that game fairly well to boot. It hasn't aged well, but I distinctly remember liking it. Sonic and Sega have just really sort of had an identity crisis after the Dreamcast died.

I don't think anyone would hate modern Sonic if the games were great.

qq more

I really think Modern Sonic's render just looks ugly. When it comes to official art from games like Adventure and Rush, he looks alright.

The worst render though, has to be Sonic Heroes' Sonic. Holy shit that was terrible.


Azure Phoenix said:
I have absolutely no trouble with Unleashed at all on the same PS3 and TV, only the Generations demo.
I've got no lag issues at all with the PS3 demo, but I've read about it happening with other people. Weird how it's happening to some and not others.
The above few posts remind me that i've always hated the design of Spyro the Dragon, smug bastard missed out the mascots with attitude era but didn't realize it and kept rocking that look regardless. In fact he reminds me of a Sonic Sidekick, he'd probably be called Scales the Dragon.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Ugh, that new Spyro design... >_<

So bad.

Nocturnowl said:
The above few posts remind me that i've always hated the design of Spyro the Dragon, smug bastard missed out the mascots with attitude era but didn't realize it and kept rocking that look regardless. In fact he reminds me of a Sonic Sidekick, he'd probably be called Scales the Dragon.
Sonic already has a dragon friend in the comics and SatAM. Dulcy.



new generations footage of rooftop run modern and all the hub entrances... must.. not... watch. XD just one more week


EDIT: Description a friend of mine made from the Rooftop Run video for those who don't want to watch it!

way more colourful, detailed and challenging than the original, it has the good parts of eggmanland like platforming (not cheap though, the good parts) looks like an adventure stage and boost sections are much shorter inbetween. It's impossible to hold boost through the stage from the looks of it.


Kulock said:
There's supposed to be a trailer that was shown at the Golden Joysticks, we should be getting that relatively soon...
Yeah, it was said to be a super sonic trailer, i'll definitely watch that!
ShadiWulf said:
new generations footage of rooftop run modern and all the hub entrances... must.. not... watch. XD just one more week


EDIT: Description a friend of mine made from the Rooftop Run video for those who don't want to watch it!

way more colourful, detailed and challenging than the original, it has the good parts of eggmanland like platforming (not cheap though, the good parts) looks like an adventure stage and boost sections are much shorter inbetween. It's impossible to hold boost through the stage from the looks of it.

Wow it looks so FUN.
The level design is fantastic.

I can't wait to get my hands on this game, day one.
Wow Im all late to the thread. I cant wait to find out what all music they have in game. Super Sonic Racing. I didnt know we could find more and change songs on the stages, informative thread.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
ShadiWulf said:
new generations footage of rooftop run modern and all the hub entrances... must.. not... watch. XD just one more week
Ahhh... the temptation is too great!

Just one more week, and then we can see this game in its full glory! :D
Had a watch, left still assured this game is still going to be a lot of fun.

Looks way better than the original level layout (and the remix now that I can hear more of it is even better than the original track which was already really nice) but at the same time quite a few parts look wholesale ripped from the original level design. That just begs the question as to whether they could of squeezed one more zone into this game if Rooftop Run (and presumably Crisis City and Planet Wisp) wouldn't of taken as much time to put into the game as the other six.
Lopson said:
Two questions:

1. How did he smash through that bridge;
2. How does he do all those air combos?

Also, that was a sick run through.

1. He's using the stomp attack, you just have to hit B/O in the air.
2. Tap or hold a direction the thumb stick.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Anth0ny said:
hey guys

sonic 06 is fucked up

that is all.
We warned you!

I'm definitely looking forward to your LTTP thread now.

Edit: Are you going to unlock and play through Last Story? You've gotta.

How is it compared to Colours? :p


scitek said:
Is there anything from Sonic 06 in Generations?
Crisis City.

Now it's time for Hilariously Fucked Up Lyrics from Knuckles Levels. Today's selection is from Kick the Rock!... for Wild Canyon:

"A double cross spy thief that's out for my jewels, uh
I'm feeling her in mysterious ways"

I'm sure you are, Knuckles. I'm sure you are.

BONUS! "When I catch her I'ma get her with these tools"
I'm sure you will, Knuckles. I'm sure you will.

This has been Hilarioulsy Fucked Up Lyrics from Knuckles Levels


Dark Schala said:
We warned you!

I'm definitely looking forward to your LTTP thread now.

Edit: Are you going to unlock and play through Last Story? You've gotta.

How is it compared to Colours? :p


And compared to Colours... hmm. Maybe I should play Shadow/Silver before I make my final statement =P

qq more

Anth0ny said:

And compared to Colours... hmm. Maybe I should play Shadow/Silver before I make my final statement =P
Bad news: If you thought Sonic's gameplay was bad... well........
The_Technomancer said:
Oh God, I rewatched the Lets Play recently out of sheer boredom. The game is straight out of hell.

dude link me please.

i can use some hilarity.

Although I will say this, I didn't get too far due to the shitty load times but the little I played was okay...

I played like 3 whole levels....so yeah.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Professor Beef said:
If Mael was able to do it (god bless his soul), then anth0ny has to do it too.
Playing through Last Story, Silver's Story and Shadow's Story were paaaaaaaaaaaainful. I feel that, man.

I feel awful for anyone who got 1000/1000 for that game.

Anth0ny said:

And compared to Colours... hmm. Maybe I should play Shadow/Silver before I make my final statement =P
Do it. If you thought Sonic's gameplay and those levels where he had to carry Elise throughout the level were bad, oh no...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Professor Beef said:
47 PARTS!? This is going to take many days.
It is worth it. Partially because it is funny. Partially because it teaches you something about life. I witnessed strong men utterly broken by the game, by the end their spirits defeated, their wills shattered.
The_Technomancer said:
It is worth it. Partially because it is funny. Partially because it teaches you something about life. I witnessed strong men utterly broken by the game, by the end their spirits defeated, their wills shattered.
Believe me, I know all about Sonic 06, for I have partaken in that hellish experience. I've never watched the LP though, so this is going to be quite the ride.
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