Oh sorry I got confused because most Final Fantasy games are the same, let me try that again.X-2
not XIII-2
That bad, huh.H-here
It's... Eddie Lebron's live action Sonic fan film
That bad, huh.
It has taken me 20 minutes to watch the first 6 minutes
In those 6 minutes, there are cameos by Brentalfloss, AVGN, Smosh, and Doug Walker.
Apparently Keith Apicary and Egoraptor are in here somewhere too
If it makes you feel any better he doesn't have any dialog from what I've forced myself to watch
oh thank god because i cant stand his grating voice
although 20 mins is actually kind of the real deal breaker for the event... kind of too short! anyone still interested anyways?
Why not. I could always keep the party going with my continued struggles in getting 180 SA2 emblems.
FF4 is barely a pizza.Don't hate me because FF4 is a pizza.
I love Final Fantasy X-2.I've never played FF much but I refuse to believe that any FF game from the 16bit era could be considered the worst when FFX-2 exists.
Favourites with regards to battle system/ability system: FFX-2, FFV, FFX, FFXII
Final Fantasy X-2 took Final Fantasy V's implementation of the job system and modified it to something even more special. While I liked FFV's job system very much, I absolutely loved ATB Kai and the evolutions FFX-2 made to it via the Dressphere system. The on-the-fly job switching system allowed for so much flexibility and different combinations/permutations (if you required it) of jobs between characters and across the party to modify the party dynamic and synergy... and you could add those job spheres to a garment grid sometimes separated by stat enhancers that took effect if you passed through them in order to switch jobs on the fly. Sure, you can play with three dark knights, but where's the fun in that? Making things too easy isnt fun, and you arent taking advantage of the diversity of jobs you have to handle. People who say its merely a dress up game really needs to take a long, hard look at itits basically Final Fantasy V with an all-female cast. Each dressphere is a job and each job gives a different appearance to each character, like how all the jobs in FF5 gave a new appearance to a character, just in sprite form. We got an interesting set of jobs in Gun Mage, Gunner, Songstress, Festival-Goer, Psychic, Lady Luck, etc. So basically, instead of just 3 people in battle, youre getting up to 17 or so jobs with each character, resulting in 680 possible combinations without repetition, 969 combinations with repetition, 4913 permutations with repetition, and 4080 permutations with repetition. I really liked tinkering with this system and seeing what I got out of it. Beat Trema without the Cat Nip tactic by using jobs that aren't ideal for the situation was fun.
Just I love Final Fantasy X-2. Ill defend it to the end.
Best soundtracks: Er, all of them? Even X-2s. I think its extremely unfortunate that one of the composers for FFX-2 eventually left VGM composition partially because people hated the X-2 soundtrack. I thought the vocal albums and the International + LM album were really good, as well. The jazzy and lighthearted take in FFX-2s soundtrack was quite refreshing, and it was a fun soundtrack overall. We also got pieces like Memories of Light and Waves, Besaid, Yunas Ballad, and The Farplane Abyss, so you cant say the soundtrack was all bad even if you didnt like it.
I could take hours to explain this, and you know I can based on other VGM threads. So I wont. :lol But if I had to pick my favourite BGM from every FF, itd be difficult. Like, Im struggling right now. When I was a teenager, I made it a point to try to pick up as many FF soundtracks I could possibly find in shops/import because I liked the soundscapes so much.
This post does a good job of trying to pull up FF tunes I like but I wish I could fit more into that post! Haha.
No.I'm gonna post that in Gaming, if you think I should. :lol
You know exactly how that thread's going to go and I'm tired of that shit. It's the same shit, different thread.
Get your blasphemy regarding Sonic CD out of here.
The reason I called FF4 a pizzaFF4 is barely a pizza.
FF4 sucks.
did you make a thread because I can't check right now.
I'm half-serious, though. I'm tired of how most Sonic threads generally progress on Gaming Side; it gets irritating.
Hater of Donkey Kong Country 2!
Ugh your hate for FF4 is even worse! Stop hating good things!
Hater of Donkey Kong Country 2!
Ugh your hate for FF4 is even worse! Stop hating good things!
Yes yes, you hate the things I love, I hate the things you love...Hater of Donkey Kong Country 2!
Ugh your hate for FF4 is even worse! Stop hating good things!
I think it's time for a timeout. SonicGAF, go to your rooms!
I think it's time for a timeout. SonicGAF, go to your rooms!
Guess not.Are we doing this again?
Are we doing this again?
Alternatively, just watch this fan film from beginning to end
That's all the punishment anyone needs
What do you guys think of the movie?
30 minutes of serious business, maybe Sega obtained the cut footage for Sonic Adventure 3, oh my.The best/worst part about this Sonic fan film is that not even a month ago its estimated run time was 45 minutes
Then yesterday before it went up I guess the producer said 25 minutes
Now the actual video on Youtube is only 18 minutes. Dude chopped out nearly 30 minutes of... what?
What do you guys think of the movie?
What do you guys think of the movie?
I made it up to when Sonic says "WAY PAST COOL."
So far, as of 6:58, my main problem with this movie is its tonal dissonance.
Or more specifically, that it seems to take itself very, very, very seriously. More seriously than even the most serious Sonic games, I'd say. You have this CNN style report interviewing the president about what they're doing to stop Dr. Kin-tobor and Kin-tobor is releasing Bin-laden-style terrorist tapes and Doug Walker is about to get executed by E-102 Gamma
But then fuzzy CGI Sonic the Hedgehog shows up and goes "WAY PAST COOL!"
And the news reporter uses terms like "blue blur" and "buzz bombers" because those are things from the cartoon
And I can't handle it. I can't do it. I can't. It won't. There's no... nope.