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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I would prefer that they don't push in a heckuva lot of characters until they perfect the gameplay for every. single. one (which may or may not take several games to do; I think they were trying to perfect Sonic's gameplay across Unleashed/Colours/Generations, though). They can fit Knuckles in at the moment if they speed up Werehog, fix the levels, trade Knuckles's model in for Werehog's, etc.

Tails is kind of an iffy one because I hope he doesn't have that weird ring attack. No Tornado sections, though.

As for online Chao Gardens, you should be able to get them done offline too! D:
They basically have to do a 'Marvel Cinematic Universe bulid-up to Avengers', huh

I wonder if they could get away with having two types of Tails/Knuckles levels, one where they play it straight (more like Sonic; think 3&K), and then another where they're more in their Adventure specialty, provided Tails in the Tornado controls like Gamma or better and Knuckles is hunting something that isn't in a gigantic fucking mess


People being idiots and requesting there be a number on the end of a game's name, despite Colours, Generations and Unleashed continuing the story. It's like saying Sunshine, Galaxy 1 & 2 don't aren't sequels to Mario 64, and only a Mario 64 2 would be a sequel

This was a good point brought up in the new SA3 thread.

The Adventure gameplay can still live on in future titles, and adding a number to a title doesn't make it magically a better game.
I honestly don't know what I would want from an Adventure 3, seeing as how I'm not too big a fan of those games. And after Colors & Generations, I'm not sure I want to go back to hyper realistic looking environments for levels :/

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Slightly slower Sonic + Green Wisp hover ability = Modern Tails
This would work rather well, actually.

They basically have to do a 'Marvel Cinematic Universe bulid-up to Avengers', huh

I wonder if they could get away with having two types of Tails/Knuckles levels, one where they play it straight (more like Sonic; think 3&K), and then another where they're more in their Adventure specialty, provided Tails in the Tornado controls like Gamma or better and Knuckles is hunting something that isn't in a gigantic fucking mess
Yup. I'd much prefer that, even if it'll take more time than people would like. But I guess some would want everything at once. If that's the case, then a Tails/Knuckles addition would be a good starting point (and I'd prefer it kept to them, tbh).

If they have two types of Tails/Knuckles levels, where would Sonic fit in? Being an elementalistish type of character using shields like he was in Sonic 3, perhaps?

And after Colors & Generations, I'm not sure I want to go back to hyper realistic looking environments for levels :/
I do not want realistic-looking environments at all. Something like Colours/Unleashed/Generations would be perfectly fine. Stick to the cartoony and unrealistic, and I think things'll be fine.

This goes for the NPCs too! >:|
This would work rather well, actually.

Give Sonic boost, Tails hover and Knuckles drill as inherent abilities run off something like the current boost bar, tweak their speed, acceleration and jump attributes to differentiate them a little more and make the character select like S3&K and I'd be happy.

If you want to play around with objectives like emerald hunting, stick it in something like Colours' side acts or Generations' missions.


Give Sonic boost, Tails hover and Knuckles drill as inherent abilities run off something like the current boost bar, tweak their speed, acceleration and jump attributes to differentiate them a little more and make the character select like S3&K and I'd be happy.

If you want to play around with objectives like emerald hunting, stick it in something like Colours' side acts or Generations' missions.

Colors 2 featuring Sonic's multi-colored friends. Make it happen Sega

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Give Sonic boost, Tails hover and Knuckles drill as inherent abilities run off something like the current boost bar, tweak their speed, acceleration and jump attributes to differentiate them a little more and make the character select like S3&K and I'd be happy.

If you want to play around with objectives like emerald hunting, stick it in something like Colours' side acts or Generations' missions.
I think we've brainstormed something competent here. I would certainly play this.

What I liked about Colours Wii is that the final bit is refreshing -- there is no need to gather all Chaos Emeralds to go Supa Saiya-jin to beat up the man in a crazy robot/ancient evil. Gathering the Emeralds is entirely optional.


What I liked about Colours Wii is that the final bit is refreshing -- there is no need to gather all Chaos Emeralds to go Supa Saiya-jin to beat up the man in a crazy robot/ancient evil. Gathering the Emeralds is entirely optional.

Yeah, I really enjoyed that too about Colours. There's no need at all to have Super Sonic be for the Final Boss anymore. It's so played out.

It was really cool in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 had a nice twist on it with the double Supers, but after that it just became stale and boring.

qq more

I was actually disappointed they went with a Super Sonic fight for the final boss in Generations. At least Robotnik was the final boss unlike the previous Super Sonic fights from the other 3D games...


Next time they should have you turn Super Sonic for something important that isn't the final boss.

I have no idea what that would be, but it sounded interesting in my head

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
It was really cool in Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 had a nice twist on it with the double Supers, but after that it just became stale and boring.
Even before that, there was a completely legitimate reason for you to go Super/Hyper Sonic in Sonic 3&K because the narrative basically revolved around the Chaos Emeralds and Super Emeralds with Knuckles being thrown into the mix. Even with becoming Super/Hyper in The Doomsday, the small scenes before that justified using the Chaos/Super Emeralds in that fashion.

The games that and especially the Adventure games tried ways to relive the experience of basically being invincible for the final boss so nothing can really harm you. But I feel like being regular Sonic in general lent some sort of difficulty to the fight and better context in terms of being the little guy taking on a strengthened final boss.

I was actually disappointed they went with a Super Sonic fight for the final boss in Generations. At least Robotnik was the final boss unlike the previous Super Sonic fights from the other 3D games...
I'm more disappointed that it seemed to have been an attempt to replicate The Doomsday and it was a shoddy attempt at that.
Flicky should be a playable character in Sonic

and have a super form

I was just saying it as a neat compromise... if that's the right word!
Oh ok I thought you was taking me as a graphic whore hair on the nose dude. Ever since I first went into mystic ruins I was in love with that damn place in SA . Always wanted to see it bigger, with better graphics. The place just gives me adventurous magical feeling.

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Nah it's okay. Sorry if it sounded like that. I tend to say things a bit more rude than I've intended. For the record, I loved Mystic Ruins as well. Awesome place to explore.


I was actually disappointed they went with a Super Sonic fight for the final boss in Generations. At least Robotnik was the final boss unlike the previous Super Sonic fights from the other 3D games...

The other problem with Gen's Super Sonic fight was that it was just awful. It had no direction, and it felt like it was thrown in at the last second really.

qq more

The other problem with Gen's Super Sonic fight was that it was just awful. It had no direction, and it felt like it was thrown in at the last second really.

Agreed. It's seriously one of the worst boss fights in any Sonic game. So bad.

Amusing enough, even though the 3DS game is generally inferior, its Time Eater fight was actually really awesome.


Agreed. It's seriously one of the worst boss fights in any Sonic game. So bad.

It is the worst. Looking back on past games, it at least seemed like an effort was made. I can't say the same for Gen's SS fight.

If a had to choose a second worst, it'd be Metal Overlord from Heroes.
The Time Eater was a really, really awful end to an otherwise great game experience.

I played through Colors with a friend this afternoon, (who hasn't really cared for the series since S3&K) and it was kind of entertaining watching him go from complete indifference, to slight interest, and by the time I got up to the final boss, he had already decided on buying a copy for himself. :lol
I'm not saying it's not poorly designed, I just never had an issue.

I only had trouble with it because I was trying to get that stupid achievement on my only fight with it. Unfortunately I failed, so I had to keep going and going, etc.

I AM in the Super Exclusive Club of People Who S-Ranked Vector's Challenge, though.

OMG Aero

I'm the only person in the world who had no problems finishing that fight. *shrugs*
No-one ever said the problem with the Time Eater fight is that it was difficult.
You literally just hold down X and move the analogue stick slightly from time to time and you win. The problem is that it takes forever and there is seemingly no rhyme or reason to whether your boost will be able to catch up to it or not. Also the sidescrolling section is completely pointless and the only reason to ever go into it is if you want to cheese the laser attack so it might as well not even be there.


I only had trouble with it because I was trying to get that stupid achievement on my only fight with it. Unfortunately I failed, so I had to keep going and going, etc.

I AM in the Super Exclusive Club of People Who S-Ranked Vector's Challenge, though.

I S-ranked it on my 1st try. I don't get why some people think it was so hard.


This is an optional mission, so it's just me being a sick fuck :V

It's the one where you go in a circle with all the goddamn statue/stone things. That fucking balance beam at the end ;n;

Like this?

Why yes, that one is also on my imgur

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
So stressed out right now. omg. I need sleep. Haven't slept much since last Thursday. Tired of doing work and spreadsheets and modelling and calculations and writing and studying uuuuugggghhhh...

On top of that I haven't gone for a run or played games since last Friday... :(



Edit: "Strength Lv10 ________________ x99"
I recall telling you that you can just go and rip Wentos off whenever you need to level up. Sure, it might be time consuming to buy/sell stuff and find him all over again (preferable to use Hero Sandwiches to Big G-Steaks for efficient money management, tbh), but it's much faster than doing levels over and over and over and over.

It isn't that difficult! In before: "You shouldn't have to grind skill levels in a Sonic game, Schala. This ain't no RPG!"

Well, I had to do it like 15 times to get by with a D, so there must be some kind of secret.
I... Um... I didn't know you could get less than an S in that challenge... >.>

Though to be fair, I had to do it quite a few times before I beat the challenge itself and ended up S-ranking it when I beat it. So maybe practice. Or learning about where to position yourself to get things done quickly?

Nah, I used to make tutorials and was once on the staff team on the site though! I wasn't focused enough to make games back then.
Even so, feel free to show some of your work off. :)
I... Um... I didn't know you could get less than an S in that challenge... >.>

Though to be fair, I had to do it quite a few times before I beat the challenge itself and ended up S-ranking it when I beat it. So maybe practice. Or learning about where to position yourself to get things done quickly?
That can't be it. I had to do all that to even beat the sonuva, because there's so little time between it reaching its destination and the game declaring you the loser that I had to memorize its pattern. Getting up in Vector's face and mashing the homing attack didn't help since I'd often attack at the wrong split-second, leaving me heading in the opposite direction of the note with no chance to recover my momentum and get over there in time. The awful camera didn't help matters.


There is someone I need to introduce you to.
I recall telling you that you can just go and rip Wentos off whenever you need to level up. Sure, it might be time consuming to buy/sell stuff and find him all over again (preferable to use Hero Sandwiches to Big G-Steaks for efficient money management, tbh), but it's much faster than doing levels over and over and over and over.

It isn't that difficult! In before: "You shouldn't have to grind skill levels in a Sonic game, Schala. This ain't no RPG!"
This is when I AM ripping off Wentos. I'm both ripping him off and playing any extra acts I haven't done if he's not in the continent I go to; I just got the achievement for beating all the day stages last night. But all the menus are so sloooooooooowwwwwwww, it just makes the process worse. I damn near fell asleep shoving hero sandwiches down Sonic's throat.

It wouldn't mind going through Werehog stages for EXP if the extra levels didn't flaunt every goddamn thing that's wrong with him. :(
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