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Sonic the Hedgehog Community |OT2 Battle|

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Oh maaaan that Leaf Forest remix in Mario & Sonic <3

F da sonic police, Sonic Advance 2 for lyfe!

This just makes me want a Sonic Advance HD trilogy, with a visual look like Wario Land: Shake It
The ending is perfect for that series.


It could not be any better. I laughed so fucking hard. I don't even care. It's all over now.


DOOMGAF's Song of the Day - #1

Song: At Doom's Gate
Game: DOOM
Composer: Metallica Bobby Prince
Arrangement: Brian Kline (Sonic Clang)

Imagine the sound of the super shotgun being fired into a crowd of demons and reloaded while fireballs scorch your ears for the authentic experience.

no this won't be a regular thing


Should be a regular thing

Song rules.
Imagine the sound of the super shotgun being fired into a crowd of demons and reloaded while fireballs scorch your ears for the authentic experience.
Must be a mod; the first Doom didn't have a super shotgun :V

It'd be cool if this hypothetical thing expanded into custom WADs, too. They've got quite a few interesting compositions going around. (There's also Zone 300, but that doesn't have a proper music rip on YouTube - too new, just has playthroughs and speedruns.)


DOOMGAF's Song of the Day - #1

Song: At Doom's Gate
Game: DOOM
Composer: Metallica Bobby Prince
Arrangement: Brian Kline (Sonic Clang)

Imagine the sound of the super shotgun being fired into a crowd of demons and reloaded while fireballs scorch your ears for the authentic experience.

no this won't be a regular thing

I got into the first level yesterday and this started playing. I was like 'so this is the famous awesome doom music, huh'. It is awesome (and totally original you guys). Just makes you feel pumped for the horde shooting.

I unfortunately cannot play more Doom as this makes me want to as I have to practice for tomorrows Gaf Dota tourney. Speaking of which, if anyone wants to watch feel free. Dreams-Visions is in it so you can smack talk him if you like, I think some people know him here. It may also be interesting for some people who watch fighting games to watch something new. It may also be boring as shit but whatevs. There is a thred somewhere in Gaming side that should get onto the front page when it is starting.

That transition was totally not conspicuous at all was it

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Yo Schala you OK? Post if you're OK! That Toriyama's Waifu Returns ending is too much.
The ending's stupidly funny, but whatever. I ain't got time to get mad at that. Also, I... don't really have much to be mad at with respect to that. It's just funny. Like, I wasn't super-invested in the subseries to begin with like some other people, because I just like playing stuff and getting it into my repertoire.

I do kinda want to import it, just because gameplay impressions are fairly positive outside of them fucking up the timed sidequests/Majora's Mask aspect since you can't speed up time for a quest trigger or when an enemy would be available at a certain time. Sucks that you can't free-run because that somewhat goes against what they had in mind for the battle system earlier on.

ALSO. ALBW does so much I like in terms of general game design it isn't even funny. I've loved what I've played in the 2 hours I've played of it so far. So good.

Wow, thanks a lot for this!

So, if I can't get my hands on the first ones, go for Crack in Time, Going Commando, and Up Your Arsenal (despite it's poor pacing)? What you said about Tools of Destruction doesn't make me feel encouraged to play it. The early Sixaxis controls really really weren't to my liking.

If there's anything redeemable about ToD, I might get it, but I don't think I'm right for putting it down low on the 'to play' list either.

I briefly commented on this yesterday, but this is a pretty good list, and broader than I'd expect for someone who hasn't played a lot of RPGs before. Really loved your explanations in here, too.

I'd actually encourage you to post something like that in the Essential RPG thread this year, just because it's pretty decent. You just have to pick 1 favourite without ranking, so it's not that bad of a thread to post in. I'm going to retire from posting in that thread and just comment on people's lists because I'm not necessarily going to change my list dramatically, and it's really hard to put together a list like that because I keep forgetting shit.

I liked the first Banjo Kazooie a lot, don't really like Banjo Tooie tho (too much backtracking/padding/gimmicky skills). I would try out the XBLA remake for the Widescreen, and I heard it's 60 fps? I don't like much of Rare's games either other than Conker as well.
Yeah, Tooie doesn't seem like my type of platformer at all, just because I heard there's a lot of gimmicky stuff/backtracking and nothing about that does anything for me.

60fps would be a godsend since I get nauseous from platformers from that era for some reason.

flabbergasted you say?
By how inconsistent it was. It was just, 'yikes'.

Worse leader than Beef confirmed.
I don't run a dictatorship.


The ending's stupidly funny, but whatever. I ain't got time to get mad at that. Also, I... don't really have much to be mad at with respect to that. It's just funny. Like, I wasn't super-invested in the subseries to begin with like some other people, because I just like playing stuff and getting it into my repertoire.

I do kinda want to import it, just because gameplay impressions are fairly positive outside of them fucking up the timed sidequests/Majora's Mask aspect since you can't speed up time for a quest trigger or when an enemy would be available at a certain time. Sucks that you can't free-run because that somewhat goes against what they had in mind for the battle system earlier on.
So if there's a quest that can only be done at night time there's no way to speed up the timer or 'sleep til night'?
ALSO. ALBW does so much I like in terms of general game design it isn't even funny. I've loved what I've played in the 2 hours I've played of it so far. So good.

How're the tutorials in that game this time around?
Confession time
I've yet to play a single LoZ game

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So if there's a quest that can only be done at night time there's no way to speed up the timer or 'sleep til night'?
Evidently, you can go to an inn and sleep from what I'm being told now.

So if you've played Deadly Premonition, it's like that, only really strict because you have to complete the game in x amount of days as opposed to no one caring about what York did in DP even if he was late.

How're the tutorials in that game this time around?
None! No tutorials that push their way at you and say, "fucking pay attention to me, son, cuz I'm a tutorial!" Everything is done via implicit learning and I like it that way.

You know what I liked the most? The part like 10 minutes in where they're all, "Hey go to the castle and talk to people about something that just happened". And I was all, fuck that. And I just wandered around the map for an hour because the game didn't force me into a narrative direction.

qq more

holy shit

I'm trying out the MMF2 Android Exporter and I'm making a test game for it and it works on the NVIDIA Shield! I can make handheld games now, yay!

qq more

So word on the street is that Mario and Sonic at the Olympics has bombed in Europe.

Sega is so screwed.

Europe really does not like the Wii U it seems, at least the UK. Nintendo really needs to market it better and bring in more games.


So, if I can't get my hands on the first ones

cutting you off right there


(Has the first 3 games, which are R&C, R&C: Going Commando and R&C: Up Your Arsenal)

I skipped Tools of Destruction entirely (never played Quest for Booty either) and had no problems enjoying A Crack in Time, so I'd say it's not needed. ACiT gives you a summary of what happens in ToD anyway.

Dario ff

60fps would be a godsend since I get nauseous from platformers from that era for some reason.
Shadow Hog said that it's 30 FPS sadly, but much more stable. It's not really a fast-paced game tho, so it should be fine.

So word on the street is that Mario and Sonic at the Olympics has bombed in Europe.

Sega is so screwed.
That surprised me, I guess not even a bit of the audience that bought the 3 million of the last Wii game is on Wii U yet?


Europe really does not like the Wii U it seems, at least the UK. Nintendo really needs to market it better and bring in more games.

Most people simply haven't heard of it. Like I have asked other people in my student flats and literally noone knew what it was. When I explain they don't seem all that against it but they are just not bothered really. A case of no public knowledge over here at least.

Edit: Schala, if you only play one R&C game make sure it's going commando. I know A Crack In time is meant to be better but GC is just godlike and everyone ever should play it so yeah.


Man I worry for the future of the WiiU with SEGA titles...
I just hope their PC side can cover up for the Wii U issues.


So, if I can't get my hands on the first ones, go for Crack in Time, Going Commando, and Up Your Arsenal (despite it's poor pacing)? What you said about Tools of Destruction doesn't make me feel encouraged to play it. The early Sixaxis controls really really weren't to my liking.

If there's anything redeemable about ToD, I might get it, but I don't think I'm right for putting it down low on the 'to play' list either.

it might be hard to go back to going commando after playing a crack in time. i would probably end your run through the series with a crack in time, since it's pretty good. i played tools of destruction and into the nexus after a crack in time, and they don't compare that favorably. into the nexus is simply far too short (it's the first time, ever, i've been playing a game and the credits came up and i almost audibly said 'THAT'S IT?!').

tools of destruction is r&c going through the motions. by no means bad, but it's something for fans of the series. i actually wasn't aware you could turn off the motion controls, which would have made one segment a lot easier. they basically ask you to use pointer controls with the sixaxis at a certain point. yeah, that nasty 1997 tech as a pointer. baffling. the motion controls aren't there all the time, but when they crop up, it does feel like shoehorning to a dkcr degree. and like i said the game is mostly going through the motions. that's really my main problem with it. it would kinda be like going from sonic on the genesis to sonic on the gba.

i recommend the first one too. i'm probably just nostalgic for 2002 (which feels weird), but i liked their attempt to shove guns into a platformer. it's an interesting game that came at the end of an era. the ps2 trilogy's available for ps3, and a good place to start (as far as compilations go, it had a good response- better than the jak and daxter collection at least). i don't know if the trilogy puts uya's dual analog controls into the first two games, but if it does, then it makes it the definitive version to own.


Schala, best playing order for the Ratchet and Clank games atm is by playing the original games to see how they evolved, normally it would be like this:
R&C Classics Collection on PS3
Tools of Destruction
Quest for Booty
A Crack in Time
All for 1
Into the Nexus

Though personally I suggest playing the following:

R&C2, then R&C3, ToD, CiT, Nexus

Now if you get Into the Nexus you should get a code for Quest for Booty, which you could play though it's a rather short game. All for 1 is OK, but it's best played multi.
Super Mario 3D World is so good, Nocturnowl

I'm FINE, I've got Zelda, Ace Attorney DLC and Tearaway, I totally wouldn't move all their release dates into next week to have Mario now in their place.

At least it has your stamp of approval, unless you're simply pretending you find it that good to make me mad jealous but you'd never do such a cruel thing i'm sure.
I'm FINE, I've got Zelda, Ace Attorney DLC and Tearaway, I totally wouldn't move all their release dates into next week to have Mario now in their place.

At least it has your stamp of approval, unless you're simply pretending you find it that good to make me mad jealous but you'd never do such a cruel thing i'm sure.

Ok, its not Galaxy good, but I like it a heck of a lot more than the NSMB games(which I hear you like so)
Ok, its not Galaxy good, but I like it a heck of a lot more than the NSMB games(which I hear you like so)

I'm hoping to enjoy it as much if not more than the first Galaxy which I think is reasonable enough a position to hold but it'd need to be doing some fantabulous stuff to top Galaxy 2 which I don't see happening. And I think that last point is a given, hey I like my NSMB Wii and U a lot but I lean in favour of the stronger 3D games over the stronger 2D ones.

Speaking of 2D and 3D preferences in a series, A Link Between Worlds.
2D Zelda just doesn't quite scratch the same itch for me as the 3D games so I was never super pumped for this one, plus I'd sooner play Link's Awakening and maybe Minish Cap over A Link to the Past. As I expected the reuse of the old overworld doesn't present anything for me to really be thrilled about, If anything I feel deprived of seeking out new secrets, new landmarks and so on, instead I get to be like "hey it's that place...again".
I don't derive much nostalgia from ALttP so seeing its map again in a slightly less appealing visual style is but a small novelty and nothing more. Fortunately the four dungeons i've played so far I find far more preferable to the ones in its SNES predecessor (in all honesty I don't really rate those dungeons much at all) so I'm confident I'll come out of this game preferring it to the SNES original.

I just can't help but think there was a bit of a missed opportunity here, to have all these new dungeons and mostly new characters placed into a new overworld to leave its own legacy so it stands out all the more but oh well. I'll just be happy to get a modern Zelda that's well paced and offers more freedom, perhaps whatever dungeons remain will blow my socks off on top of that.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
But the thing about ALBW is that it doesn't merely scratch the ALttP itch. There are a lot of references to other games in the series, and I really really couldn't help but to be reminded slightly of Ocarina of Time at the very beginning of it, to be honest. There are a little bit of callbacks to various games in the series that I can't help but to be enthused when I see something or hear a familiar audio cue, etc. It looks super-ugly, sure, but it feels really fast, nicely-controlled, nicely-paced, etc. enough for me to actually overlook that.

Even the UI is making me happy.

...I'm having fun with it. Screw Nocturnowl.*

*Nah, I'm admittedly a little biased because I love Zelda a lot. But what I appreciate the most about the game is its game design. Especially as it affords so much freedom to the player than a lot of the recent games. It looks ugly, but man it plays really nicely. Also, I knew nothing about ALBW going in, so that made the experience a little better.

Oh, I'll post this picture in here, too, then.


Yessir. Everyone else there this morning was there to buy an Xbox One so I was like the only one getting these.

Schala, best playing order for the Ratchet and Clank games atm is by playing the original games to see how they evolved, normally it would be like this:

Now if you get Into the Nexus you should get a code for Quest for Booty, which you could play though it's a rather short game. All for 1 is OK, but it's best played multi.
Edit: Schala, if you only play one R&C game make sure it's going commando. I know A Crack In time is meant to be better but GC is just godlike and everyone ever should play it so yeah.
(Has the first 3 games, which are R&C, R&C: Going Commando and R&C: Up Your Arsenal)

I skipped Tools of Destruction entirely (never played Quest for Booty either) and had no problems enjoying A Crack in Time, so I'd say it's not needed. ACiT gives you a summary of what happens in ToD anyway.
Whoa, thanks for the responses, guys. I see a bit of a consensus on what to start with and what to wait on playing/what to really look forward to.

Will pick up that collection since it should be fairly cheap by now. Thanks a lot. Sheesh. :)

it might be hard to go back to going commando after playing a crack in time. i would probably end your run through the series with a crack in time, since it's pretty good. i played tools of destruction and into the nexus after a crack in time, and they don't compare that favorably. into the nexus is simply far too short (it's the first time, ever, i've been playing a game and the credits came up and i almost audibly said 'THAT'S IT?!').
Well, I think I'd really like to play the first one just to see where it started. What I like doing is seeing how series progress maybe for interest or maybe for a morbid reason, so I would probably play the first one first and foremost in a lot of cases.

ToD doesn't sound too too bad, then, if you can turn the controls off.

But thanks for that. I appreciate the in-depth summary of everything. I was under the impression people liked Into the Nexus despite its length.

Shadow Hog said that it's 30 FPS sadly, but much more stable. It's not really a fast-paced game tho, so it should be fine.
Aw, well, that's still okay. As long as it holds close to that, that should be fine. Thanks.

Because man, when I replayed Majora's Mask two years ago and did the Zora swimming bit, the framerate was so horrible I needed to lie down/take medication for.



Yessir. Everyone else there this morning was there to buy an Xbox One so I was like the only one getting these.

i bought that holy trinity just now too, plus a 3ds xl, plus an xbox one which i will likely return to the store because i didn't have it in my heart to cancel the preorder and dock the poor employee's numbers.

interesting that they put french on only the canadian versions. it must be a completely separate design team at nintendo of canada and sony of canada. where i work, we put it on everything because we also sell to canada.

ToD doesn't sound too too bad, then, if you can turn the controls off.

But thanks for that. I appreciate the in-depth summary of everything. I was under the impression people liked Into the Nexus despite its length.

into the nexus is an epilogue to the future series. and i think it's what happens when new school becomes old school. despite the first game's roots in late 90s 3d platformer design, the majority of the series was fresh and exciting and became refined. there was a time when going commando was mindblowing and when up your arsenal was hotly anticipated. now, it's a quietly respected franchise. i rag on it, but regardless of length, it felt good to be back in the saddle again with into the nexus, maybe even one last time.

BHZ Mayor

Well, I think I'd really like to play the first one just to see where it started. What I like doing is seeing how series progress maybe for interest or maybe for a morbid reason, so I would probably play the first one first and foremost in a lot of cases.

ToD doesn't sound too too bad, then, if you can turn the controls off.

But thanks for that. I appreciate the in-depth summary of everything. I was under the impression people liked Into the Nexus despite its length.

If you're deadset on playing the first one, make sure you play it before the others. It's a good game, but not only do the control improvements in the sequels become a staple in the series, they're such a quantum leap over the first that it might be hard to go back.


Whoa, thanks for the responses, guys. I see a bit of a consensus on what to start with and what to wait on playing/what to really look forward to.

Will pick up that collection since it should be fairly cheap by now. Thanks a lot. Sheesh. :)

Well, I think I'd really like to play the first one just to see where it started. What I like doing is seeing how series progress maybe for interest or maybe for a morbid reason, so I would probably play the first one first and foremost in a lot of cases.

ToD doesn't sound too too bad, then, if you can turn the controls off.

But thanks for that. I appreciate the in-depth summary of everything. I was under the impression people liked Into the Nexus despite its length.

If you want any advice or tips on how to maximise your fun with the game by indulging the challenges it can present then just ask. Also I agree with others that if you are going to play it then the first game should come, well, first. Other reasons have been mentioned but also it gradually introduces you to mechanics that you pretty much start with in the other games such as clank upgrades etc. So it's a good learning bridge.
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