I sort of worked on it yesterday... >.> <.<
You mean like how Capcom 'works' on Mega Man?
I sort of worked on it yesterday... >.> <.<
You mean like how Capcom 'works' on Mega Man?
QQ needs to learn the virtues of a first draft, get it completed first...and THEN tinker later.
Lost World is garnering really polarizing opinions it seems. I still have to reserve judgment on it. I actually like the somewhat slower impressions, considering the "boost through the stage really fucking fast" trope got old, and sacrificed some platforming finesse.
Still cautiously optimistic.
And happy birthday, Noi.
awwwwFebruary: (Regulus Tera, since hed posted in the previous thread)
This is my view-point as well. Nothing there looks horrifically bad to me. At worst, some parts look mediocre. I dunno. I'm interested to see how Lost World turns out, though it wouldn't surprise me if it takes them another game or two in that style to perfect it, ala the "Boost Trilogy".
I'm interested, myself. Like I said, I only have videos to go off of, so I wouldn't know how some of this stuff directly works unless I have a demo to play with.This is my view-point as well. Nothing there looks horrifically bad to me. At worst, some parts look mediocre. I dunno. I'm interested to see how Lost World turns out, though it wouldn't surprise me if it takes them another game or two in that style to perfect it, ala the "Boost Trilogy".
I also remembered that it was precisely February 14th, because you'd mentioned it during Valentine's Day talks.I was randomly searching my name looking for replies and found this:
awwwwyou da best
I remember you mentioning it to me when you got banned last year. "I'm one of the few GAF members whose ban coincided with his birthday, no less!" Since your ban was up on the 3rd of December, I shall assume that your birthday was on the 3rd or 4th of November because I remember you wishing you a belated birthday at that time as you were banned.Also, I don't ever remember mentioning when my birthday was, but OK!
Even with Generations they still hadn't perfected the Boost style, which is why it still saddens me that they just decided to change gears out of the blue with Lost World.
Your powers of deduction are terrifying.It's the third.
Contrary to Sonic himself I've been taking Generations really slow! Only just did Sky Sanctuaryand some of them challenge stages the other day. Why'd they pass over Sonic 3? Segac you suck! SS was much better then the first 2 stages! It looked an felt like it had different paths an platforming! I liked the challenge with the huge baddies but why'd they all just sit there being glorified platforms?! The hammer hopping one with Amy was way strange. Speaking of strange the game seems no less wonky then gifs of Sonic 4 made that out to be. One time hitting a slope Sonic stopped moving completely (button presses did nothing!) an slid all the way down totally unanimated lol.not-zone
I just started playing Sonic Generations last night, and finished up a few challenges after clearing Sky Sanctuary.
So far it's been pretty good; I got the game off of Steam and had some issues setting the whole game up, but I can imagine that it will be smoother sailing from here on out. Whether I will enjoy it more that Colors will remain to be seen.
You should play the unleashed mod for it if you havent. Its fantastic.
You should play the unleashed mod for it if you havent. Its fantastic.
Which one? Act 1's or Act 3's version? But yeah, definitely one of the best songs! Soooo relaxing to listen to.Evening Dreamscape is Falk's best work imo.
You should play the unleashed mod for it if you havent. Its fantastic.
Evening Dreamscape is awesome. Freaking love those tunes.
Those days when you just feel like crap. I hope everyone had a better day than me.
I haven't really had time to myself all day, so I've been feeling more irritated than normal.Those days when you just feel like crap. I hope everyone had a better day than me.
Sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better!
I haven't really had time to myself all day, so I've been feeling more irritated than normal.
I hope your evening's better. :O
Same. I don't like like doing that either. I hate wasting an entire day.
Thinking about skipping out on this Mega Man 8 speedrun and actually doing a Time and Eternity stream.
I did that once. qq more didn't care.Play FF7 instead
I did that once. qq more didn't care.
He seems to care about Time and Eternity more.
I did that once. qq more didn't care.
He seems to care about Time and Eternity more.
Same. I don't like like doing that either. I hate wasting an entire day.
Thinking about skipping out on this Mega Man 8 speedrun and actually doing a Time and Eternity stream.
What a bunch of lies. I was watching the FF7 stream too!
You already admitted you don't care much for jRPG's...for shaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
My bro recently gave me his long lost copy of FFIV GBA... I might actually play that. Maybe.
I've told qq more that I've been playing ahead on a separate file to do some things, and I've said that it gets worse.How much worse has the game gotten?
Hold on for a bit, I'm at a restaurant presently. :<Same. I don't like like doing that either. I hate wasting an entire day.
Thinking about skipping out on this Mega Man 8 speedrun and actually doing a Time and Eternity stream.
Why is FFXV in like, modern day New York or some shit
I thought they were all about fantasy stuff
tigerkiddo pls
Same. I don't like like doing that either. I hate wasting an entire day.
Thinking about actually doing a Time and Eternity stream.
Someone didn't play 7...or 8...or 13...though you can be forgiven for skipping on 13
Why is FFXV in like, modern day New York or some shit
I thought they were all about fantasy stuff
tigerkiddo pls
chalk that up as a successful day!
tried 8...dat junction system...dat protagonist...no bueno
Or some shit like that.
is that the subtitle
will fit right in with other nonsensical Square tiles like 358/2 Days, Dissidia 012, and Dream Drop Distance
edit: Rinoa is the fuckin' worst and should die in a fire oh my GOD