Hot Coldman
Sonic x Chrono Trigger CONFIRMED
I'm playing Sonic & Knuckles with an SNES controller, it's so wrong but feels so right.
what on earth hahahaha What is the story of this?
GBA remakes always butcher the music though don't they?
I recall FFV and FFVI advance slaughtering the soundtracks of their respective games.
Well, maybe slaughter is the wrong word, but still shit was bad man.
It looks like a Sonic the Comic creation. UK SonicGAF should probably explain.qq more said:what on earth hahahaha What is the story of this?
Ah, so they're fulfilling the wishes of some fans who wish character introductions stopped after Tails and Knuckles.Sega1991 said:Looks like this tumblr has caught the "partner characters just appear and immediately die" bug in Sonic 06
FM synth gets a bad rap on NeoGAF and I can never figure out why. I mean, yeah, when it's done bad, it's pretty bad, but when it's done well, it's absolutely astounding. I suppose we'd all know, because, y'know, Sonic has absolutely amazing FM music, but still...
Sonic the Comic is weird.what on earth hahahaha What is the story of this?
I want to be mean and say that it's not okay because it kind of acts as an outlet. You have to say *beep*, [redacted], (censored), etc.EDIT: Quoting swearing should be okay in context right? MAKING SURE because it wasn't my word
Sonic the Comic is weird.
Yeah, it comes up surprisingly often. I get that the SNES APU is a helluva lot better at general purpose music (listen to Plok!'s soundtrack, for instance, that's amazing), but some people extrapolate this to "the Genesis soundchip is utter shit".You think people hate FM synth on GAF? You'd be surprised with how many people like it throughout the forum!
I want to be mean and say that it's not okay because it kind of acts as an outlet. You have to say *beep*, [redacted], (censored), etc.
If you can't tell, I'm have a little fun with this.
I will personally make it my mission in life to hunt down and end the life of whoever at Naughty Dog designed these race levels.
Then I will hunt down and end the life of the designer who started the trend of racing minigames in platformers.
Ya gotta look harder. Some people were straight-up pissed that EO4 didn't have a soundtrack toggle for FM synth (well, I wasn't mad, but moreso disappointed).Yeah, it comes up surprisingly often. I get that the SNES APU is a helluva lot better at general purpose music (listen to Plok!'s soundtrack, for instance, that's amazing), but some people extrapolate this to "the Genesis soundchip is utter shit".
Not naming names because I actually don't have specific examples on hand - although I saw the one qq more cited, where the guy said some not-NES music sounded like "the Genesis's shitty sound chip". Heads have not been shaken harder.
they forgot what level design was like while they were trying to craft a gritty narrative.Three subsequent discoveries in the racing levels for Jak II:.
I love that video.I forgot how good these Super Metroid Sega Genesis remixes were. I almost wish this were a homebrew Genesis game - perhaps not porting the world of the SNES game 100% (I'd be absolutely astounded if the Genesis could pull off something like the X-Ray Visor, honestly), but something very similar to it.
FM synth gets a bad rap on NeoGAF and I can never figure out why. I mean, yeah, when it's done bad, it's pretty bad, but when it's done well, it's absolutely astounding. I suppose we'd all know, because, y'know, Sonic has absolutely amazing FM music, but still...
Oh, and Prime update: got Super Missiles and Thermal Visor, yay
I really hated the motorcycle levels in Crash Bandicoot 3. Oh, surprise, that game was also made by Naughty Dog!
I finally beat Radical Highway in Generations but the next level has annoying underwater segments and I'm stuck in the "Modern" act and its pitfalls (Censored).
they forgot what level design was like while they were trying to craft a gritty narrative. is this post you guys are talking about?
For all the shit we give Sonic Team for wanting to ruin shit with cinematics and questionableIt blows my mind that this is the same dev that made Crash Team Racing. How did it come to this
has anyone even heard FM synth in that thread
I forgot how good these Super Metroid Sega Genesis remixes were. I almost wish this were a homebrew Genesis game - perhaps not porting the world of the SNES game 100% (I'd be absolutely astounded if the Genesis could pull off something like the X-Ray Visor, honestly), but something very similar to it.
FM synth gets a bad rap on NeoGAF and I can never figure out why. I mean, yeah, when it's done bad, it's pretty bad, but when it's done well, it's absolutely astounding. I suppose we'd all know, because, y'know, Sonic has absolutely amazing FM music, but still...
Oh, and Prime update: got Super Missiles and Thermal Visor, yay
Kokonoe, good LTTP thread on Gaming Side. That's the kinda stuff I like to see. I'm really happy to see you enjoy Radiant Historia as well. I had a friend who called Stocke the "Solid Snake" of modern RPGs, just because I'd briefly said that he wasn't necessarily a character who grew, but rather the player was discovering various layers to his character throughout the game which appreciated a lot. I'm also glad to see you enjoying the battle system.
Now you've got me wondering what my favourite RPG of the generation is. Maybe Sora no Kiseki The 3rd, but I'm only going to say that because it was the last RPG I finished off.![]()
What RPGs have I even played this gen? *thinks*
I know what's not going to make the short list. Sonic Chronicles.
Oh hey, we were doin' lists right? Here're mine:
Alan Wake
Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future
Rayman Origins
Sonic Generations
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Z.H.P.: Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman
I think the only place you can find stuff like this are movie theatres or what was formerly known as "Sega City Playdium" (now just called Playdium--it was this massive arcade; I'm sure it's still structured that way but I haven't been to that in soooo long) in Canada. Man, I miss arcades. They used to be really awesome, and local co-op was really fun and you got to meet a lot of people.But because of the way it's set up, you really can't get the full experience without replicating the entire thing. There were never any homeports, and good luck finding this damn thing in an arcade(or an arcade anywhere).
I wonder about the future of game preservation. Are you just gonna rely on emulation to save everything? And what about the really huge several GB+ games? Or things like Lucky and Wild well the full experience can't be grasped with your keyboard or dualshock controller. I think a lot of games are just gonna be lost in time, living on in your memories.
I don't know if that's my favourite RPG this gen. It's the one that I liked to play the most and had a lot of fun with, though. I'm looking at my games and I'm not sure what to pick.The one you own 3 copies of? :V
Should really give this series a shot again. It reminded me a lot of Tintin.Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
And I probably fell asleep while doing so.tiggerkiddo said:She played Pink Haired Heroines XIII-2
And I probably fell asleep while doing so.
Should really give this series a shot again. It reminded me a lot of Tintin.
I swear this is not the intent.I swear to god every time I see someone swearing, I immediately look back at my most recent post to make sure I didn't swear.
This challenge is actually driving me insane :lol
And Tails frequently jumped into some alternate fox-laden medieval dimension where he was a genuine hero despite being something of a wimp in his main dimension
And somewhere during this fishy businessMetal KnucklesKnuckles Metallix came into play
Eventually Eggman makes a powergrab for the emeralds on the Floating Island but winds up vasnishing but he hasn't vanished he was shrunk to a miniscule size and wound up on some microscopic Arabic world and Sonic follows him and it turns out Robotnik is good-natured Kintobor again but then he changes back to Robotnik arbitrarily
It should be the best of the series, yes?You should at least play through 2. Such a ride.
I swear this is not the intent.
It's not that bad!
A shame that when Uncharted 2 isn't being a set piece extravaganza it's a pretty unremarkable third person shooter filled with boring spongy enemies and tediously linear scenery scaling "platforming".
Bah, game of the generation my arse, great presentation let down by everything that actually matters, it's good enough at best.
Why does Nolan have to be in everything?