Shadow Hog
Not sure which console I'd buy this for, honestly. I have both, but... eh.
oh god why
who gave the ok for this
seriously who
this is the worst thing
i'd take sonic 4's dying cats and dying ducks over this any day
oh my god why do they keep using the same music for these games
If you're voting for NSMB2's OST for SotY, give an excellent reason. Because... good god...
Wait... Robotnik is playable?! OH SHITTTTT
Was this in the original or is this a new feature?!
Well that was fast... gotta say, those sprites actually look really good; I like the art direction for this game:
Triple Trouble is a must buy and I'm not biased because its the first game I ever owned![]()
While most people are ignoring this in favour of celebrating the release of what I imagine to be a half baked shoddy fighter I am still vigilant enough to shame the hell out of you.Anthony is talking to me beyond the graveon Twitter. He is mostly shocked that I've never played RE4...ever.
Oh yeah, episode 2 was this year as well, it can be my second choice after NSMB2!If anyone votes for either game, part of me will be tempted to just bar that person from ever participating again : /
Is The Fighters worth the $8? Always wanted to check it out.
I'd rather get them on the Master System (too bad TT is GG only)
Is The Fighters worth the $8? Always wanted to check it out.
I loved Triple Trouble!
My man.
Grew up with 8-bit Sonic 1 and 2. Love them both dearly.
Kind of want to do a LP of them, now.
I never owned a Master System (I really want one someday though) but man the resolution makes a difference for sure!
Someone reading this thread probably would for the laughs.Nert said:If anyone votes for either game, part of me will be tempted to just bar that person from ever participating again : /
There are definitely more JP games than NA games for the Game Gear, or at least, more that I'd play--tons of RPGs we didn't get. I should probably pick some up myself now that I think about it.Teknoman said:Also I had no idea that the GG was region would the JP games actually be cheaper/more abundant than NA?
So you guys hear about the latest on the Sonic comic?
Well as expectedSally's coming back, altho her time as Mecha Sally/Metal Sally was pretty good. I do like her new look though
Gotta admit, it really looks like it'd fit in perfectly in an official mainline Sonic game. Was the redesign entirely done by the artists at Archie, or did Sega have a say in the matter?
I'd get the bundle. VF and FV are good games, StF is a bit more random.
No. I don't know about the other games in the bundle as I haven't played them, but StF is mediocre at best.
if i find a master system at a thrift store or pawn shop, but. dunno if i would actively seek one out. There really arent that many games i would want to least i dont think there are...
Seconding the two Illusion games (Castle & Land, can't remember if Legend of Illusion got a Master System release) and Lucky Dime Caper. I recall Deep Duck Trouble being pretty good, too.
If you have a Model 1 Genesis and didn't put a 32X in it, you could always pick up a Power Base Converter for, like, $20-30 off of eBay. I'm considering doing that one of these days, just so I can replay Land of Illusion without breaking out the Game Gear - really enjoyed that game (it was one of the first two games I got for it, and aside from Baku Baku, it's the only non-Sonic game I have for it). Only thing is, beyond the various Disney Master System games, and maybe a few of the Sonic ports, not sure what exactly I'd go for on there - hence why I haven't bought one yet.if i find a master system at a thrift store or pawn shop, but. dunno if i would actively seek one out. There really arent that many games i would want to least i dont think there are...
Dustforce was this year?
did any platformers come out this year :[
But now the question is: who is more broken?
Is this where I vote for Rockman X Over? There's tons of platforming in that.
I've had my eye on dust force, I should really just hurry up and get a controller for this laptop, i'm missing out on too much good stuff.So, random question time. What is everyone's favorite platformer from this year so far? It's been a dry spell for the genre, in my opinion, but Dustforce is pretty good.
Since I'm still getting used to actively anticipating new Sonic games (Sonic Colors is less than two years old), I have to admit that it is a strange sensation to really feel the absence of a mainline console Sonic title this year.
Just barely!
I guess one could say Fez, but... not really.
There's got to be something that I'm missing.