The comment for the curious, was on this video, where I posted a download for those Super Mario Sunshine/Galaxy maps somebody ported in to BlitzSonic:
You certainly have...Any of you know of this "Mariotehplumber" guy on Youtube? I feel like I've seen him mentioned in here before, maybe.
He left me a comment on one of my videos and I don't know how or if I should even react.
Awww... cute.Combichristoffersen said:A cushion I made in primary school, probably when I was about 8-10.
Mmmm. That's a shame. But at least I won't feel too terrible blocking him. I just don't want to take a chance blocking a troll and having it come back on me somehow.
The comment for the curious, was on this video, where I posted a download for those Super Mario Sunshine/Galaxy maps somebody ported in to BlitzSonic:
Remember when Pogs were a thing?
"SONIC HEROES DIDN'T HAPPEN. EVERYONE FORGET ABOUT IT." (Although you could make some argument that it was more like going... assist super than directly super. But still, that's dumb.)
And if you want to get really picky, I don't think Tails could go Super without the Hyper Emeralds, so it was more of a Sonic & Knuckles thing...
i need somewhere to cry about this:
fuck you bandaiiiiiiiiiii
Out of curiosity, I checked previous threads you've created and you use to post with punctuation. I find that humorous for some reason.
Awww... cute.
Man, all my primary school did was teach us woodworking and cutting plastic. I wish I learned how to sew. Heh. Well... at least I can stitch to mend.
Remember when Pogs were a thing?
I just bought Sonic 4 Ep. 1 on WiiWare (I've only ever played the terrible demo on PS3). I'm horrified and disgusted in myself for paying $15 for it... yet somehow I don't mind. What should I know before heading in? Any tips?
I just bought Sonic 4 Ep. 1 on WiiWare (I've only ever played the terrible demo on PS3). I'm horrified and disgusted in myself for paying $15 for it... yet somehow I don't mind. What should I know before heading in? Any tips?
Take another look at it. It's not actually a transformation or a Super form, it's more or less Super Sonic sharing his chaos energy in the forms of protective bubbles of some sort.
To be honest, Knuckles might not even be able to turn super anymore either as it hasn't occurred since Sonic 3. If they make an Episode III, I guess we'll see then.
I just bought Sonic 4 Ep. 1 on WiiWare (I've only ever played the terrible demo on PS3). I'm horrified and disgusted in myself for paying $15 for it... yet somehow I don't mind. What should I know before heading in? Any tips?
I just bought Sonic 4 Ep. 1 on WiiWare (I've only ever played the terrible demo on PS3). I'm horrified and disgusted in myself for paying $15 for it... yet somehow I don't mind. What should I know before heading in? Any tips?
I keep championing Modern Seaside Hill as the best level in Generations specifically because it branches like crazy in 3D. It's something they've finally figured out how to do, and will presumably keep doing going forward. It and Sky Sanctuary are pretty light on boost usage, to boot.
I was also thinking of Modern Seaside hill as the best representation of a branching 3D stage. I was actually pleasantly surprised with how open it got at times (despite those moments being shortlived).
The problem with how this is set up however is that Sonic's current control scheme isn't suited for this kind of gameplay. Despite three attempts, controlling this Sonic in an open space remains rather clumsy and slippery. Something about his acceleration and turning radius leaves a lot to be desired. I much preferred his movement in SA. Not that it wasn't without its faults either, but controlled better for sure.
I just bought Sonic 4 Ep. 1 on WiiWare (I've only ever played the terrible demo on PS3). I'm horrified and disgusted in myself for paying $15 for it... yet somehow I don't mind. What should I know before heading in? Any tips?
Thinking about it, what would be cool to port into the engine (or even the Generations engine) would be Mario Kart levels. Running through Coconut Mall or Mario Circuit would be funny.
Wonder if anyone's cracked the S&SASR levels, chuck them in too![]()
Hack in Radiant Emerald music and it will be the best level everSomeone actually ported Rainbow Road from Mario Kart haha.
Fuck that terrible piece of shit so hard. I ragequit at that guy last summer, and didn't pick the game up again until earlier this year, when I finally managed to beat him.
Are you guys shocked a Dimps game is utter garbage?
Seriously, fuck that boss fight. So irritating. And I hate how your ring loss randomly flies so high you can't get them back, and it's really random too. GREAT GAME DESIGN, SEGA. Oh and the homing attack is annoying as shit to use against certain boss fights but it's the only easy way to hit them argggggg
Y'mean this?
Guy on Youtube said:Get a fucking life mariotehplumber, you piece of shit
I've just told Sonic1/mariotehplumber about the iizuka interview and hes raging, lol
Might be seeing another video soon.
I fuckin HATED this guy. Took me around an hour and a half to finally beat the damn thing.
Sonic 4 was such an uninspired game. Is episode 2 any better? I played a little bit at a friends house but it didn't really impress :/
Dat air dash to squeak past Metal at the last second :lol
I fuckin HATED this guy. Took me around an hour and a half to finally beat the damn thing.
Sonic 4 was such an uninspired game. Is episode 2 any better? I played a little bit at a friends house but it didn't really impress :/
Dat air dash to squeak past Metal at the last second :lol
I fuckin HATED this guy. Took me around an hour and a half to finally beat the damn thing.
Sonic 4 was such an uninspired game. Is episode 2 any better? I played a little bit at a friends house but it didn't really impress :/
Alright, I beat this game.I beat Episode Metal too, which I think it would've been a lot better if they just let you play Episode I as Metal Sonic, instead of the watered down version of Episode I in this game.There's like zero ending to this game. The boss itself I suppose is some kind of Egg Heart? Honestly, it may have been luck or chance but that boss is easier then the desert boss.
What has this game improved on over the Episode I?
-Physics (very slightly)
-New bosses, not rehashes
-Co-op (However lackluster it may be, co-op is better than no co-op)
-Music (Not all of it, some has improved, some has worsened dramatically.)
What it does worse compared to Episode I?
-Level designs (There's a lot more random deaths, and the Tails aspect will add to that count in the forced Tails segments)
-Random deaths (It's actually worse this time around)
-Bosses (Now while they may be original-ish, they play out to 5-6 minutes and last longer then the actual levels themselves. And it's not like an engaging fight, the fights are practically sleep inducing boring.)
-Music (There are tracks in this that don't really seem like they were done by a professional sound team. The creativity in some have lowered a lot from Episode I)
The Bad?
The Tails Team Roll aspect of this game is hardly used, and the only time you feel you "need" to use it is when the game forces you to do so to open walls and boxes. The Spindash in this game is more than powerful enough to make it almost useless. It also doesn't bring anything new to the table that the Spindash hasn't.
Super Sonic uses what appears to be the exact same physics from Episode I, meaning he drops like a dead weight out of nowhere due to not having momentum. Did someone forgot to copy and paste the other variables? Seems so.
In Sky Fortress Act 1, there are moments where you'll lose lock of the Homing Attack because the enemy placement removes your targeting causing more random deaths.
The random deaths. Where it may be pits with out warning, Tails losing grip over your character due to a design of the platform and not because he's tired, they are plentiful.
The Boss fights as stated above. Probably the worst aspect of this game is the bosses.
The PC version is only displayed in 720p, and even if you use a lower resolution, it'll upscale it making it look bad.
The Good?
Using Tails's flying aspect to save you from random pits is nice, and it reminds me how wall jumps save me in New Super Mario Bros.
A lot of the new normal enemies look cool and interesting, like the Polar Bear and Boar.
There are some gems in the soundtrack like White Park Act 2, Sky Fortress Act 2, VS Metal Sonic and Sylvania Castle Act 2.
The Graphics are an impressive improvement over Episode I, and it makes me wish the original game had these graphics.
Well, there are some good aspects to this game, but where there is good there is also bad tying it down. This game had the potential to be a lot better, and I honestly think they didn't put the effort in this they should have.
Anyone here not played Sonic Generations yet?
Sky Sanctuary Act 1?