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Sonic the Hedgehog Community Thread: Green Hills and Laughing Iizukas

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So this is going to be a thing:
Well that's going to take a little bit of the Oompth of the likely event of Mega Man and Sonic being in Smash 4, just like Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games being announced did for Sonic's eventual Brawl reveal.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I miss SonicGAF. We need a new Sonic game. :/

Or a new soundtrack. Something. Tired of Gaming side for the moment, so I'll just hang out here and listen to music or something. :|

Anyway...speak of the devil with regards to that MM/Sonic thing. It should work out better than that Sonic and the Sabrina crossover.

Sonic Universe #41

Oh boy, a Silver issue. We all love Silver!

Alright, I know what's happening because Sonic and the previous SU arc dealt with this stuff, but sometimes in media res doesn't work very well.

I recognize that Larry guy but I'm not sure where I remember him from.

Shard is pretty awesome and snarky. There's something about SU that makes the robots in the series pretty good.

Oh lord what attracts Silver to ruins so? Well, at least they're in Windy Valley and not Dusty Desert. D:

The Death Trap leading to a death trap line was pretty good.

Silver, why do you try so hard? Guys, why is this stealth team not so stealthy? They're so terribad.

When did Geoffrey get so cool? He's got magic, stealth, and the fighting/mission experience to go along with it.

Oh gosh, Silver's powers actually did something of value instead of making life hell for everyone.

And now Naugus is up against the Elias and co. Goody.

SU > Sonic X > Knuckles.

I dunno. Last issue was super-awesome, but first issues in an arc are always supposed to set things up. Shard is really good, so I'm looking forward to seeing more of him.

Mega Man #14

Harvey Greenleaf is here with a VISION.

So the third page talks about the Asimov laws of robotics, obviously being a part of the Spiritus Ex Machina arc. Let's review: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.

There's a little portion in here where Mega Man acknowledges that he's simply powerless unless he's given a mission by a human (Dr. Light), or if he has to protect another. In this manner, he acknowledges somewhat that he's merely a tool to suit the needs of others. This kind of goes back to the previous issue with the AI debates. How do robots think? Do they even think? Do they even feel? Are they merely tools for society?

But it somewhat contrasts with what happens on the next page with Kalinka and Roll, where Kalinka's crying for her father/inventor. In this way, the robots are also kind of like children (which is what Dr. Light thinks of Rock and Roll -- as his own family). Robots are not merely tools, but instead they're people.

And now we're back to the Amazon with Wily. (Hahahaha, all of the reference back to dialogue bits are now advertisements for things about to go on sale). We're really setting up for Super Adventure Rockman now! Quick Man is back.

And now we're back to the convention center where there's another little thing about robot sentience and following protocols. I can't help but to feel like the Emerald Spears are being rather cruel. It's interesting to see Elec Man being more diplomatic about the situation than the humans. But this is likely because their existence was based around orders and protocols.

We meet the fellow, Xander, who's probably behind all this. Muttering about how robots made him lose his eye. He wants the scientists eliminated with the robots because then research would be set back for decades! Gwahahahahaha! *ahem* But it explores another issue of brute force and some form of ...reasoning... through re-education or brainwashing or some nonsense. The eyepatch fella seems to be all about brute force here to get rid of all the sheeple!

The next few pages deal with how different Quake Woman is from Elec Man, Rockman, and Pharaoh Man because she just can't worry at all. I would imagine that she's speaking slightly monotone. Kind of weird. If she can't worry, she must have some sort of disconnect socially. I wonder if any repercussions would come about from this. Again, it plays into the question of what purpose do robots serve? Are they tools? How advanced should their AI be? Do we want to interact with them on our personal level? This is the sort of debate that's doing on in engineering and AI fields right now, so it's interesting that the debate is being carried out here.

"Are you watching a Youtoo video?"

So now Wily's recruited Heat Man to illuminate his surroundings. And Flash Man's here too. They found another robot and Quick Man wants to hook him up with Flash Man. Oh dear. We also get to see Magnet Man who mentions "Ra-Moon".

Switch back to the convention centre. It's nice that Rock looks like a kid. That crazy robot dog's chasing him around to dupe some guards.

But back to the debate. Greenfield puts forth that giving robots personalities is just a falsity of nature. It's arrogant. But Light reasons that it's a bit like putting a reflection of humanity within a robot (hrmmm... I have a thought about this, and it's interesting that Flynn's bringing this up--in one way, Light is right, and in another, he's bringing up something rather controversial). Greenfield brings up the six Robot Masters who turned evil at the hands of Dr Wily, but also wonders why scientists would want to give that sort of freedom of choice (ex: do good or bad things) to robots? Light notes that not all robots are the same--Mega Man made the choice to fight for peace within the limits of his programming.

Xander wants to blow everyone up.

And he kicks Greenfield in the face. And now he's in charge. LOL.

Liked this issue a lot. Not a lot of action, but the dialogue was fun.

I think I might be picking up the most recent Sonic issue tomorrow. Hopefully.


I love Shard already because the voice I've worked out for him in my head is that of Iron Man from MvC3.

For some reason though Elijah Wood voices Elias in my head o_o


Sonic Universe #41

Alright, I know what's happening because Sonic and the previous SU arc dealt with this stuff, but sometimes in media res doesn't work very well.
I don't have #238 in hand yet, but apparently it fills in most of the gaps that this issue didn't bother filling in.

(Finally) started reading Sonic Universe. Nice to know where that hilarious panel of Shadow came from now.
Every once in a while Yardley goes for pure expressiveness over staying on model, and it's always great.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
I'm itching to find out how a Sonic game on WiiU would control like. I look at Rayman Legends and I sort of want something like that out of a Sonic game...

I don't have #238 in hand yet, but apparently it fills in most of the gaps that this issue didn't bother filling in.
I just read your impressions and
I knew I recognized Larry from somewhere else. I didn't think it was that long ago, though. And Shard is the original Metal Sonic? I should go back and re-read the Chaotix Adaptation. It should be in my stack somewhere... now that you mention it, he does look like the Metal Sonic from Rivals.
In a better world they would've held off doing anything called Sonic 4 until after Generations happened and after the success of the game branched Sonic off successfully into a 'classic' numbered series and a 'modern' series which maybe continued the Adventure series, like the different versions of Mega Man they had running at the same time.

Also while those 'leaks' from a few months ago could easily be bullshit, if Generations is indeed getting a few DLC zones that could be what SEGA releases these holidays to tide people over before a major new announcement.
Well, read up to Universe #22 since that's all I was able to procure from a relative for the time being (No idea how to get any of the older issues for myself at the moment)

Omega is the best goddamned thing about this comic so far :lol


I just read your impressions and
I knew I recognized Larry from somewhere else. I didn't think it was that long ago, though. And Shard is the original Metal Sonic? I should go back and re-read the Chaotix Adaptation. It should be in my stack somewhere... now that you mention it, he does look like the Metal Sonic from Rivals.

You might be mixing him up with Lightning Lynx. Or I could be forgetting a later appearance, but the Substitute Freedom Fighters had a tendency to show up without him.

As for Shard, yeah. He's technically the second one in the series, after... #9's Pseudo Sonic, but #25/Chaotix/#86-87 are all the same basic robot. The last one is the most important one with regards to Shard by a long shot, but I'm really curious to see if either of his prior appearances are mentioned. He's currently working for the SFF, but strictly speaking I don't think he has any real ties binding him there, so he's on a very short list of completely unaligned free agents in the series (the only other ones coming to mind straight off the top of my head being Nack, Bean, and Bark). His motivations going forward could be anything.

Well, read up to Universe #22 since that's all I was able to procure from a relative for the time being (No idea how to get any of the older issues for myself at the moment)

Omega is the best goddamned thing about this comic so far :lol
They're steadily releasing back issues as trade paperback volumes on an arc-by-arc basis, which is a big part of why they like the four-issue story format.

And yeah, the series always needs more of its funny robots.

Sonic X Hello Kitty plushy

why is this a thing
btw, it was Nocturnowl's birthday yesterday, so happy belated to him. :)

That cake is still hilarious to this day. :p

And happy birthday to Nocturnowl, even if I don't know him too well. :)

Happy late Birthday, Nocturnowl! Better late then never!

Happy belated birthday, Nocturnowl!

Hooray, it's like having a second birthday the day after my actual birthday!

Happy belated birthday Nocturnowl!

You should know not to click that link
Oh boy a present and it has my name on it....ARRRRRGH!


I'm clueless as to what direction Sega is going to take Sonic for his next game. Especially since they said they have no plans to use Classic Sonic again anytime soon.

Also give us a handheld game too :p


So this is going to be a thing:

More promo-art here:


I swear, this has to be made just for me. Sonic 2 and Mega Man 2 are my all time two favorite games, let alone being my favorite franchises (along with Pokémon). The only way it could get any better was if it broke into an epic Pokémon battle using my favorite 'mons.

I would pay ridiculous money for 2D cross over game, though I have no clue how that would even work.


It's a movie?

Also, they're forgetting Sonic has his own "Blue" nickname.

Blue Bomber and the Blue Blur.


Congratulations on surviving an orbit around the sun, Nocturnowl



Junior Member
There's like nothing Sonic coming out! Well, except the racer. Wonder what Sonic Team are working on.

This year we have....

Sonic 4: episode 2
Sonic Adventure 2 HD in October
Sonic and All Stars Transformed in November

Frankly, Sonic Team taking their time with a new Sonic game is a very GOOD thing if you ask me.
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