Well, she DID voice her displeasure in the "BAH BAH-AH" effects from NSMB. It all makes perfect sense!
The real first survey is now finished, and can be found by
clicking here. I'm not going to hammer these out every day or anything, as I would like to leave them up for a long time in order to gather as much data as possible. I was thinking maybe a week from this Saturday, but suggestions are welcome.
You do not need a Google account to participate in the survey, in case anyone may have thought there was a barrier for participating. You also don't need to be a member of GAF yet (although it is preferred), so if any lurkers are reading this, you're more than welcome to take part.
Also as promised, here are two more highlights from the test survey:
Favorite thing about Sonic's shoes said:
ITS RED. SONIC IS BLUE AND WEARS WHITE GLOVES AND SOCKS. HES A TRUE AMERICAN!!! HORRAY SONIC!! SAVE AMERICA!!!! WE BELEIVE IN YOU wait FUCK he has green eyes now oh no hes a ttraitor god damn it were fucked holy shit why sega whyyyyy i hate you so mcuh now im so angry angry angry grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr im turning green and u dont like it when im angry amerika is domed
Nocturne question said:
Because sound makes me angry, and I want others to feel that same rage.