The only answer is Chemical Plant Zone.
Favorite Sonic music is damn near impossible to answer:
Chemical Plant
Sonic 2 ending (Sweet Dreams)
Ice Cap
Sonic 3 Final Boss (possibly the best boss music in gaming history)
Sonic 3 credits
Of course, we have some of the soit's good music, like:good
City Escape
Live and Learn
Some of the Sonic Generations mixes are incredible too. Modern Crisis City, Door into Summer,Sky Sanctuary... the list goes on.
Even my pure, irrational hatred of Unleashed and Colors can't bring me to call the music bad.
I dunno about the best, but good, yes
...Sonic R's soundtrack is 50% of the reasons people still remember the Saturn.
BurningVirtuaViperNiGHTS feat. a Capcom port or two
Certainly the only reason I remember it
The other 50% is just this song....
What is the other 50%?
Sonic 4 Episode Metal was getting there. Even more annoying is that the level begins with you surrounded by a whole bunch of those stupid mantis enemies.
I'm pretty sure that's just for show. If you stand around without moving, they won't fire. I think you have to intentionally walk around back and forth in that tiny area for them to have enough time to attack you.
And Saturn Bomberman. Man, that was a fun game.
This is obviously the best Sonic music.
What I linked to wasn't a fan song, it's from an official, Sega-approved album.
Never heard it before. At work, can't listen. Does it involve him telling those morans to get a brain?I just couldn't resist an opportunity to link to the Modern Moran song again. It's my Nocturne.
This question is too hard to answer.On a separate note (Pertaining to Sonic), what is everyone's favorite tune from Sonic?
Someone on Gaming Side said that 2D games are moribund (dying) and they're not successful because no one wants to play 2D games (this was more directed to RPGs, but...). Anyone feel similarly in here? The platforming genre has a bunch of 2D games so I have to wonder how others feel about it.
Someone on Gaming Side said that 2D games are moribund (dying) and they're not successful because no one wants to play 2D games (this was more directed to RPGs, but...). Anyone feel similarly in here? The platforming genre has a bunch of 2D games so I have to wonder how others feel about it.
This isn't just in terms of perspective, but the general aesthetics too.
I wish motion controls would go somewhere.![]()
At least Nintendo is phasing them out with the Wii U!
I wish motion controls would go somewhere.![]()
Don't the Wiipads include Wiimote functionality or something? Not that anyone will care, but still.
Never heard it before. At work, can't listen. Does it involve him telling those morans to get a brain?
I like that. Profound."People didn't stop painting just because somebody figured out how to sculpt."
I will do that this weekend when my exam week*is hoping Dark Schala will check out at least the first 2 episodes of My Little Monster*
Someone on Gaming Side said that 2D games are moribund (dying) and they're not successful because no one wants to play 2D games (this was more directed to RPGs, but...). Anyone feel similarly in here? The platforming genre has a bunch of 2D games so I have to wonder how others feel about it.
Anyway, did anyone pick up the latest Sonic Universe? The ASR: Transformed issue. Debating on whether I should read it now or wait until I finish ASR:T.
Posting this because it's awesome.
Psychic Force 2012 (Burning Storm)
Best song from a game I've never played.
Y'know, as sad as it is that I can admit this, I think I actually recognize this artist. Kathy-Lu, correct? She used to frequent Sonic HQ around the same time I did.Billiechu said:
Y'know, as sad as it is that I can admit this, I think I actually recognize this artist. Kathy-Lu, correct? She used to frequent Sonic HQ around the same time I did.
No, SpazzyKoneko is somebody else entirely who I've never had any interaction with. I think I recognize her style in that image, now that you mention it.Spazzykoneko. Maybe she goes by a different name there?
By changing a certain piece of code, you can replace any character with Tikal.
She can walk around, jump, cannot be hurt by or attack enemies, and can enter free movement mode by pressing the Action button (A on the keyboard).
The characters are definitely not using their normal input routines in cutscenes. If they were, they wouldn't be running in place so much. The main six characters, Eggman and Tikal are all loaded by the same function, all other NPCs have a separate loading function, are not given slots in the active character list, and do not have controller input processing in their routines.
I wish Robotnik was playable in more Sonic games. Was really disappointed he wasn't playable in Battle.
Perhaps you were intended to play as Tikal during flashbacks. As for Eggman, uh... maybe at the start of Gamma's story?
He would've been more broken than Chaos and Gamma.
Even pointer controls?! Wiimote/Move >>>>> Dual Analogs for FPSes!I wish motion controls would go somewhere.![]()