I heard that in Fire Emblem you can marry a character who, due to ~~anime magic physics~~, is 100+ years old but looks like a little girl and the game actually calls you out on it.
Is what I've heard accurate?
That sort of thing ("I'm hundreds of years old so don't call me a kid!") seems to happen often in this series, so it's really not new. I have to say that I'm not too fond of the marriage mechanic, just because it makes me start thinking of Record of Agarest War, but it's IntSys, so I figure it'll be done in a much more balanced way than Agarest did. Hm.. we'll see.
Those creeps wanted "TACTICAL WAIFU ACTION" as the |OT| title... :/
I am honestly really glad the OT title didn't have the word "Waifu" or any other irritating unfunny weeaboo slang in it (ironic or not). Mainly because many people came up with possible titles for the OT and most of them involved the word Waifu or something else equally dumb. I'll probably be avoiding the thread anyways though.
Also, I just want to say I am so glad there is a thread such as this one where I can vent about weeaboo speak. It's just so painfully unfunny.
I peeked into an FE discussion thread once and didn't really like what I saw. I mean, great, you like the character designs and think they're cute, but some of it kinda borders on creepy. And it makes me feel like I come to the series for a completely different reason than what some other people seem to.
Just to be clear I meant strictly in the URL. I only thought it up because of this post.
And the URL is "http://laughable-lion-king-art.tumblr.com/post/41578166212/bryko-rip-the-fuck-did-i-just-watch"
Nah, that's fine. He can't control that, especially if he censors it, it'll just break the link.
All I care about SE is just Dragon Quest
Is X going to be localized?
I have a feeling that a lot of the DQ stuff might be dependent on how Nintendo's feeling about the game. It would probably be somewhat beneficial to both companies to localize DQX. They're probably just waiting for the Wii U version to be released rather than localizing the Wii version.
Why on earth haven't they released FFX/XII in HD yet? Or Dragon Quest 8?
Because they're busy with FFXIV and KH 1.5 first.
You'd be surprised with how many resources that FFXIV seems to be eating up, apparently.
The lack of Japanese developers is the only real downside, and even that's changing these days.
Falcom used to be really into putting their games on PC first and foremost, and then they moved to the handheld market when they saw that it became incredibly profitable. But I do wish they'd go back to the PC in some cases because it would then be easier to localize/patch some of their games.
Most of the Japanese PC games I've played have been VNs or something along those lines, and I wish more companies would jump on the wagon and diversify the genre makeup a bit. They aren't necessarily technologically impressive, but if they made leaps and bounds in that area, maybe then more people might play them.