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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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Sega would do Sonic Adventure 3 for the same reason they did Sonic 4 - nostalgia appeal.

For as many gamers who grew up with Sonic 1/2/3 there's a decent chunk whose first Sonic games were the Adventure games.

How they'd do it is another question on its own, because I kind of doubt they'd stop using the current modern Sonic formula, but it also wouldn't jive well with the other games.


Would a Chao Garden exclusive game be as successful as if they made one back in the SA1-SA2 days? I dunno if it would...but I will be there to get that game Day 1.
Sega would do Sonic Adventure 3 for the same reason they did Sonic 4 - nostalgia appeal.

For as many gamers who grew up with Sonic 1/2/3 there's a decent chunk whose first Sonic games were the Adventure games.

How they'd do it is another question on its own, because I kind of doubt they'd stop using the current modern Sonic formula, but it also wouldn't jive well with the other games.

They could make an adventure style game out of the current setup. Most of the differences in the Adventure games and modern is the level design. The other is that Sonic feels like a race car in the modern games. They could blend the two pretty nicely, I think.

They could design the levels with a more open feel for a bit of exploration. Tweak Sonic's acceleration and handling for the less linear level design. It would needs to be a bit tighter. I would say throw out the boost, but I seriously doubt that will happen. Perhaps you can just find an item that lets you boost short distances, but it slowly saps your rings?

Would a Chao Garden exclusive game be as successful as if they made one back in the SA1-SA2 days? I dunno if it would...but I will be there to get that game Day 1.

I still see a good number of fans clamoring for the Chao to return. I know that I would buy it, at least.


Have Sonic stages like Modern Sonic from Generations (but make them 90% 3D at least)
Knuckles stages that are brawling but play more like a Bayonetta style game in speed

Sonic & Knuckles Adventures
Have Sonic stages like Modern Sonic from Generations (but make them 90% 3D at least)
Knuckles stages that are brawling but play more like a Bayonetta style game in speed

Sonic & Knuckles Adventures

No forced boosters, no forced grinding, no qte's, more open paths, and we're good.

About the knuckles brawling thing, maybe it's because you compared it to Bayonetta, but I don't like the sound of that.


Iizuka said:
Ever since getting involved with Sonic Colours, going through to Generations, Episode 1 and now Episode 2, I’ve tried to make sure that this question of what Sonic fundamentally is has been answered, and is consistent. The essence of Sonic is what we’ve been trying to clarify, and drive home to people. Now that we’ve done this, I think we can actually start thinking about spin-offs and branches of the Sonic gameplay.

Have Sonic stages like Modern Sonic from Generations (but make them 90% 3D at least)
Knuckles stages that are brawling but play more like a Bayonetta style game in speed

Sonic & Knuckles Adventures

And Tails.

I wanna fly high.

I want a proper Adventure 3 very much, and NO, 06 doesn't count. I still dream of the perfect Sonic/Tails/Knuckles adventure in SA style with exploration, and no burnout-style boost. One day.


I want a proper Adventure 3 very much, and NO, 06 doesn't count.

It... kinda does. Maybe not in name, but clearly it borrowed a lot from the SAs, moreso the first. It felt like a Sonic Adventure (only the addition of visitable Chao Gardens was missing), which of course makes the whole ordeal so much more disastrous because they completely botched it up.
Y'know, looking at the people who really hated the hub stages... call me weird, but I'd actually love a game that was nothing but a giant world to explore like that. Granted, you'd have to populate it with stuff a helluva lot more than most of these hub stages were, but using the physics engine to explore new areas would be a very appealing concept to me.

Of course, first, they'd have to get the physics right - ideally, something like that BlitzSonic engine posted a while ago, maybe with the boost if absolutely necessary. But once you got that, having a large playground to use it in could be pretty nifty. I think of those early videos of 2K6, showing Sonic running through a huge valley with nary a bottomless pit in sight - something like that'd be great.

OMG Aero

Why do people still want a Sonic Adventure 3? Do they just want a game with that name or a game with multiple characters and a hub world?
The adventure series (And I'm including 2006 in this which is an adventure game in all but name with the hub world from SA1 and multiple story lines featuring different characters from SA2) is a prime example of okay ideas being made progressively worse until you end up with something so bad that it almost destroys the original series.

Multiple characters was a neat idea in SA1 that slowly started to turn bad in SA2 with some truly terrible treasure hunting levels and incredibly bad mech controls that completely ruined the shooting levels that were actually fun in SA1. In SA1 they started to toy with the idea of having a serious storyline in Sonic games and it was neither really bad or really good, it was pretty much just Eggman taking over the world with Chaos thrown in. In SA2 however, they really started to take the serious storyline idea too far with Shadow wanting revenge for a dead human girl who was shot by the military and Sonic meeting the god damn president.
I don't even need to go into how Sonic 2006 made these things even worse.
The recent 3D Sonic games are way better than the adventure series ever was so I really don't understand why people want to go back to that.
Well, I do recall the first Adventure's Sonic campaign placing more emphasis on proper, slower-paced platforming than merely running forward all the time, which wouldn't hurt to return to. The few times Generations attempts this work out okay, although there are some notable issues with it (I can't decide if Sonic's too loose or too tight in 3D, but getting him to move exactly as you want him to is a bit of a pain; also, there have been far too many times where I've been moving in one direction, then hit the boost/homing attack button and end up going the OTHER way because Sonic hadn't fully turned around).

Of course, I recall going back to SA1 via the PSN port and finding it to be a considerably loose-controlling mess, where running forward in a straight line is about as easy to do as it is in 2K6. I'm not sure if the DC version was that bad about it - it probably was.


My ideal Sonic Adventure 3 is the gameplay of the Sonic/Shadow stages in SA2, made into an entire game.

That means:

-No shitty friends. Tails can follow Sonic if he wants.
-No story.
-No hub world.
-No fucking gimmicks. No mach speed segments, no vehicles, no psychic powers.
Classic Sonic design :3

Just 12 new Sonic SA2 stages made into a game. That would be awesome.
My ideal Sonic Adventure 3 is the gameplay of the Sonic/Shadow stages in SA2, made into an entire game.

That means:

-No shitty friends. Tails can follow Sonic if he wants.
-No story.
-No hub world.
-No fucking gimmicks. No mach speed segments, no vehicles, no psychic powers.
Classic Sonic design :3

Just 12 new Sonic SA2 stages made into a game. That would be awesome.
But the Sonic gameplay in SA2 is terrible. It hasn't aged well at all.
My ideal Sonic Adventure 3 is the gameplay of the Sonic/Shadow stages in SA2, made into an entire game.

That means:

-No shitty friends. Tails can follow Sonic if he wants.
-No story.
-No hub world.
-No fucking gimmicks. No mach speed segments, no vehicles, no psychic powers.
Classic Sonic design :3

Just 12 new Sonic SA2 stages made into a game. That would be awesome.

Yeah, if you're ten. Go back and play SA/2 again. They don't work. They're weird, no longer even remotely impressive set-piece moments that you barely play, wrapped around borderline functional, often unresponsive (see below)/unintuitive controls and a horrific camera that wants you dead. Oh, and hyper-linear level design that is just dull.

The best parts are where you're grinding on rails, for god's sake.
I'd hardly call Sonic Adventure 2's controls "unresponsive".

If anything, they're too responsive to the point of being twitchy. The slightest micron of movement on the analog stick and Sonic stops running straight and flies off in to a wall or something.
I'd hardly call Sonic Adventure 2's controls "unresponsive".

If anything, they're too responsive to the point of being twitchy. The slightest micron of movement on the analog stick and Sonic stops running straight and flies off in to a wall or something.

Yes, sorry, that's what I meant. Basically they don't do what you want.

And Sciz, SA2 is a far bigger offender with that. SA has a few exceptions.


But the Sonic gameplay in SA2 is terrible. It hasn't aged well at all.

Yeah, if you're ten. Go back and play SA/2 again. They don't work. They're weird, no longer even remotely impressive set-piece moments that you barely play, wrapped around borderline functional, often unresponsive (see below)/unintuitive controls and a horrific camera that wants you dead. Oh, and hyper-linear level design that is just dull.

The best parts are where you're grinding on rails, for god's sake.

It's a fuck ton better than Sonic Colors' gameplay.

And with that,



Sonic Colors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sonic Adventures 2

Wrong. At least Sonic actually gets to move faster than crawling in A2.

Colors is "Hang on, let's slowly navigate these horribly laid out levels using random wisp bullshit powers that slow down the game some more and aren't fun to use." Sorry, you're wrong.

qq more

Wrong. At least Sonic actually gets to move faster than crawling in A2.

Colors is "Hang on, let's slowly navigate these horribly laid out levels using random wisp bullshit powers that slow down the game some more and aren't fun to use." Sorry, you're wrong.

Adventure 2 forces you to stupid treasure hunting right after speeding through a level.

I rest my case.

(Besides, Colors isn't THAT slow.)

The Chao Garden was garbage! Total garbage! It's telling that the only good Chao in the entire series is Omochao, and "good" is being stretched.
Obviously you never had a chaos chao...

I never saw the POINT in having a Chaos Chao. Or any Chao, for that matter. The fact that emblems were tied to the Chao Garden only amplified my hatred.

If the next Sonic game has images of a ruined, burnt-out Chao Garden (and doesn't restore it at the end-game), I will buy every single Sonic game from that point forward. No questions asked.


I never saw the POINT in having a Chaos Chao. Or any Chao, for that matter. The fact that emblems were tied to the Chao Garden only amplified my hatred.

If the next Sonic game has images of a ruined, burnt-out Chao Garden (and doesn't restore it at the end-game), I will buy every single Sonic game from that point forward. No questions asked.

You need a little Chao love in your life.


People apparently hate Colors, but like Chao Garden.

I feel like I'm in Bizarro World.

The Chao Garden was garbage! Total garbage! It's telling that the only good Chao in the entire series is Omochao, and "good" is being stretched.

I never saw the POINT in having a Chaos Chao. Or any Chao, for that matter. The fact that emblems were tied to the Chao Garden only amplified my hatred.

If the next Sonic game has images of a ruined, burnt-out Chao Garden (and doesn't restore it at the end-game), I will buy every single Sonic game from that point forward. No questions asked.

What have chao done to you?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Looks like Iizuka-san was offended by the mere idea of Sonic Dimensions

edit: interview from a banned site

he also says he is ready to bring back spin-off's and alternate gameplay styles now that Sonic's image has been restored.
Oh wow, this interview seems to be gold from what little I've read so far.

As for the bolded... er, seems to be a little too optimistic there.

Werehog wasn't unplayable, just boring. Replace him with Knuckles, take out the "beat up 600 mooks" rooms and speed it up and that'd be okay.
Completely agreed. That's what I started thinking during my playthroughs of the Wii and PS3 versions. I don't hate Werehog or its controls, but many of the sections overstayed their welcome/ended up being battle after battle, and that is why I hesitate to recommend the game to people.

But if it were Knuckles, I wonder if people wouldn't mind them so much. Werehog is kind of how I envisioned his gameplay in 3D would be (but faster, though).


oh my god, the spanish iizuka is on a roll tonight, im dying of laughter xD
Why wasn't I made aware of this before? This is amazing. The thread title feels so correct now.
On Chao: I like them, but they don't really belong in Sonic. Although the idea of having something to do with the woodland animals you rescue from robots was neat, the Chao themselves are a bit too abstract for the usual designs of Sonic games. Did they ever let on that the Chao were originally going to be in another game, but ended up in Sonic? I always felt that was the case.

On Knuckles replacing the Werehog: the Adventure games did a good job of creating a solid 3D Knuckles, the problem being his levels were garbage. So yeah, if they make it faster and make it less about punching dudes, then replacing the Werehog with Knuckles would be a thing I'm interested in.

But if they ever make Knuckles playable again, that doesn't mean I want everyone else playable too. I fear before they'd even consider Knuckles as a playable character, they'd have you be playing as Tails too, which, well, no.


Oh wow, this interview seems to be gold from what little I've read so far.

As for the bolded... er, seems to be a little too optimistic there.

Yeah! Sounds like he has a plan for Sonic Adventure 3 in his head, the quotes from his interview where he talks about PS4/XBOX Next totally make me think of Sonic Adventure 3

"But I'm also interested in the challenge of doing something completely new with the 3D Sonic's forward view platform action, and bring something new to the table with that as well."

So by having higher end hardware spec, we'll be able to do, for example, the real-time lighting calculations. That will give more presence to Sonic.

"We're not after realism. We're after making it more convincing. So we're still going for that stylised, bright and colourful Sonic look. We're not going for photo-real."

Not realistic? but convincing? uhh.. not sure what he means by that, but it makes me think of his Sonic Adventure games, where stuff is based off the real world, but it isn't totally realistic. I think he hates how realistic Sonic 06 was, for example.


All this talk about powerful hardware reminds me of his Sonic Adventure interview, where he talks about how he wanted to do something never done before with Sonic with the powerful hardware, big story emphasis, big everything.

Why wasn't I made aware of this before? This is amazing. The thread title feels so correct now.

have you seen this one yet?

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