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SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4 or AGAINST |OT| of Huelen in Green-Eyed Heaven

MiamiWesker said:
Well I must disagree, wow...


Ashkeloth said:
just jump and homing attack the air whilst holding the direction you want to go and it's instant top speed.
This is why I think the homing attack air dash thing ruins sonic so much, fuck that shit, sonic should be nimble but not lightning fast, older sonic games would either make you stop and spindash for that instant speed or make you run into a spring or down a slope first, in sonic 1 if you failed that loop you had to go back for a bit of a run up, it's all completely lost in sonic 4.
-make the spinning when jumping faster. not this slow 1 or 2 flips bs.
-fix the feeling of weight and inertia, especially when jumping, to how it was in sonic 1/2/3/etc. it's way too difficult to keep him moving midair and hit an enemy below. don't force us to use homing attack.
-why does sonic stop after 2 steps when you take your finger off the d-pad?
-get rid of homing attack.
-bring back the little flash attack he did in sonic 3 when you hit jump while in the air. those that enjoy the instant-speed thing you can do with the homing attack should still be able to do it if they make it to where sonic will perform that while d-pad is pressed when flash attack thing is done.
-bring back the ability to determine how fast sonic will spin dash based on how many times you press X while crouched. sonic 4 seems to be all one speed, whereas old games you could press it just once for a shorter burst or multiple times for an extremely large burst of speed. (which is also larger than that of sonic 4)
-get rid of all this mandatory angled-spring ping-pong going on. more multi-leveled stages that you could either zip through speedily or explore/platform if you wanted to.
-i'd quite like to be able to break item boxes from below.
-either the bonus stages weren't in the demo or you need way more than 100 (or 200) rings to be able to access them this time around.


-thanks for keeping a lot of classic sfx.
-i'm okay with the graphics to be honest.
-nothing to report on music.
-did it really have to be episodic? depends on how many there will be and their combined prices. this isn't feeling like it'll come together as even a $50 product.


WOW the physics feel off. Just tried the demo. Was kinda on the fence until now. NO THANKS. They feel so awful! It's funny though; my friend has the iPhone version and it seems... better. o.0


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
Dartastic said:
WOW the physics feel off. Just tried the demo. Was kinda on the fence until now. NO THANKS. They feel so awful! It's funny though; my friend has the iPhone version and it seems... better. o.0
probably because you didn't buy that one


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Can someone break the physics on the PS3 version and post it to YouTube? My friend thinks only the 360 and Wii versions are borked.


Andrex said:
Can someone break the physics on the PS3 version and post it to YouTube? My friend thinks only the 360 and Wii versions are borked.
The video I posted of Sonic standing on the wall is from the PS3 version. :p


Nabs said:
it put me to sleep. the next zone is better.

That's good to hear. I've never been the biggest fan of the Casino themed areas in Sonic games, but I got to the end of act 2 and just couldn't face the prospect of that stupid cannon themed act 3. :lol I don't know what it is about these zones (across all of Sonic) that I don't like, it might be how un-evocative it seems?

Green Hills, Lost Labyrinths, and technological nightmares are all pretty cool in one way or another, but gambling themed areas just seem like such a 2-dimensional borefest. I do remember enjoying Sonic 2's on the basis of the pinballs, though, but I was always excited for it on the basis that other people playing with me where excited for it.
Zen said:
That's good to hear. I've never been the biggest fan of the Casino themed areas in Sonic games, but I got to the end of act 2 and just couldn't face the prospect of that stupid cannon themed act 3. :lol I don't know what it is about these zones (across all of Sonic) that I don't like, it might be how un-evocative it seems?

Same Here, I actually prefer the casino level in SA1 to all the other casino levels in the other sonic games.
BigBadShamoo said:
Same Here, I actually prefer the casino level in SA1 to all the other casino levels in the other sonic games.

Yeah, even Casino Night Zone in S2 bores me once the slot machine novelty's worn off. Plus Act 2 is far too long in that game, same compaint about Metropolis. Act 3 (the cannon act) is okay...but not great. Could do better on that one Sonic Team.


Played the trial, but there's no way I'm buying the game. The homing attack is the only part that I was pleasantly surprised by. It actually works well. I don't like how it has a red box indicating what your target is though. Remove that and it's perfect. The running animation is horrible. The mechanic of having Sonic exit from a spin position after hitting a ramp is horrible. The jump physics are horrible. Did Sega fix anything when they delayed the game?!? If Sega fixed these things I would be all over this game.


Junior Member
Dr. Kitty Muffins said:
I agree but I think we would all be singing a different tune if a good developer had worked on this title.

Get the fuck outta here with that shit. DIMPS is an incredibly capable developer. They made every "After Genesis" 2-D Sonic from Advance to Sonic 4 and have had a biug hand in the recently well recieved Dragonball Z game and Street Fighter 4.


Just beat the game with 5 emeralds, the last boss was a bit overhyped difficulty wise, if you know how to win it's pretty easy, just don't homing attack whore and you'll win once you learn the pattern.

Now to try and do it without being hit, lol.


goldenpp72 said:
Now to try and do it without being hit, lol.
I don't know if I'll ever get that trophy :lol

First two bosses are easy, third I frequently screw up on but when I do it's getting squashed, not losing rings, so that's a non-issue... then the fourth and last everything usually starts going horribly wrong.


binary said:
Played the trial, but there's no way I'm buying the game. The homing attack is the only part that I was pleasantly surprised by. It actually works well. I don't like how it has a red box indicating what your target is though. Remove that and it's perfect. The running animation is horrible. The mechanic of having Sonic exit from a spin position after hitting a ramp is horrible. The jump physics are horrible. Did Sega fix anything when they delayed the game?!? If Sega fixed these things I would be all over this game.
SEGA only replaced two levels during the delay interval.

They explained that the game was delayed because of iPhone version.

Poor effort.

RobbieNick said:
Get the fuck outta here with that shit. DIMPS is an incredibly capable developer. They made every "After Genesis" 2-D Sonic from Advance to Sonic 4 and have had a biug hand in the recently well recieved Dragonball Z game and Street Fighter 4.

Regarding SF4, that game would have been a piece of shit had the game not be intervened to fix the controls.

That situation sounds familiar except we have one that wasn't intervened.


A friend of mine has bought both the 360 and PS3 versions and has noticed some fairly big differences between them.

Here are his impressions

The PS3 version doesn't suffer from the pixellated hud and pause menu issue - I just compared them. And its really mostly worst when it happens for the entire act of Lost Labyrinth Act 2. However so far no one has confirmed that they've seen this in the 360 version other than myself.

Not so much a bug but a comparison from the 360 / PS3 version. I've noticed a dramatic difference in shading on Sonic and badniks in the 360 versus PS3 version. I don't know what is meant to be the artists intent but the 360 version seems to be smoothered in shineyness in an overdone way to the point Sonic actually looks lighter (which some people may or may not like) but I also felt it made some badniks look a bit too bright shiney. I don't know why they are so different. But the PS3's is different that Sonic looks a difference shade of blue and badniks and shading look generally a bit more natural. Of course there are other factors that could play in as to why I'm noticing these differences.


he also took a pic, not the best quality but you can see the difference


this thread will now turn into a 360 vs PS3 thread.. mwahahahhahaha. my master plan j/k


Haven't kept up on the game at all, just tried the PS3 demo: holy shit, it's abysmal. Sega are committing hate crimes at this point.


MiamiWesker said:
I agree with those that say the Game Gear Sonics is better than Sonic 4. Those games had some really cool levels, which is more than I can say about Sonic 4.

Sonic 4 is not bad, just not that good either. Can anyone really say that any of the levels in Sonic 4 are better than the ones they are based on, no. Its been almost 20 years and you cant make better levels than what came before.

Lost Labyrinth is better than Labyrinth zone. Cant comment on Mad Gear yet, but the music in Lost Labyrinth Act 2 gives me a Aquatic Ruins zone vibe, which is a good thing.
ShadiWulf said:
A friend of mine has bought both the 360 and PS3 versions and has noticed some fairly big differences between them.

Here are his impressions


he also took a pic, not the best quality but you can see the difference


this thread will now turn into a 360 vs PS3 thread.. mwahahahhahaha. my master plan j/k
It's crazy, but I noticed this right away as well. I have the 360 version, and I prefer how the PS3 looks there. I hope it's patched or something.


And so far? Game is okay. I'm feeling similar to the way I felt towards Sonic Rush.


RuneFactoryFanboy said:
Just tried the demo. After 10 minutes of being completely appalled at how horrible this game is I had to record it.


I wouldn't even call this a good platformer, let alone a good Sonic sequel.

:lol How'd that happen? I guess some people are just unlucky? I've run through Splash Hill a few times to see if I could beat my best times, and havent gotten stuck on anything yet.
Played the demo today and it more or less confirmed the writings on the walls. It looks nice at times, I'll give it that, but the physics are just incomprehensible to me. When Sonic looks like he's about to speed up he just stops... when Sonic is running forward and jumps, he just stops. Hopefully Episode 2 will get it right and I'll jump in from there.


When you guys play classic Sonic games and jump, you dont continue to hold whatever direction you were moving in?

I think I need to mess around in Sonic 1 a little, then go to Sonic 4 part 1 just to really see the difference.
I can't count the number of times the term "physics" has been mentioned in this thread. I don't think it's bad as most people make it out to be.

Were Mario fans this anal when they changed SMB3's physics in Super Mario All-Stars?
Teknoman said:
When you guys play classic Sonic games and jump, you dont continue to hold whatever direction you were moving in?

I think I need to mess around in Sonic 1 a little, then go to Sonic 4 part 1 just to really see the difference.

This. This so god damn much. The only thing I found very different was the Spin Dash, and after I worked out how to do it (hold down, then to where you wanna go) it felt fine. People are being so dramatic about this it's not even funny any more. Including me. :lol

CurseoftheGods said:
I can't count the number of times the term "physics" has been mentioned in this thread. I don't think it's bad as most people make it out to be.

Were Mario fans this anal when they changed SMB3's physics in Super Mario All-Stars?

No. But Mario doesn't really have 'fans', his games are almost universally loved and praised, because Nintendo have a great whoring strategy with him, which Sega cocked up royally with Sonic. Mario is the flagship Nintendo brand, they like to keep him clean, shiny and GOOD, a symbol of great gaming. Sonic has been Segas cash cow for the last 10 years, they've admitted that they just shoved his games out the door as fast as possible to make money because deluded kids and their parents bought the games en masse even though they were bad. Sega are 'trying' to reverse this recently (removing most of the previous games from shelves, acting like they never happened, taking on feedback for Colours and this game despite what nerdragers here claim) but they've got a ways to go. Unless a game is utterly flawless (and even Mario games aren't that) there will be nerdrage. Ignore it, or troll for lulz while enjoying the game yourself, if you're so inclined.
Teknoman said:
:lol How'd that happen? I guess some people are just unlucky? I've run through Splash Hill a few times to see if I could beat my best times, and havent gotten stuck on anything yet.
Played it today and it happens quite often.

For 15 dollars I won't be buying this. I'll wait for episode 2. Hopefully they'll just copy the physics of 2 or 3 and use that as a base for sonic. I played 3 after the demo and man I forgot how fast he moves-Sonic 4's speed is abysmal compared to it!


I've been reading here and there in this thread, about people's opinions of the game. I had to wait cause I wanted the 360 version and I finally got around to playing it. I haven't read nearly every post here but all I can say is that if you don't get some enjoyment out of this game, you have no soul! This game has been a blast so far with it's fair share of WOW moments for me! Easily, this is the best Sonic console game since the Genesis! Each level is unique and the level designs are pretty fun. Anyone expecting this game to play and feel exactly like 15+ year old games is insane. Anyone who is familiar with the 2D sections of Unleashed will be right at home but only it's so much better, the overall experience! I very eagerly anticipate the next episode(s)!
Teknoman said:
When you guys play classic Sonic games and jump, you dont continue to hold whatever direction you were moving in?

I think I need to mess around in Sonic 1 a little, then go to Sonic 4 part 1 just to really see the difference.

No, not usually. Not holding forward makes it easier to correct jumps and hit the opposite direction if necessary.
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