met me be transparent for a moment: This game is not an offense to mankind (that would be 06), nor is it completely the wrong direction for the franchise to take (that would be Unleashed). It is, however, not very good. And it's not very good because the entire foundation of the gameplay, the control, is very bad. I already said that some parts of the level design indicate that the dev team does have an idea on what classic Sonic gameplay is about, but that does not save it. All those ancillary elements, no matter how good, fall apart if the control is bad. This is not a new phenomenon. Can the next episode be a major improvement? Sure, and I'd like to see if they can do it. But I do not reward effort, I reward results, and I'm not going to turn my favor until the devs show that their product is not just another platformer. When that happens, I will change my tune, but not a minute before.