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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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I maxed out all my skills twice.
Same here. I didn't realize the 360 version could only hold one save file so I was just dicking around once and started a new file and lost everything D:
This is when I AM ripping off Wentos. I'm both ripping him off and playing any extra acts I haven't done if he's not in the continent I go to; I just got the achievement for beating all the day stages last night. But all the menus are so sloooooooooowwwwwwww, it just makes the process worse. I damn near fell asleep shoving hero sandwiches down Sonic's throat.

It wouldn't mind going through Werehog stages for EXP if the extra levels didn't flaunt every goddamn thing that's wrong with him. :(

I'm going to feel dirty for suggesting this but some of the DLC is specifically geared towards giving you a lot of EXP. There's a mission in the Adabat pack that has you fight like 3-5 Dark Gaia Titans in a row and there are breakable barrels full of EXP gems.


The rest of the pack isn't so bad, either. Jungle Joyride Act 1-2 Day is sort of an alternate layout for that stage that isn't really much harder than the original level, and you get one of the beta/lost Werehog stages, too.


I'm usually wary to suggest people buy the Unleashed DLC, but...

Same here. I didn't realize the 360 version could only hold one save file so I was just dicking around once and started a new file and lost everything D:

For me, it was a few months after finishing my DLC reviews for TSSZ - I had 2-3 DLC packs installed, and since I'm still running a 20gb HDD from 2006, I went to delete them. Figured I'd save some time by picking "delete all" instead of going through and deleting each pack one by one. Turns out "delete all" also includes your save files.

So I replayed the entire game up to the bit where you go Super Sonic and that's where that save file has sat for the last year and a half or so. I have all the levels unlocked, so it doesn't really matter if I finish the game.


Alright, I've maxed out Shield and Unleash, the end is in sight. As for my menu issue, I've found a solution: arcade stick with turbo. FAKE EDIT: Life maxed, x50 left for Strength and x17 for combat. Woot. EDIT: Werehog is maxed out!

Speaking of DLC (the connection actually isn't until late in the story, but...)... I've never laughed that hard playing Sonic until yesterday. My 7-year-old cousin came over and wanted to play a game he hadn't played before, so he picked Sonic 06. I hesitated, telling him it was a bad game, but ended up playing it nonetheless. Before starting the game he voiced interest in playing as Silver, which almost caused me to cry. Immediately getting into the multiplayer menu, however, he said "Ooh, who's that black character? Is that Sonic's brother?" I said to him, "No, that's Shadow. They're not related." I played as Sonic and he picked Shadow.

As soon Wave Ocean started he looked at me confused and said "Wait, I'm not doing that. Is the game moving for me??" I chuckle a bit and, mockingly marketing this as a feature, say "Yeah, this game will move you through certain parts so you don't have to!" Apparently sensing the sarcasm, he turns back to the TV and says "Pfft, I could move him myself." At that point I'm already stifling my laughter, and he's making a face like '>:/' as I show him how to do a homing attack.

The game went on and as it did he kept asking "Why can't I see where I need to go," or "Why does Shadow move so slow/turn so weird," basically pointing out every flaw with the game he saw (and he saw a lot). I lost it when he went on a mini-rant about the homing attack/air dash failing despite so much reliance on it. This was all within the span of Wave Ocean.

When we switched levels he decided to use Sonic, with better results but still making that >:/ face. I used Silver and we were at Kingdom Valley. I kept grabbing him with my mind accidentally and he got fed up and said "Boy, I'm glad I didn't use that guy, he's a jerk." Eventually he asked about playing as Tails, which made me think of what happened to SA2 and realize that that mode was DLC (the connection). I told him "Nah man, I refuse to pay money to play as characters that are worse than these 3." He started to make a sad face, then quickly said "Wait, they're worse than the other guys? Nevermind then!" I was in tears.

Smart kid. Reminds me of me when I was his age.


Alright, I've maxed out Shield and Unleash, the end is in sight. As for my menu issue, I've found a solution: arcade stick with turbo. FAKE EDIT: Life maxed, x50 left for Strength and x17 for combat. Woot. EDIT: Werehog is maxed out!

Speaking of DLC (the connection actually isn't until late in the story, but...)... I've never laughed that hard playing Sonic until yesterday. My 7-year-old cousin came over and wanted to play a game he hadn't played before, so he picked Sonic 06. I hesitated, telling him it was a bad game, but ended up playing it nonetheless. Before starting the game he voiced interest in playing as Silver, which almost caused me to cry. Immediately getting into the multiplayer menu, however, he said "Ooh, who's that black character? Is that Sonic's brother?" I said to him, "No, that's Shadow. They're not related." I played as Sonic and he picked Shadow.

As soon Wave Ocean started he looked at me confused and said "Wait, I'm not doing that. Is the game moving for me??" I chuckle a bit and, mockingly marketing this as a feature, say "Yeah, this game will move you through certain parts so you don't have to!" Apparently sensing the sarcasm, he turns back to the TV and says "Pfft, I could move him myself." At that point I'm already stifling my laughter, and he's making a face like '>:/' as I show him how to do a homing attack.

The game went on and as it did he kept asking "Why can't I see where I need to go," or "Why does Shadow move so slow/turn so weird," basically pointing out every flaw with the game he saw (and he saw a lot). I lost it when he went on a mini-rant about the homing attack/air dash failing despite so much reliance on it. This was all within the span of Wave Ocean.

When we switched levels he decided to use Sonic, with better results but still making that >:/ face. I used Silver and we were at Kingdom Valley. I kept grabbing him with my mind accidentally and he got fed up and said "Boy, I'm glad I didn't use that guy, he's a jerk." Eventually he asked about playing as Tails, which made me think of what happened to SA2 and realize that that mode was DLC (the connection). I told him "Nah man, I refuse to pay money to play as characters that are worse than these 3." He started to make a sad face, then quickly said "Wait, they're worse than the other guys? Nevermind then!" I was in tears.

Smart kid. Reminds me of me when I was his age.

You...you can't be serious. I hope you've shown them to the vast collection of superior titles. The youth must not grow up to believe in such atrocities!

I tried everything. Tried getting them into Sonic 3 & Knuckles and the rest of the Genesis games, Colors, Generations, even the Adventure games, but they insist that 06 is more fun, because of all the characters and the "cool time travel story" as my youngest cousin put it :|

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
All of my younger relatives still champion 06 as their favorite Sonic game :/
Boy am I glad I'm one of the younger people in my family, then. :lol

I tried everything. Tried getting them into Sonic 3 & Knuckles and the rest of the Genesis games, Colors, Generations, even the Adventure games, but they insist that 06 is more fun, because of all the characters and the "cool time travel story" as my youngest cousin put it :|
Give them Chrono Trigger. We'll see how cool Sonic 06's time travel story is then.


Why can't Crono speak yet the frog man can? these graphics are old and awful! the music sounds funny...

I've never played Chrono Trigger as I wasn't really into RPGs early on in my gaming career, but I found this humorous.

I've thought about playing it, but I've put it off a lot. Maybe in the next few months.
I've never played Chrono Trigger as I wasn't really into RPGs early on in my gaming career, but I found this humorous.

I've thought about playing it, but I've put it off a lot. Maybe in the next few months.
Well it's not too late to start, I didn't play it until last year myself and I never really played many JRPGS either.

Funny thing is if you replace Omega with Gamma I would have no problem with that statement and take it as fact.

Yeah but Gamma has that plot of his and is arguably one of the SA highlights, this is acceptable.

Come on. Kids can probably be more open-minded than that. And have good taste to boot.

Well the use of it sounding "funny" indicating that its 16 bit style would confuse them as its hardly a sound style they'd be used to hearing these days, give or take a few handheld games.
As far as time travel plots in video games go, while Chrono Trigger is good, I'm not sure anything can top Day of the Tentacle.

"Our only hope now is to turn off my Sludge-O-Matic machine and prevent the toxic mutagen from entering the river!"
"Isn't it a little late for that, doctor?"
"Of course! That's why I'll have to do it... YESTERDAY! To the time machine!"

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
But who uses Lucca? :(
I do! In fact...

*checks for posts, realizes some were in Nocturnowl's LTTP thread and the CT ER thread* :lol

Point taken. The best thing about Chrono Trigger is that the characters are usually balanced. Versatility is the strongest asset in this game, and a lot of the characters exhibit it. Even Robo (who, when paired with Frog and Crono can use Triple Raid, which is really cheap to use and does a lot of damage). People just play the game differently, so they use the characters that fit their playstyle. You seem to emphasize speed, which is perfectly fine with a Crono/Ayla/

But I try to make the game more difficult by gimping the party in terms of special equipment, or kicking Ayla out of the party. I used a Marle/Lucca/Robo or Marle/Frog/Robo party for the last portion of the game without NG+ in both the SNES and PSX versions because it was kind of fun. All the characters have their own abilities which make them fun to handle in a sense, so trying to come up with strategies for the "harder" parties is interesting. Like other people have said in this thread, Chrono Trigger is not a hard game at all because a lot of the game is very balanced, so trying to find ways to make it difficult by not grinding, not using tabs, using less-than-stellar equipment, not using tabs, etc is a little fun in a way.

Though when I go through the game on a fresh new game or if I'm doing character sidequests, I like to use the relevant characters to that time period, or the ones that'll get good dialogue. It's just a personal preference. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm a little disappointed they're not putting much stock into Lucca's techs, since she's the fire magic user (since they're going to
get magic in the next ep from Spekkio
). She and Marle have some good Double Techs later on. The Crono-Marle-Lucca party isn't bad for first-timers since you have all the elements covered in one party... plus
an awesome Triple Tech
I'm a little disappointed they didn't take Bucca along to see her father to get the Taban Vest for her. That's some good equipment for her, but I guess they don't want to use her anymore. :/

I would argue that using Bucca is a good thing because she has access to higher-end fire spells which goes well with Barle (especially Barle!), Bobo and Brono. Increasing her speed stat with Speed Tabs makes her more useful. Her base stats aren't very good, but her techs more than make up for her poor stats, I think.

Edited names to make it more relevant to the CT ER.
Team 1000 AD is one of the most fun parties to use, I think. Synergy!

Delta Attack! Antipode! Antipode 2!


Miiiight also be remembering a few discussions with gunbo13 about party builds and strategies that aren't in threads, but oh well. :lol

One of the best games of all time. Genso Suikoden II is my favourite, but Chrono Trigger is one of the best-designed RPGs of all time.

Real talk.

I used Crono/Frog/Ayla a lot, myself. Might have put Magus in there occasionally.
breaks the game. It'll make the game so easy it isn't even funny.

Well the use of it sounding "funny" indicating that its 16 bit style would confuse them as its hardly a sound style they'd be used to hearing these days, give or take a few handheld games.
But... but... the SPC 700 is one of the best sound chips ever. :(

qq more

Man I really need to play Chrono Trigger... I have it for the DS and barely played it because I found out I still wasn't in the mood for RPGs at the time.
breaks the game. It'll make the game so easy it isn't even funny.

Haha, fair enough. Even without that particular team, I found CT to be kinda easy overall, though. The only bosses that gave me some trouble were some of the optional bosses later on the game (Son of Sun and that one boss in the sunken desert sidequest)

I usually end up intentionally equipping weaker equipment during the endgame since the sidequests give out some crazy rewards. (I think Rainbow Sword having a 70% critical rate is kind of excessive, even for an ultimate weapon. Doesn't help that the DS version gives out even stronger weapons.)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm one of those weirdos who likes to rotate the party around in any RPG, so I end up using everyone on a regular basis and seeing what their general strengths and weaknesses are. I'm sorta big on stats and stat comparisons, so it's fun to toss characters around in general.

Seven Force said:
Haha, fair enough. Even without that particular team, I found CT to be kinda easy overall, though. The only bosses that gave me some trouble were some of the optional bosses later on the game (Son of Sun and that one boss in the sunken desert sidequest)

I usually end up intentionally equipping weaker equipment during the endgame since the sidequests give out some crazy rewards. (I think Rainbow Sword having a 70% critical rate is kind of excessive, even for an ultimate weapon)
CT is pretty easy, and it's hard to handicap yourself since much of the game is rather balanced.

If we're talking about the DS version, it's even easier to break the game with the additional equipment:
Crono: Dreamseeker, Haste Helm, Nova Armor, Frenzy Band
Ayla: Bronze Fist, Angel's Tiara, Prism Dress, Prism Specs
: Dreamreaper, Prism Helm, Shadowplume Robe, Gold Stud

Double-auto haste, get 80% counters on Crono, cast Dark Matter a lot, physical stats on Ayla make her very powerful, have a high magic defense, lots of status immunities, dual techs from Crono and Ayla, high speed with everyone... you shouldn't be able to die with this team.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess

FFVI is still the better SNES RPG :p
As much as I like FFVI, that's kinda arguable. :p

Treasure of the Rudras
Chrono Trigger
Mother 2
Emerald Dragon (though Aeana has told me that other versions of it are much better than the SNES iteration)
Robotrek (Enix's version of Pokemon with robots)
Lufia II
Breath of Fire II
Tales of Phantasia (at the very least for the audio stuff they had to do to squeeze the OP theme in)
Terranigma (ie: one of my favourite games of all time)


As much as I like FFVI, that's kinda arguable. :p

Treasure of the Rudras
Chrono Trigger
Mother 2
Emerald Dragon (though Aeana has told me that other versions of it are much better than the SNES iteration)
Robotrek (Enix's version of Pokemon with robots)
Lufia II
Breath of Fire II
Tales of Phantasia (at the very least for the audio stuff they had to do to squeeze the OP theme in)
Terranigma (ie: one of my favourite games of all time)
Out of those I've only played Mother 2 :(
I owned Breath of Fire II very briefly before it was lost.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Billie, you've gotta play Lufia II at the very least. :O

Awesome battle themes. But I know it costs a ton and is very rare now. :/ There's a DS reimagining, but it's completely different from the original SNES version.

Such a shame that a lot of these games aren't on VC. I remember when they announced plans for the VC, I thought it was going to be one of the most amazing things ever with an astounding amount of games in the catalogue, but oddly enough, I've found that bought more hardcopies of retro stuff than digital copies on VC.

I can't help but to feel that Sega at least made a bit of an effort with putting stuff up on VC outside of licensed stuff. Too bad they haven't/can't put Sega CD/Saturn stuff up.


Billie, you've gotta play Lufia II at the very least. :O

Awesome battle themes. But I know it costs a ton and is very rare now. :/ There's a DS reimagining, but it's completely different from the original SNES version.

Such a shame that a lot of these games aren't on VC. I remember when they announced plans for the VC, I thought it was going to be one of the most amazing things ever with an astounding amount of games in the catalogue, but oddly enough, I've found that bought more hardcopies of retro stuff than digital copies on VC.

I can't help but to feel that Sega at least made a bit of an effort with putting stuff up on VC outside of licensed stuff. Too bad they haven't/can't put Sega CD/Saturn stuff up.
I can watch HCBailly's Let's Play at least.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
While we're still going off-topic, I feel like Enix's RPGs did so much experimentation with shit that people just didn't want to experiment with. In terms of game mechanics, art style, and what the narrative generally dealt with. That sorta explains why we didn't get the likes of Terranigma, Wonder Project J (really too bad about this one because Mori's soundtracks are so awesome!), and Dark Half. Last Bible III is a good example, but that was Atlus.

Been itching to get Dark Law and Maka Maka out of my backlog.

A little more on-topic: it's too bad that the Genesis had its own set of RPGs, but the SNES just had so. much. more. Mario even branched out into the RPG realm, and it took Sonic years to get to that point.

I still want a Sonic RPG that isn't Sonic Chronicles.

Dragoon En Regalia said:
The only thing that sucks about it? A crappy Masuda soundtrack.
He composed that? Yikes.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I should play Maka Maka after finishing FFIV. This shit looks bananas.

I ain't kidding. And Ichinose worked as a game designer on that game. It must have been Bizarro Time™ over at Game Freak in 1997.
That is the Weird Item of the Day for me.

Magical Taluluto for the Mega Drive seemed okay in terms of art design and music, though. IIRC, they worked on that, right, and that game came out before Pokemon did.

Game Design: Ken Sugimori
Graphic Design: Ken Sugimori, Akihito Tomisawa
Music: Junichi Masuda
That game's decent in terms of presentation, that much I know. But I've done a ton of research into Game Freak's non-Pokémon output, and Bushi Seiryuuden is, to me, Satoshi Tajiri's final triumph as a game designer. Since Gold & Silver, he's been working in the background for the most part.

I also won't forget to mention Bazaru de Gozaru and Click + Medic.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever played an Enix developed game outside of Actraiser. (Which has an awesome soundtrack, but I'm sure you all know that already.) I should really fix that one of these days.


Terranigma is technically Quintet, but it's Enix-published and completely amazing and everyone should play it and revel in its glory.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever played an Enix developed game outside of Actraiser. (Which has an awesome soundtrack, but I'm sure you all know that already.) I should really fix that one of these days.
Enix was a publisher rather than a dev, so they outsourced a lot. For example, Dragon Quest was developed by the likes of Chunsoft, Level-5, Heartbeat, and ArtePiazza. Speaking of DQ, I wanna play this.

The Soul Blazer trilogy is soooo gooooood. I love it so much. <3 I miss Quintet so much. They were one of my favourite devs when I was little.

Dragoon En Regalia said:
I also won't forget to mention Bazaru de Gozaru and Click + Medic.
What's this like? I can only find &#12496;&#12470;&#12540;&#12523;&#12391;&#12372;&#12374;&#12540;&#12427; CMs on YouTube. Edit: nvm, found it on NicoNico.
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