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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Mondays suck so hard. Luckily I have a day off this Friday. How's everyone's week looking?

Got a stats test in two days which I am woefully unprepared for, I'm juggling other classes like a mad man in the mean time while I catch up (falling behind wasn't my fault), and I'm basically having to pull a rabbit out of my ass to pull off the grades I need to.

And things were looking so positive last week...


SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #27

Song: Dusty Desert ~Quicksand~
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Composers: Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba

The funny thing about 06 music is it actually has the same philosophy as later games by the team post-Senoue, just applied to a different kind of game. If you take away the drum and bass underlying the day stages of unleashed and colours/generations I reckon this is what you would get, or at least something similar. A focus on varied instruments that fit the theme of the setting and have multiple layers that all take turns at being the centre of the piece. I agree that this is pretty good at the chill effect it is striving for. Overall I don't think that the soundtrack is as consistent as later games as some tracks are rather bland, but this is an early example of the brilliance Ohtani and co would bring later on.
Well the obligatory Lost World Tome is revised and basically done, wondering if I should put it in here or the OT.

I support this post.
I'd elaborate further but i'd be heading off into my own tangents, perhaps another time.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #27

Song: Dusty Desert ~Quicksand~
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Composers: Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba

Music that goes for that Desert style tend to be really hit or miss for me, but i'm liking this one quite a lot.

Oh and since I forgot to post yesterday, Labyrynth Zone is an odd one, the music doesn't sound to me like it really fits the location but I can't deny its catchiness, one of my preferred tracks from Sonic 1.

...My music descriptive powers are on the fritz right now.
SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #27

Song: Dusty Desert ~Quicksand~
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Composers: Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba

My opinion of '06's music goes around in circles. At release it was an amazing breath of fresh air after seven years of Senoue. Then Unleashed happened and blew it completely away and I soured on its weak melodies. But I've come back around on it again in recent years. It's a sophisticated, layered soundtrack that can be hard to get into, but it does what it does so well.

Listen to this one carefully, beautiful slow burn that it is. The guitars and bass are the only live instruments, but that doesn't stop each and every one of them from being incredibly nuanced, like listening to live jazz. Everything builds on everything else, a dozen different sounds working in perfect harmony. The closest comparison I can make is Sonic CD US, but even that falls short. There's simply nothing else like it.

Only thing even semi-decent about Sonic 06: The music.
Like I said, I often feel many people in this industry are kind of embarrassed by their on medium.

S the things that receive the most praise are the things that try to be as un-'video gamey" as possible.
Wasn't kidding about my workplace's speed slowing down, unfortunately. Take a look:


Here's what it had been:

I have no idea what's going on there. It also claims I'm in southern North Carolina, when I'm clearly much closer to Washington DC. This makes absolutely no sense.

Anyway, I'm falling behind on Sciz's thing. Let's play catchup. In spite of those really awful DL speeds that make YouTube nigh unusable.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #23

Song: Tropical Resort Act 1
Game: Sonic Colors
Composer: Tomoya Ohtani
Perfect starting stage music, honestly. Laidback, but energetic. Isn't in-your-face bombastic nonsense, but isn't too mellow; right from the bassline at the beginning, it gets you into the groove that the game wants you to be in. I'd say that's a success.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #24

Song: Wonder World
Game: Sonic Lost World
Composer: Tomoya Ohtani
Very good music, although it definitely sounds very Mario-y - particularly reminiscent of the Galaxy soundtracks. I suppose that's fitting, given the same comparison could be said of the game itself! But yeah, I dunno, you've got the steel drums, which Mario games have been using a fair bit, but then there's the little bit shortly after with the sort of airy feeling and the oboe(?) lead, which reminds me of Good Egg or Gusty Garden - where they lighten down on most of the orchestra and let a small woodwind instrument do most of the work, before bringing all the louder instruments back into play at once for a very large impact. Still, I'm looking forward to hearing it present in the game proper. Next week. While Europe got it last week. Sigh.

Top work from one of the top men.
Insider footage of life at WaveMaster

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #25

Song: The ARK
Game: Shadow the Hedgehog
Composers: Jun Senoue and Tomoya Ohtani
Well, it's okay. Definitely like it better than the guitar-heavy grunge rock that most of the soundtrack went for. However, it has the same problem that most of Shadow's soundtrack has; it's listenable enough, but none of it leaves any impact. Fortunately, Ohtani's work in the next game, while the game itself was complete shit, was much improved, having found hummable melodies in the interim. I do like the Naganuma-esque use of that "back to the mic" sample, though.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #26

Song: Revvin' Up
Game: NASCAR Arcade
Composer: Jun Senoue
Lyrics and Vocals: Johnny Gioeli
I recall DLing a Crush 40 album many many years ago. This was one of the tracks on it. It's funny, while I find the Sonic game themes a little overplayed, I really liked listening to the other tracks in the set. Wasn't aware this particular one was from an actual game; I wonder how the game compared to the other NASCAR-esque arcade racing game Sega made? Hell, that game's sequel also went for buttrock, despite sharing the same composer as the first one.

Also, y'know what, Johnny Gioeli's voice is really fun to listen to, even though the lyrics tend to be kinda eh (I like it when they rhyme, which Crush 40's lyrics rarely seem to).

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #27

Song: Labyrinth Zone
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog
Composer: Masato Nakamura
It's okay, but I always thought it was one of the weaker songs in the game. I do like the plucky, almost banjo-y lead. The song's surprisingly upbeat and chipper, considering the actual stage is one of the darker and harder ones (actually, come to think of it, pretty much all of Sonic 1's stages are "darker and harder" - barring Green Hill - compared to later entries in the series, aren't they?). Admittedly, that contrasts rather nicely against the dreaded drowning theme, as had been mentioned. Also, this song tended to be the harbinger of "hey, you do remember you can't beat this zone's boss, right", which was never particularly welcome.

SonicGAF's Song of the Day - #27

Song: Dusty Desert ~Quicksand~
Game: Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Composers: Tomoya Ohtani and Mariko Nanba
This is your second #27, just so y'know.

Anyway, I tended to skip over this song when I would give the soundtrack a cursory listen now and then, mostly because the intro with the drums simply did not hook me in the way that Wave Ocean, White Acropolis, Crisis City or Aquatic Base do. However, once the shanais(?) kick in, the whole thing becomes a whole lot better. Sure, it's not a very high-energy song, but I think that works in its favor (they can't all be high energy, anyway; gotta mix it up!), and it definitely fits the stage it's used in (a fairly slow-paced stage in general). Overall, the song is definitely on par with the rest of the soundtrack, if not one of the better ones; it's just brought down by a rather dull opening.

I also like some of the backing horns used at 1:07 and 1:29; for some reason, they remind me a lot of Panzer Dragoon Saga's soundtrack (more for the music used during cutscenes than the music used in actual gameplay). Incidentally, if you've never listened to that soundtrack, do so. I'd advocate playing the game, too, because it's brilliant, but, y'know, $200+ and such.

Well the obligatory Lost World Tome is revised and basically done, wondering if I should put it in here or the OT.



I was hoping someone would run with that.

can we stick Iizuka in one of the boxes

Wasn't aware this particular one was from an actual game

Their only tracks I'm aware of that aren't directly from a game or arrangements thereof are Is It You off that Best Of album and the four tracks from last year's Rise Again, since they haven't had much to do for games lately (and a cover of The Cult's Fire Woman, for whatever reason). Anything you don't recognize that isn't one of those is from NASCAR Arcade, hence all the motor-inspired riffs and driving metaphors they're loaded with.

actually, come to think of it, pretty much all of Sonic 1's stages are "darker and harder" - barring Green Hill - compared to later entries in the series, aren't they?
Even Green Hill's got some teeth compared to every other Zone 1 in the series. Spikes all over, badniks that zoom in or appear out of nowhere, swinging platforms over death pits, backwards springs, those rotating thorny poles, Act 2's moving platform/badnik/death pit gauntlet...

Sonic 1's rough, man.

This is your second #27, just so y'know.
That's what I get for falling behind and not proofreading. D:

Anyway, I tended to skip over this song when I would give the soundtrack a cursory listen now and then, mostly because the intro with the drums simply did not hook me ... it's just brought down by a rather dull opening.

The opening percussion is what sells me on it, and that it gets better from there only helps.

Ah well. Comparing the different tastes people has is part of what makes this fun, especially when it's a really divisive track like Bingo Highway where we had people calling out the exact same section for completely opposite reasons. That was great.


This is completely random, but I'm starting to think that Aquarium Park in it's various forms is the best track of this gen from any game at all. It's so fucking good.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Briefly, since I kind of want to turn my brain off right now... You guys need to listen to more Falcom stuff, Sigma Harmonics, Kyd-composed Assassin's Creed, Virt, and Koshiro, clearly. :V

I remember saying that Ezio's Family was one of the more representative pieces of VGM this generation, and I still agree with that assessment. That also goes for some stuff from Halo.


Briefly, since I kind of want to turn my brain off right now... You guys need to listen to more Falcom stuff, Sigma Harmonics, Kyd-composed Assassin's Creed, Virt, and Koshiro, clearly. :V

I remember saying that Ezio's Family was one of the more representative pieces of VGM this generation, and I still agree with that assessment. That also goes for some stuff from Halo.

Oh I love the Halo and AC soundtracks for sure, this ain't a clear cut thing that's beyond doubt. Haven't heard much of the others though, will go a looking I guess.


Briefly, since I kind of want to turn my brain off right now... You guys need to listen to more Falcom stuff, Sigma Harmonics, Kyd-composed Assassin's Creed, Virt, and Koshiro, clearly. :V

I remember saying that Ezio's Family was one of the more representative pieces of VGM this generation, and I still agree with that assessment. That also goes for some stuff from Halo.

Yeah guys, don't tell me you haven't played these obscure Japan-only RPGs :p


Ok so I listened to some of the Virt and Koshiro stuff (this gen only mind you so Streets of Rage doesn't count). Initial impression: Koshiro is a high quality but not mindblowing composer, Tier 1 for sure but not the true peak, though I obviously haven't had the time to go through too much. Virt has impressed me more though. His work is both unique and incredibly good. Also seems to be a pioneer for good synth etc.

Perhaps it's becoming clear that I'm slightly biased toward music that has either an electronic feel, like Virt, or a steady beat like modern Sonic music tends to. Finding Falcom and the other guys will be harder though I think, so if you could link me some of the better tracks when you feel up to it that would be swell. I love finding new music to enjoy so this is great.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

...could be worse
...how the heck are your streams 1fps, then?! You have better Internet than I do.

Yeah guys, don't tell me you haven't played these obscure Japan-only RPGs :p

But I've written about them in this thread and in other threads before. Boooo.

Ok so I listened to some of the Virt and Koshiro stuff (this gen only mind you so Streets of Rage doesn't count). Initial impression: Koshiro is a high quality but not mindblowing composer, Tier 1 for sure but not the true peak, though I obviously haven't had the time to go through too much. Virt has impressed me more though. His work is both unique and incredibly good. Also seems to be a pioneer for good synth etc.

Perhaps it's becoming clear that I'm slightly biased toward music that has either an electronic feel, like Virt, or a steady beat like modern Sonic music tends to. Finding Falcom and the other guys will be harder though I think, so if you could link me some of the better tracks when you feel up to it that would be swell. I love finding new music to enjoy so this is great.
Mighty Switch Force is somewhere in here. That was composed by Virt.

Uhh... Nayuta no Kiseki was my soundtrack of the year last year, I discussed Sora no Kiseki The 3rd earlier this year because I played it. I'd also linked a few pieces from Zero no Kiseki Evolution in the last Sonic thread, I think (here; Evolution tracks that expired: Barrier, Inevitable Struggle). Lots of people, though, would probably link you to Ys soundtracks, and most likely the PSP versions. But I absolutely prefer the PCE Ys soundtracks WAY more.

Ghaleon wrote a snip on Wangan Midnight: Maximum Tune 4 last year, and I included it as an honourable mention. I'm a little biased, though, because Yuzo Koshiro is my favourite composer, ever. The tracks that got deleted in that post are probably the Etrian Odyssey soundtrack stuff, but... Those that Slay and Fall, The First Campaign, and The End of the Raging Waves.

In 2011, I wrote a bit about Sigma Harmonics throughout a lot of posts, but I think I'd failed to link some pieces in this post, for instance. It's surprising that I wrote one of my initial VGM posts on GAF yet failed to write anything about soundtracks.
Flowing Time
Rippling Dream
Dance of the Dog's Howl
Dance of the Cornered Rat
Demon Sonata
Dance of the Moon Spirit

...I totally just dug through my post history just now. >.>

lol Is that even possible? :p

Edit: The running joke for some members of SonicGAF is that I don't sleep.
Might have to do with his laptop's specs in that case then.

What is your specs, Beef?

Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU U5400 @ 1.20GHz, 1199 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

I'm bad at computer specs, also. The only thing i know for sure is that I need to get a new computer since my laptop, while still good for general stuff like documents and web-browsing, isn't cutting the mustard anymore for things like streaming and games.
I'm sure NeoCraft would love another participant.

Although you probably should do something about the low FPS if you haven't already. I'm assuming you already have.

qq more

I'm sure NeoCraft would love another participant.

Although you probably should do something about the low FPS if you haven't already. I'm assuming you already have.

yeah ive long ditched my laptop and built a nice computer around 2 years ago

but man was that laptop tedious for minecraft lol

Dario ff

Processor Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU U5400 @ 1.20GHz, 1199 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)

I'm bad at computer specs, also. The only thing i know for sure is that I need to get a new computer since my laptop, while still good for general stuff like documents and web-browsing, isn't cutting the mustard anymore for things like streaming and games.

I'm on the other end of the bottlenecking at the moment due to the GPU death.

Being bottlenecked by GPU in Dolphin is something I had never seen until now. Those Intel HD 3000 graphics sure go nice with the rest of the system.
Lo&#866;s&#824;t&#822; W&#826;&#853;&#809;&#799;o&#822;&#826;&#792;&#817;&#841;&#837;&#813;&#851;&#854;&#837;r&#807;&#847;&#827;&#804;l&#796;&#817;&#813;&#790;&#846;&#857;d&#866;&#823;&#851;&#800; s&#777;&#838;&#850;&#878;&#794;&#787;&#776;&#842;&#832;&#860;&#847;&#860;&#839;&#814;&#817;&#853;&#854;&#811;&#806;p&#769;&#774;&#772;&#772;&#873;&#843;&#785;&#776;&#867;&#785;&#787;&#786;&#802;&#866;&#803;&#825;&#845;&#837;&#840;&#827;o&#874;&#783;&#770;&#784;&#836;&#877;&#879;&#829;&#780;&#779;&#842;&#807;&#856;&#864;&#827;&#791;&#817;&#809;&#790;&#841;&#852;&#805;&#803;&#851;&#825;&#810;&#791;&#819;&#796;&#827;&#857;&#839;i&#871;&#835;&#872;&#784;&#779;&#870;&#842;&#838;&#830;&#776;&#873;&#769;&#780;&#786;&#859;&#824;&#860;&#839;&#857;&#806;&#810;&#846;&#798;&#814;&#799;&#852;&#819;&#813;&#814;&#837;&#809;&#818;&#809;&#837;&#809;l&#848;&#831;&#781;&#844;&#772;&#782;&#771;&#879;&#867;&#768;&#849;&#779;&#867;&#862;&#822;&#814;&#806;&#805;e&#782;&#868;&#772;&#829;&#861;&#813;&#811;&#841;&#817;r&#772;&#873;&#855;&#768;&#771;&#869;&#861;&#865;&#856;&#860;&#807;&#845;&#858;&#812;&#796;&#818;&#792;&#811;&#796;&#792;&#815;&#845;&#826;&#800;&#817;&#806;&#792;&#790;&#793;s&#836;&#867;&#878;&#849;&#874;&#834;&#834;&#860;&#865;&#860;&#856;&#812;&#803;&#791;&#792;&#805;&#826;&#819;&#840;&#799;&#791;&#800;&#846;?&#859;&#836;&#786;&#843;&#831;&#870;&#877;&#861;&#789;&#866;&#864;&#854;&#799;&#852;&#818;&#825;&#790;&#806;&#846;&#837;&#804;&#852; (with apologies to Sciz for covering up the word "implications")

...Final Fantasy Picross is addictive as hell.

Someone help.
Picross in general is addictive as hell. Embrace it.

Seriously, Picross DS is one of my favorite DS games (Picross 3D, too, although that's something of a different beast). Wasn't aware they made a FF-specific variant, though.
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