At least the secret exits aren't as tough to find as opposed to other SNES platformers.
At least the secret exits aren't as tough to find as opposed to other SNES platformers.
Ace Attorney 5 is out in Japan and the cover looks sooo cooooool.
Careful, I brought that up in the Wisp reveal trailer thread, and got treated like complete shit for it.The initial trailer and parkour idea had a lot of promise, but all I'm seeing now is slow levels and horrible, almost Heroes-like steering and turning. The way Sonic changes direction looks so awkwardly fast, with too sharp angles.
Of course i'm now wondering why this bugs me more than say going back through NSMB stages for star coins which i'm pretty fine with, maybe it's because they tend to be more enjoyable to seek out? oh well.
i hate video games
i hate video games
Given your track rate for finishing them, I thought this was obvious. :Vi hate video games
Your name is not--...i hate video games
...what he said. >.>But you're not Schala.
Oh, neat, thanks for the impressions.So at PAX AUS they had the 3DS E3 demo of Sonic: Lost World, yay!
Based on the demo I'm not sure just how big the 3DS version will be. All of Windy Hill's levels weren't completely round -- instead they were something like 1/3 of a sphere, with invisible walls keeping you in, which kind of blowed.
The game itself was pretty fun in these more "open" levels, I didn't have much of a problem with Sonic's turning circle stuff that others complain about here.
The Dusty Desert 2D level though was just awful, plain awful. The small walkways go against the whole parkour thing and makes it look so horribly broken. Instead of just stopping at a wall you just run up it in a really broken fashion.
I'm going to have to disagree on both counts here, If anything I always thought the best star coins were the ones in plain sight that required overcoming an optional enemy obstacle or using one of the games mechanics to nab it like sliding an iced enemy off a platform or simply completing a P switch task. The more actually hidden ones tend to rely on the whole fake wall thing which is far too common an occurrence in the console outings, oddly NSMB2 sidesteps this entirely and has what i'd consider the best coin placement of the lot.I've really soured on the star coin concept. Nintendo doesn't want anyone getting stuck on finding them so none of them are hidden particularly well, and every level has to have three so it ends up making secrets a very uniformly paced affair. If they're easy to find and you know they exist, it sucks all the fun out of them being secrets. SMW's secret exits were labeled on the map but you never had any idea where they were hidden, and SMB3 is loaded with obscure little niches and bonus areas from start to finish. And in any case, all star coins do is unlock bonus levels which is something you used to get anyway, so there isn't even a proper reward.
My other issue with the NSMB games being full of stuff is that they seldom take the opportunity to explore the possibilities. Each level is its own self-contained theme park and then you'll probably never see any of its hazards again. SMW didn't have as much stuff, even compared to SMB3, but the designers took what it did have and fleshed the hell out of it. As a result it's a much tighter game thematically, while being no less creative than any of its more feature packed brethren.
I made 30 bux at EVO at a side-betting station where you could bet up to $5 and have to randomly play one of SMW's special stages. If you did it on the first try, you got double your ongoing bet. My childhood making me money.
Happy Birthday, Me!
I think it's July > April > every other month. We had plenty of birthdays in April, but not as much as July!Oh and happy birthday, July must be Sonic Gaf month, suck it Beefmas.
Happy Birthday, Me!
I assume you mean to say too little right?Mario World has too enviorment variety. That's why I think Mario 3 is superior.
Speedrunning Okami sounds like an oxymoron but here we are.I'll stay up a little longer instead of napping. This Okami run is good.
I guess I could watch the DKCR one. I guess. Schedule: http://marathon.speeddemosarchive.com/schedule.
My eyes are getting pretty twitchy, though. Shame I have to babysit otherwise I'd be sleeping.
We all watching SGDQ? Okami run so far is pretty cool. Game be busted.
I'll be so excited by the time they hit World 4 that sleep will take me. I'll be dreaming about DKCR and DKC: Tropical Island Breeze.Speedrunning Okami sounds like an oxymoron but here we are.
Oh Schala you card, playing down your clear hype for ROLL JUMPS with sleepiness, you make me chortle.
At least you're past your 100th platinum this time around.I have better things to do on my birthday than watch speedruns.
Like playing Madagascar 3: The Video Game.with my little cousin
I knew you were in March. Dunno how that slipped past me.Only one other March birthday besides me?
And according to my mental birthdays list
January: Phantom, GAMERG0D
February: Emitan, (Regulus Tera, since hed posted in the previous thread)
March: OMG Aero, BlackJace
April: Shadow Hog, Nert, tiggerkiddo, Dark Schala
May: Gravijah
June: Seven Force
July: Blaze/Sega1991, Nocturnowl, Arc Christelle, BHZ Mayor, qq more, Noi, (kayos, though he doesn't post much in this thread)
August: I am unsure if this person would like me to publicly announce their birthday, but if they would, I'll totally edit this post.
October: TheOGB, iirc but I could be wrong about that because I just remember him mentioning it offhand.
November: Lightning Lord, Green Scar, (probably Diablohead because I remember him saying it was days after Sonic 2 launched)
December: BEEFMAS
And with respect to our lurkers: iirc, Culver said his birthday was in October, Techokamis birthdays in July, and Bean's birthday is in late December.
Of course, I might be wrong or missing some peoples (because theyve probably never mentioned it, or I may have forgotten).
I'll be so excited by the time they hit World 4 that sleep will take me. I'll be dreaming about DKCR and DKC: Tropical Island Breeze.
At least you're past your 100th platinum this time around.![]()
Only one other March birthday besides me :3
It's the best month yall.
You mentioned your birthday in January, and thus I'd assumed that your birthday was on the first of January.Mine is December 31st, Schala. You were close though.
I'm going to have to disagree on both counts here, If anything I always thought the best star coins were the ones in plain sight that required overcoming an optional enemy obstacle or using one of the games mechanics to nab it like sliding an iced enemy off a platform or simply completing a P switch task.
I thought you had succumbed to licensed movie games for your trophy needs, you had me going there for a second.I have better things to do on my birthday than watch speedruns.
Like playing Madagascar 3: The Video Game.with my little cousin
YEAH!I'll be so excited by the time they hit World 4 that sleep will take me. I'll be dreaming about DKCR and DKC: Tropical Island Breeze.
Through all this star coins talk I was wondering what peoples thoughts on the red rings were, needless to say I like them as well and think they're integrated nicely as the pursuit of them often led me to discover new routes which is always part of the fun in Sonic games.Those are the better ones, certainly, since they just add to the platforming challenge. Still feels like the more interesting content is shuffled just off to the side as a glorified achievement system, there to be done once so the game gives you a gold star and never revisited thereafter.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is that they're a big shiny "HEY GUYS CHECK OUT WHAT'S OVER HERE HUH HUH" sign instead of letting the player organically discover cool shit on his own, and that's boring. Sonic's red star coins work out a little better despite being basically the same thing because they're usually just placed in the middle of secret or high-skill routes instead of being the end goal themselves.
Where?EDIT: NeoGAF/SonicGAF shoutout. :3
If you're talking about "Snowmageddon", that was January 2010.I remember that one March (2011, I think?) where the East Coast literally got hit with two or so snowstorms a week, so every time I think of March, I think of that. #FuckMarch
Mostly kidding, it's a decent month.
lol I heard thatEDIT: NeoGAF/SonicGAF shoutout. :3
If you're talking about "Snowmageddon", that was January 2010.
Yeah, we had real licensed classics like Superman 64.The platforming in Madagascar 3 makes me cry. So trivial, so bland, why back in my day Crash Bandicoot was nice and tough and we could beat it just fine. No wonder kids these days are growing up lacking!
I'm sure one of us has a Mario World romhack we'd rather not admit we made.Sonic-Gaf should just make it's own platformer
What SonicGAF shout out?
I'm already making a platformer. Does it count?Sonic-Gaf should just make it's own platformer
One of the people that donated on the SGDQ stream shouted out GAF, and SonicGAF in particular. Didn't hear who it was, though.
You mentioned your birthday in January, and thus I'd assumed that your birthday was on the first of January.![]()
I feel like a failure. (Kidding.) List amended.
I'm already making a platformer. Does it count?
Ohhhhh, I see!
Of course not, you have to actually work on it for that to even remotely count!